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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. President of United Tribes Upbeat About Prospect of American Indian Committee Member for UND

    The state Board of Higher Education is to meet by conference call Tuesday to discuss the issue.

    "If the entire board votes in agreement during the special meeting on July 3, it will restore faith in the prospect that the board works on behalf of all citizens of the state," Gipp said in a statement this week.

    Gipp said the North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission unanimously approved a resolution last week urging the board to reconsider its earlier decision not to have an Indian member of the search committee. The resolution was sent to Gov. John Hoeven, Gipp said.

    So only a unanimous vote by the board will restore your faith? It's hard enough just to get people to agree on what time to have lunch. Be satisfied if you get an American Indian on the search committee.

  2. I moved here 30 years ago population was around 48,0000...2nd largest City in the State.

    Now 30 years later we have grown to a whopping 52,000...3rd maybe 4th largest City in State.

    The truth is that the City of Grand Forks is a aging population with a very small % of students staying after they graduate. We have no "Great Paying Jobs" in Industry / Technology / Manufacturing. Fargo's Micorsoft announces 100 jobs at the begining of this year that start for college grads at 100,0000 per, Grand Forks L & M Fiber announces 200 jobs for 13-15 dollars per hour.

    Until Grand Forks is able to secure some form of attractive High paying jobs, we will continue to lag behind in population.

    I believe it is a great place to live and raise a family, but you can not ask college grads to stay for 20-30,000 a year. I have seen alot come back into the community when a higher job opens up in the educational field (UND) or medical profession (Altru).

    Fargo in this same 30 year period has grown from 60,000 in 1977 to well over 90,000 and if you included West Fargo, Morehead and surrounding areas, I think they are close to 150,000.

    We've had this discussion once before as to why Fargo has grown so much more than GF, aside from the 1997 flood. There was a time in the 1960's and 1970's when GF's growth rate was higher than Fargo's, mostly due to the AFB. When the interstate system was built, Fargo was put in a prime location at the confluence of two interstate highways. Fargo started to become a distribution center and evolved from that. If I-94 (or an I-98) had gone through GF you would have seen a different scenario.

    Grand Forks cannot try and be like Fargo. Grand Forks needs to find its own niches and part of that is attracting high paying jobs. This is why I was kind of surprised when the GF City Council turned down Aurora Medical. I hope Aurora Medical still decides to build in GF. Someone in GF needs to think about ways to recruit high wage jobs, maybe from Winnipeg. Sorry to cut his off, in somewhat mid-thought, but I have to run.

  3. Hextall in 2008.

    The Hex is back

    “I’m excited about coming back to Penticton for another year,” said Hextall. “I love it there. I want to be one of the go to guys on the hockey club.”

    The 19-year-old was expected to begin his scholarship at the University of North Dakota in the fall. However, he’ll now be able to further prepare for his college career by playing one more season with the Vees.

  4. I'm sure that Cirrus and LM Glasfiber have something do with the population increase. They have both added a lot of jobs in the past couple of years. I agree, also, that the "U" has been involved in the growth, as well.

  5. Not really about UND playing DI lacrosse, but as The Sicatoka pointed out, it is Canada's "national summer sport".

    Most Canadians not tough enough to play lacrosse

    A five-pack of Canada Day thoughts and questions:

    5. When was the last time you really sang our national anthem? Or are you like me and for some reason are embarrassed to sing it too loudly in a public setting and therefore risk -- heaven forbid -- actually being heard? Weird.

    4. I understand being stuck with 'Eh?' as "one of those things that Canadians say." In fact, I like it. But who decided we said 'aboot'? We don't.

    3. What is it really about Toronto that people dislike?

    2. I think most of us understand the history as to why lacrosse is our national summer sport. I think it's also widely acknowledged that lacrosse is a cool, tough game. At no point, though, did it occur to us that even though we are quick to point out how tough we are as Canadians when it comes to hockey, most of us are not quite tough enough to play our own national sport.

    1. What figure would be higher: number of places you've visited in Canada or total number of times you've been to Grand Forks?

    Keep coming to Grand Forks

  6. It's all or nothing for Lee

    By the end of this development camp, defenceman Brian Lee, now 20, will have a good idea of how close he is to winning a spot in the Ottawa Senators' lineup.

    That, in large part, will determine whether he signs a contract with the team or returns to the University of North Dakota for a third season.

    He's not going to leave university to spend a year with the American Hockey League Binghamton Senators. Maybe a brief tour, but not a full year. That much was unspoken, but clear yesterday, despite some deft stickhandling around the topic.

    Come on back for one more year, Brian. :)
  7. It is coming. Get in front of it.

    There are some who say that hockey is a niche sport. Maybe they are right, but it is a niche sport that has brought a lot of success and notoriety to UND. Grand Forks is 70 miles south of Canada, making hockey a natural at UND. Using that same logic, why wouldn't lacrosse, Canada's national pastime, be successful at UND and possibly increase Canadian enrollment at UND?

  8. Hoeven supported adding Indian to search committee

    In a phone conversation Monday, Gov. John Hoeven told State Board of Higher Education President John Paulsen that he personally supports adding an American Indian member to the search committee that will choose UND's next president, according to Don Larson, a spokesman for the governor.
    Hoeven told Paulsen he knows the ultimate decision rests solely with the board, Larson said. Paulsen said Thursday that Hoeven's phone call was not instrumental in his decision.

    "I get lots of advice from lots of people," Paulsen said, "and I appreciate every time I get advice from the governor or the Indian Affairs Commission or both. So I don't want to belittle their advice in any way. But I was already in the process of clearly thinking this through in a way that was taking me in a direction away from my original decision."

    Things that make you go hmmm.
  9. And what about all the minorities on campus being excluded?

    I think we are reverting back to the discussion on June 14th. I know that I don't have all of the answers on this, but I believe having a Native American on the committee and "buying in" to the selection of the next president isn't a bad thing.

  10. If it means that the nickname issue becomes one of the primary issues in selecting the next UND president (and I suspect that it will), then this is a mistake.

    I agree that "if" it becomes a primary issue in the selection that it is a mistake, but I go back to my original position that by having a Native American on the selection committee will at the very least provide "inclusion" in the process. My thought is that that one person cannot drive the whole committee with his/her "one issue". I hope that I'm not wrong.

    I submit the name Archie Fool Bear for the presidential selection committee.

  11. I know they are reportedly not going to be competing venues, but this can't be good for the folks pushing the addition to the Fargodome. I can't imagine that they won't have other events in this facility besides hockey and with Urban Plains already breaking ground, they will have the advantage. If this goes to the voters, it's all over.

    Ground broken on new hockey arena

  12. Looks as if Paulsen has changed his mind...Board president wants Indian rep on UND search committee

    fter first rebuffing the idea, the president of the Board of Higher Education said he will recommend adding an American Indian to the panel that will recruit a new president for the University of North Dakota.

    "I've thought about it a lot. Obviously, it's received a lot of attention," John Q. Paulsen said Wednesday. "The more I thought about it, the more I reflected about it, the more it seemed to me that it was appropriate and, in fact, correct and right that there should be a representative of the American Indian community on the search committee."

    Makes you wonder who has Paulsen's ear. Just last week he was dead set against it and now after reflection, he is for it?? :ohmy:

    I'm on the record as being for it, I'm just wondering who changed Paulsen't mind.

  13. Police: MSU football players, students bust into mayor's home

    Two incoming freshman Montana State University football players and two other men burst into Bozeman Mayor Jeff Krauss' home early Monday morning in an attempt to escape police.

    The men, who police believed had been egging houses, were running from police at about 3:45 a.m. when they crawled through a basement window into Krauss' southside Park Place home, Bozeman Police Sgt. Steve Crawford said Tuesday.

    What's in the water in Montana??
  14. Maybe the Sioux got one more...

    McPherson drafted by Devils

    He said he wants to “continue to develop, maybe get a few more points, commit somewhere for college the year after.’’

    The University of North Dakota, Ohio State and Colorado College rank as McPherson’s top choices. He’s grateful to the Caps for giving him the opportunity to play more competitive hockey.

    “I wouldn’t have any of the exposure if I stayed down here and played the same here I did the year before,’’ McPherson said.

  15. A great article on the Bollinger Family...

    Passing it on

    As a boy, Bollinger reveled in hanging around his father, Rob, the longtime offensive coordinator at the University of North Dakota. Brooks would shag balls during practices, and play catch with the quarterbacks every chance he had.

    The two will get to rekindle those fond times as they jointly host the Bollinger Quarterback and Receiver School July 8-11 at UND in Grand Forks.

    Why do these two places always come up when people talk about GF? :ohmy:
    Brooks will eat first at the Red Pepper, home of an offbeat "grinder" sandwich that features taco meat, salami, lettuce, mayo and hot sauce, and Italian Moon, a restaurant with a diverse menu that ranges from pizza to ribs and Mexican dishes.
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