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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. I think regardless the university will lose money on the apparel that they sell in the future. Many like Vince (and myself) will be pained to buy anything that does not say Sioux or has a foreign logo on it. They will still sell plenty of "University of North Dakota" sweaters, etc, or t-shirts with the ND logo, etc, but it will probably never truly be like it was because for years you will have the renegades that under any circumstance will not buy the new logo apparel. I'm with ya Vince. I'll be right next to you with my tattered sioux sweatshirts.....and my Central Redskins stocking cap!
  2. Brad reports today that the Sioux got a commitment from Luke Voltin, forward who played at Hill-Murray before heading to the USDT. Also scary to read that Matteau is thinking about playing in the Quebec Junior League....Would hate to put him into the JT Miller what could have been group.....
  3. UND will have a nickname sometime within the next two school years, but I'm in the 50% of the voters that do not want a new nickname at any time. Here is a question. With a new nickname does everything that the university established with the sioux legacy eventually die? I have a two month old son. When he gets to be 10 years old will we still be talking about the once great Fighting Sioux name? With what the NCAA wants to do with the arena, will there be any remnants of the nickname or the logo other than what some of the diehards will still try to keep alive? What will my son tell his children in 30 years? I'll do my best to try and teach him what it stood for, and the pride that went with cheering for the fighting sioux, but I really don't think he'll ever be able to understand what it meant to people. In my opinion (I'm always wrong people...just my opinion)....no new nickname means that the lesson will need to be taught again and again (A) What the Nickname was before it was retired. (B) Why it was retired. ( C ) Why it will forever be a controversial issue to many individuals who disagree with what the NCAA was trying to accomplish with their legislation. Lets say in 12 years UND is playing in the frozen four title game on national TV. Barry Melrose (if he's still with us..) and whoever is calling the game will at some point have to bring some light to the issue of why UND has no nickname. Just my two cents.
  4. Or get rid of the fighting, and call themselves "Spirit Lake Sioux". Get rid of the Fighting part.
  5. Talk about a kid who went from big man on campus to...."whatever happened to Josh Siembida"?? Last I heard he finished out at Quinnipiac or something like that. I had a class with him at UND that he showed up a total of one time for.
  6. Look at us simple bloggers here at siouxsports.com pushing the issue, and before you know it the kid decides to play his hockey at UND. I'm interested to hear how many Sioux players go on this website and read what people write about them. I hope not Andy Kollar....he may find me in an alley some day... Who should we talk about next? How about Jon Lizotte? I bet he's not going to UND either...
  7. I appreciate the thoughts.... The rest of that day you wouldn't believe the number of times I heard the letters NAIA......Plus I remember that being one of the worst attended games at the Alerus Center as well. Only like 5,000 people there....he got in his jabs about that too.....dumb bison lovers....
  8. One big issue that Mr. Leigh will have to deal with in his attempt to get the Native American population up (which of course was his goal in the first place....I hope) will be getting more Native American students to qualify academically to attend the university. One of the qualifications for college is obviously graduation, and Native American students unfortunately have a drop out rate that is twice that of the national average. I think the university would love to see more Native American students, but it isn't possible with the test scores we are seeing via NCLB. As an educator, the statistics we get back through state assessment and NWEA testing is staggering. I said it a while back when this issue was first starting. There are so many issues that Native Americans are facing today, like alcoholism, diabetes, poor living conditions on reservations, graduating young men and women, you name it. Why a nickname fight would be the on the forefront of issues that come into the headlines is beyond me. And of course, with an issue like this comes negative publicity, which puts those other issues further away from the limelight.
  9. I watched that game with my younger brother (NDSU Graduate....ahhh....) and of course had to hear it the entire game about how Sioux Falls looked like the better Football team, the better coached team, the more excited team, etc..... Sad thing is...he was right....that game wasn't a fluke. The better team won....
  10. I like the concept. Looks pretty cool. If it was my choice (everyone will of course have opinions), I would go with North Dakota written out in cursive across the chest, or start with capital letters near the right shoulder that run down towards the left hip.
  11. Wilbur

    Sioux Gear

    I wouldn't worry guys. You'll be able to buy at an inflated price from the NC$$ for at least the rest of the year.
  12. Game time is set for 7PM. PS: Wouldn't a September 1st outdoor football game at 7pm be great to attend? I know....bigger things going on now than the "we'd really like an outdoor stadium" argument.
  13. Completely agree. As an individual with a lot of Norwegian blood flowing in my veins it would be an absolute honor to have my heritage remembered in this way. In fact I would love it to be the Fighting Norse....but then again you may as well just call them the Vikings...
  14. I don't know......if UND became the roughriders that would kind of be like a high school in South Bend, Indiana becoming the fighting Irish..... Lets let Red River, a school with tons of tradition keep the name they've had. And by gosh....would it cause a bunch of confusion...."Hey, did you hear what those roughriders did the other night"?
  15. If I was a Native American I may have more of an issue with the name "Cavalry" than "Sioux". No new nickname, so we don't have to deal with any of these idiots ever again.
  16. It sounds like Bradley is as advertised. With the kid being a Sophomore, hopefully he is given the reigns to the offense so he has a full year under his belt heading into the big sky next year. I know Goska has waited his turn, been around the program, etc, but I think the future is with this Bradley kid who can throw the ball down the field with some accuracy. Hopefully the secondary heals up....don't want to be getting their butts kicked by the offense too much.
  17. Plus the North Star is used as a consecrated symbol for certain religions.....don't want a lawsuit there either....
  18. I agree with goon. The nickname opponents should get 0% say in the new name if there is one. It doesn't matter what the new name is, I will hate it.....And it better not have any type of affiliation with any race of individuals because I don't want the schools name to get drug through the mud again and again.....Which is why there should be no new nickname. Although the fighting Norseman would be cool, but that is hostile and abusive to my Scandinavian heritage...(Wait......) This ruling won't stop me from wearing my sioux attire to all UND events. Its not like the NCAA can tell me what I can and can't wear to a sporting event.
  19. Good question brought up. Does the NCAA require that a team have a nickname? I think of course the ND logo will stay with the university, but I think it would be absolutely terrible if the university wasn't allowed to just be the University of North Dakota. If they do select a new nickname I hope it offends somebody....some way....somewhere. And I hope whoever it offends writes a letter to the NCAA, or protests on the campus of the University of North Dakota. Heck, the minority won this time, why not again?
  20. I think someone said it best earlier. What exactly did you win? What was your victory?
  21. The spear is on fire....maybe thats what makes it okay? Or the fact that the guy dressed as a native american tries to intimidate whoever it is that Florida State is playing.
  22. So what is the name of the law office that I send my check to in reference to suing the NCAA? Once the nickname goes there should be no new nickname. Just the University of North Dakota.
  23. True. I always wonder how long the current coaching staff at UND will stay in place. Will Hakstol want to try the NHL like Blais did? Will Eades jump ship when a top tier program needs a new head coach? Does Dane Jackson want to be a head coach again? Makes me think how lucky the Sioux are to have the coaching staff that they do.
  24. That would make sense. Playing his junior hockey in Lincoln, then chugging to Omaha. Then again though, by the time Luke is ready to play college hockey will Blais still be coaching? Thats two to three years away, and you never know with Blais.
  25. Speaking of WR's that didn't make it all four years here....what ever happened to Ismael Bamba? Did he continue to play college football somewhere? Just think about the type of career he could have had at UND....
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