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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. From reading the box scores from yesterday's games it seems like Kringstad for GPR had a pretty good game against Warroad making 44 saves. Also, Warroad had to rally late to tie the spoilers (scored with 22 seconds to go), so I consider that to be a very good showing for North Dakota hockey and GPR.
  2. This is kind of a funny argument we are having. I mean we go ahead and bash western North Dakota and its relatively young hockey programs and relatively small numbers participation wise, then go into an all out defensive strategy with the same arguments that some don't see as acceptable for the west region schools when a Minnesotan bashes our high school hockey..... 1. Low participation 2. Younger programs 3. Popularity of sport I for one believe that North Dakota hockey is behind Minnesota hockey, but I'll retract my earlier statement and say that the best teams in North Dakota can play AND BEAT the best teams in Minnesota. PS: I'm not sure who argued my point earlier about Minnesota schools not recruiting, but if you really don't believe that they do I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
  3. So this is basically the same argument that certain east region North Dakota hockey fans make over and over again about the west region. WE KNOW!!!! The Vikings wear purple, the Packers are from Green Bay, and it snows in Minnesota in the winter time. WE KNOW THIS!!!!! I bet it would be a lot more even if Minnesota schools weren't allowed to recruit kids for hockey programs.
  4. "Thats Lamoureux, from Lamoureax and Lamoureax as 12:05 of the first peiod." Did Tony Bina play goal for the alumni squad then? I'm not sure how safe it is to let the players shoot on the coach... I played an intramural game earlier this year against Jason Stadstad's team, and it was great seeing him out on the ice. He was in good spirits, and having a great time just playing the game!
  5. Yeah...like that will happen. I'll give Fargo South props because from what I've seen they are the best team in the state. Beating Red River and Grafton on the road isn't easy, and they've got the goaltending this season to guide them through any rough streches of play. Its a long season, but I expect them to be playing in the state championship game.
  6. Minot lost one of the better players in the state in Jordan Willert to Tri City of the USHL. He led the state in scoring last season, and probably would have led the state in scoring again (before anybody can spout off about this, he plays in the West Region, I know I know). He is a pretty big kid who is a great passer and can score goals. If he had stayed I think Minot would undoubtedly have won the West Region this season, but they are still a pretty good hockey team, with a new enthusiastic coaching staff.
  7. Minot 3 Devils Lake 2 Minot fell behind 2-0 early in the second period, but completely dominated from that point on. I didn't hear the final shots for the game, but I'm guessing it was close to 40-15 or so. Devils Lake has a good young team, and under the direction of Al Henry, they can only get better as the season goes. PS: That Hillman nearly stole a game for BHS against Minot this past Tuesday. I wasn't at the game but I guess he was absolutely outstanding.
  8. I've tried talking about the west on this message board, but with that comes constant belittering from posters who constantly feel the need to reiterate the fact that eastern hockey is better. The grass is green, the sun is warm, ice is cold, and yes, in North Dakota eastern hockey is better than western hockey....
  9. Whether the play was offsides or not (I was on the far side, and if I remember it correctly it was pretty much a 2-0 becasue Swanson outraced the Central defender) you have to admit it was one helluva goal. West Fargo had a 5-3 for about 1:30 and didn't score because of Shane's goaltending, and some other chances that Shane stuffed. Central's second goal came on a play where the West Fargo goaltender made a mistake, and I really don't think he had to make any real difficult saves throughout the game. I agree with the assessment that penalties and depth hurt Central in this game, but I still think West Fargo is the better club.
  10. West Fargo 3 Central 2 I was pleased that I decided to attend this game. West Fargo showed a lot of maturity in the game, and could have easily won the game by a couple more goals had they converted on the powerplay. Central flat out took too many penalties, and didn't have any real good scoring opportunites besides the first goal (the second goal was a fluke goal). Remember the name Tyler Swanson. The kid is a sophomore defenseman for West Fargo and scored the gamewinning goal on a breakaway where had the puck in his own end and outraced a central defender all the way down the ice and sniped the Central goaltender. It was one of the better hustle play goals I've ever seen, and the fact that it came from a Sophomore.... This game wasn't a fluke, I think West Fargo is a better hockey team.
  11. Never say never. Watching Kringstad play the last four years has been really a treat. A very animated goaltender who makes some dumb saves look quite easy. The best thing he has going is his quickness, and the fact that he never gives up on a play. If GPR wins a state title this season it will be because of him.
  12. I'm not sure what to think about that goal. I guess there are good arguments both ways as to why the goal should and shouldn't have counted, but as a Sioux fan I'll have to say that it was a goal. If Parise had come out of the net and hit Stoa (I think thats who it was) then Shepherd could have blown his whistle, but because Parise and Stoa didn't have contact, the goal call was correct. (Last year the goal would have been waved off though....) The Sioux didn't deserve to win tonight. Someone noted earlier that Stafford was nonexistant tonight, and that was exactly the case....He has got to step up and take the lead in games like this, and he didn't do that. This team is coming along though....its a work in process....
  13. In the surprise of the night, while driving around Grand Forks tonight I tune into the GPR-Devils Lake game to find out that although the score is 6-2, the game was a lot closer than that (as commented on by both Grafton radio guys). Devils Lake has got a great coach, and has a young squad that will only get better with time. I'm not sure how the score ended, but the fact that it was only 4-2 going into the third period (at least thats how the Grafton radio guys made it seem) says a lot about how much Devils Lake has improved. Anybody have a final score for the Central-EGF game? Last I heard was 2-0 EGF after two.
  14. I put Shanley 5th because although they beat Central, I still believe Central to be the better hockey team. I put Minot and North behind West Fargo for now because West Fargo has played pretty well up to this point, and there is no reason yet to drop them. North got beaten badly at home by Grafton (I expected them to lose, but not by that much), and Minot has yet to beat an eastern team. I honestly believe that West Fargo has a legit chance to make state this year.
  15. I agree with your rankings, but I would put Grafton ahead of RR for now. I've been pleasently surprised with Minot. Although they are a little lacking in the depth department both of the losses this year occurred with them playing without some of their better players. Yesterday against East Grand they played without one of the better wings on the team (for what reason I am unsure), and the second line center played only one shift and left with a hurt shoulder (maybe collar bone, not sure), and they had to juggle some things up. It worries me that this team has been hit with the injury bug, but then again it also worries me that they only put up two goals yesterday when they had a lot of chances to score some more. I'll give my rankings. 1. South 2. Grafton 3. Red River 4. Central 5. Shanley 6. West Fargo 7. Minot 8. Fargo North 9. Williston 10. Devils Lake
  16. With all of those Sophomores playing well for Red River, they will undoubtedly be a force for the years to come. Did they start 3 Sophomores? I think thats what it was. They just continue to reload year in and year out. PS: Does anybody know if there is a new rule in place or the option of the home team wearing their dark uniforms this season? Both games I've been too the home team has donned their usual away uniforms. Just checking/wondering...
  17. I also attended the Fargo South-Red River game, and I'll agree with both assessments made on the game. It was a great high school hockey game that can probably be labeled as the most physical game that I've ever seen at Purpor arena (that includes the game last year when Vigen just destroyed a Central player). If you were moving, you got hit, thats simply the way it was. I still think that Galt should win Mr. Hockey after this game. Although Weisgarber looked good as well, Galt was probably the best player for South tonight. Whenever he has the puck in the offensive zone something happens, and his ability to get the puck to the net through traffic is amazing.... PS: Weisgarber is one helluva backchecker as well. A very complete player.
  18. The West is clearly down this season, although the West is always the weaker the regions, this year it may be a huge difference. Lets get one thing straight though, there is no way that Central Finishes 8th in the east region. I mean come on...8th? In that Shanley game central flat out gave up at points, and I see central beating them in a rematch at any point in the season. If Central finishes 8th, I will never post here again...
  19. Come on people, Red River won the game 8-3, does it really matter if there was a penalty shot or not? You guys sound like UND-Duluth fans arguing about the empty net goal in the Duluth series. Take that goal away its still 4-3 UND. Take the Shanley goal away...its 8-2 Red River...
  20. I was at the Central-Minot Game, and it was a great high school hockey game. Central outshot Minot by about 30-20, and they scored the game winning goal with like 38 seconds left in the game. Minot dominated the first period, but from then on it was pretty much all Central. If it wasn't for some great goaltending from Minot's goalie it could have been a larger deficit, yet the Central goalie played good as well. Central's first goal was clearly a high stick, but none of the reffs saw it and didn't change the call as they shouldn't of because none of them had a good view of the play. Central still very much deserved to win the game with the way that they played at the end though, they played very inspired hockey in the third period. Minot will have trouble with depth. They have three solid lines of forwards when everyone is healthy/eligible (one player out with injury I believe, another out for a fighting penalty he recieved in the first game), yet they only have four reliable defensemen, and that was a big factor in Central wearing Minot down in the end. Like I said though, a great high school game, very few penalties called, and pretty decent flow.
  21. Great post ND Pride Actually, the eastern schools will get a good look at Minot. Starting with this Saturday, as Central makes the trip up to Minot. In December Minot comes down to Grand Forks to play East Grand Forks in the home of economy classic, and in early February Minot comes out east again to play Red River and Grafton on consecutive nights. The games in February should be a good indicator of what kind of team Minot is because it will be the last month of the season, and playing on the road against two good eastern schools will be a challenge for them. I love this time of year....
  22. Boy, this was the first time I've listened to the show in a while, and I'm glad I took the time too. I can't believe how many stupid questions that Hak had to put up with.... Examples: Maybe your team should party on Saturday night instead of Friday night. Fan insinuating that they should have played Zach (mistake of course for Jordy) on Saturday night. Wouldn't it have been good to see a player take a run at Paukovich? Question about the UND getting money on the logo like Florida State.... Hak took these questions with a lot of class, and I know that Deano would've probably said something he would have regretted. I really have no idea why Swyg and Hennessy would want Hak to go on the record and say something about how he would have loved to see someone take a shot at Paukovich. I think we all know what he wants to say, but he can't just say something like that on the radio.....
  23. Well, it looks like the game this week against South Dakota just got pushed up another notch in relevance to importance with the new regional rankings. If they beat South Dakota on the road that should put them in front of UNO in the final regional poll, but who knows. Question to the ranking experts: If UND loses this weekend, could they miss the playoffs?
  24. Belmore showed how worthless of a QB he is.... What a worthless performance by our QB today.... What was worse was the play call on 3rd down at the end of the game. We have a future NFL left tackle, Digger Anderson, and we try running the ball with our QB? Give the ball to Beatty and let him get a first down to win the game.....that was a horrendous third down call..... I have to compliment the defense on a great game though. They were on the field the entire game, and to hold an offense like Omaha to 20 points with the position that they were put in time in and out was pretty gutsy. They'll be upset at themselves for the loss, but they truely played a great game.
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