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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Alright, I'll take a stab at it. I already predicted Thursday, so here goes. I'll just predict the East for now. Friday: West Fargo-5 Jamestown-3 North-4 Shanley-3 Red River-4 Central-1 Fargo South-6 Grafton-2 Saturday: Central-5 North-2 Grafton-6 West Fargo-3 South-3 Red River-2 OT
  2. Agreed. I think it will definately be the best game of Thursday. The way Central has been playing of late its tough to pick against them, and I think there is some motivation to get another crack at Red River.
  3. Mandan over Bottineau 4-3 Jamestown over Wahpeton 8-2 Minot over Mandan 6-1 Bismarck over Hazen 5-2 Willison over Dickinson 5-2 Devils Lake over Century 4-1 Red River over Jamestown 6-0 Central over West Fargo 3-1 South over Shanley 8-1 Grafton over North 7-3 No big suprises on day #1
  4. Well, the regionals are set! Minot vs. Bottineau/Mandan Bismarck vs. Hazen Williston vs. Dickinson Devils Lake vs. Century Red River vs. Jamestown/Wahp. Central vs. West Fargo Fargo South vs. Shanley Grafton vs. Fargo North
  5. Minot 4 Devils Lake 3 OT Devils Lake absolutely deserved to win this hockey game. They outshot, outhit, outplayed a very flat minot team. I guess I'll let Minot get away with the excuse that the game didn't mean much other than senior night, but they still have to play better to make any noise at WDA or state. I give Al Henry and his team all the credit in the world. Only 3 seniors on the team, and a majority of the ice time was taken by juniors and sophomores....look out for DL next year, and the rest of this year. PS: Before the game a moment was taken in remembrance of Brady Samson, the son of former Minot High School coach Gary Samson who passed away after a courageous battle with muscular dystrophy. From now on they will hand out an award named after Brady that will go to the player on the team that best exemplifies the spirit of good play and love for his team. It was a very emotional little ceremony and for the first time in many years I found tears in my eyes at a hockey game.
  6. Minot 7 Century 1-Just Heard the score, and that Dittus for Minot had a hattrick. I kind of questioned both misconducts that the Central players recieved as well. Slominski didn't swear or anything, I was standing at that end of the ice, and all he yelled was "thats a dive". I'm not sure what the other Central player said, that was at center ice, but he looked surprised as well to serve the penalty. As long as we are talking about Ladoucer penalties, I got one too once for looking at him the wrong way.
  7. I believe it was Simonson, Slominski, and Barclay. Not certain about Slominski. The Miller Campbell line provided the offense for the Spoilers.
  8. A couple more... Favorite haircut: Had to be Teeder Wynn. Favorite little guy: Hoogsteen or Notermann Favorite Character: Mike Prpich, or Archibald. Best Shot: Bochenski, or Naumenko Favorite Defensman: Travis Roche Favorite all time name: Reggie Morelli Favorite all time coach: Deano, of course.... Favorite Game: UND 4 BC 2.....Jason Ulmer for Hobey...
  9. favorite goal scorer...Jason "The Energizer Bunny" Blake. Always made stuff happen. favorite tough guy...Mike Commodore. Intimidation... favorite set up guy...Zach Parise. Great playmaker. favorite goalie...Karl Goehring. Always had confidence in Karl. favorite team...96-97 team. The Hoogsteens, Schweitzer, Murphy, Panzer. I loved those guys. favorite sioux game ever attended.... 6-4 win over BC two years ago. Last seasons win over Wisconsin at the Final Five. favorite play...Spirko making Harrington look like a cone...Or Matt Henderson (I believe) shorthanded breakaway goal against BU in the title game.... favorite comeback i attended...The BC game. favorite current players...Phil Lamoureax, Jordan Parise, TJ Oshie
  10. Other scores from WDAZ: East Grand 2 Detroit Lakes 1 GFC 2 Warroad 1 Red River 13 Wahpeton 1 Great win for Grand Forks Central!
  11. I absolutely agree. ND Pride has been a real attribute to this site. Its nice to know whats going on down in Fargo with hockey. I don't think the guy has once said anything derogatory toward any player or program, and I enjoy what he types. Any scores from tonight?
  12. This one indeed will get ugly. Red River will probably play four lines all game long, and work on some different systems (powerplay, breakouts). Hopefully no one gets hurt, and its a clean hockey game. Hopefully Central will have a good showing against Warroad. Depending on which Warroad team shows up...
  13. Its nice that they decided to move the tourny to Purpur. I'm guessing they probably used the same rationale for moving the Central-Red River game back to the old arena as well. I wish I could attend the east regional this year, I'm sure that Purpur will be rocking for the Red River-Fargo South Championship game....
  14. The EDC won't be at the Ralph because the Sioux will be occupying it that weekend against Duluth.
  15. 1. I have never said one time that JV hockey should NOT be talked about. 2. I have never said one time that we should only talk about other posts. 3. This is an open board. Why can't I post? 4. Why is it a problem that I attend the EDC tournament? Is there a problem with the fact that I like watching high school hockey? (I'm not the only ex hockey player who attends games). I won't be there this year though, sorry. 5. You bet I will be at the games at the state tournament! Although the west region teams will probably get beat, I will be there supporting them. What is the problem with this? 6. I had no clue that this site was just for talk about East Region hockey. My apologies. If you don't mind, I would like to ask your name, and how you know me? And I would be more than happy to buy you a taco in a bag. "this is a website set up for all people wanting to post their views on hockey of all forms" Yet, I can't post my opinion....yeah, you're not a hypocrit....or an English major for that matter. I would still like to buy you a taco in a bag though.
  16. Was there really a reason to post this? I mean, what exactly are you trying to prove by posting something like this? Talk about your team or something relevant, this is just worthless drivel..... Should I post something about your grammar?
  17. Thank you for sharing this. Hopefully Sean and the entire Deichert family will be able to get through this with the help of each other, and family friends. I'm definately rooting for the kid now!
  18. That is horrible news.... That definately puts things into perspective for everyone on this board. If you don't mind my asking, was it an unexpected death? Very sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with the Deicherts....
  19. Classic West teams running their mouths? You have got to be kidding me. What is your proof of this? Only teams from the west region get unsportsmanlike conduct penalties? That has got to be one of the worst posts I've ever read... I'm sure thats exactly what Schmidt says to the officials. My dad and uncle were the big time, so you're wrong....
  20. I was at the Grafton-Minot game, and it was a pretty good game. You could tell that Minot had played a game the day before because they started a little flat, but after that it was a hard fought game that could have gone either way. The Campbells are great hockey players, and work really well together. They just seem to know exactly where each other will be. Kringstad....man....well he's a goalie.....I guess he keeps the game loose for the spectators....
  21. It must have been only one or two because I pretty much sat next to the Minot JV team for the entire game, and they were sitting about right on the goal line of Minots end. I'm sure it was just the fact that the Minot players are unclassy, the Red River players had nothing to do with this....
  22. I believe it has to do with goal differential against Grafton. South beat them 2-1, and 6-2, for a differential of 5. Red River beat them 4-1, and plays them later this month. Red River needs to win (obviously) and do so by 3 goals to get the #1 seed. If they win by 2 goals, I have absolutely no idea what they'd do next....
  23. I was at the game: The unsportsmanlike was not a weak call. I have no idea what Tollefson was doing. He shot it right at the goalie like three seconds after the whistle blew. That wasn't a bad call. Any official in the state would have made this call. I was also there for the end of the JV game, and didn't see anything about Minot players wanting to start a fight (at least on the ice....) The guys just shook hands with the reffs, and they went off the ice. I guess I didn't see anything.
  24. Red River 5 Minot 4 First of all, what a great high school hockey game. Back and forth all night long, and the best player wins it with one second left for Red River (Mihulka). I am very happy to say I know the kids from Minot after their game tonight. They played toe to toe with one of the best teams in the state, and they could have won it if they had taken advantage of a couple more opportunities. I was impressed with the play of Rosendahl and Mihulka again for Red River. Rosendahl made some great saves, and of the ones he let in, none could be considered weak. Minot probably made a mistake in starting their backup goaltender which put them down 4-1 through two with a couple of questionable goals, but when they got their starter in the game they played pretty well. Mihulka is a great player. Red River can just jump on his back, and let him do his thing. The kid works his tail off, and deserves the goals he scores. I've gotta believe he'll be in the Mr. Hockey top three. Great hockey game.
  25. It is quite amazing how Minot has changed their penalty minutes from last year. Last year I believe they were the most penalized team in the state, or very close to it. The new coaching staff in place simply will not accept stupid penalties. A lot of times in the past Minot got a lot of retaliation penalties, or talking to the reff penalties, and that simply hasn't happened this year. I remember a game earlier this year when a player from Minot was hit with a blatant leg trip against EGF, and I thought "here we go". Instead of going after the guy or going after the reff, the player looked at the coach and the coach motioned him over to the bench so nothing ended up happening....First time in a long time I'd seen something like that...
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