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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Wilbur


    Over under on the amount of times that Jer Garman gets his hands on the ball? I'll say +5.....hopefully.
  2. Wilbur


    Agreed about the NAIA games. The starters need to be out of those games by the second quarter. Especially against Black Hills State or whoever it is.....
  3. Wilbur


    Part of me says come out and pound them with the running game to let our young QB settle down....the other part says come out and throw the ball all over the place because there is no better way to get him into the game. I'll say UND 52......Drake 21. Bradley has a HUGE passing day, sprinkled in with a defensive touchdown or two.
  4. Hmm.....thats what the pistol offense is supposed to look like....interesting. With the right QB in the system it doesn't look too bad. My guess is 9,500 fans. Should be a huge student section.....Thursday night....go to the game, then enjoy thirsty Thursday.
  5. Darn NDSU grads.... He should be doing what every other NDSU grad does.....deliver pizza....
  6. This goes under the NC$$ will do anything for $$$$. I'm sure that all the hostile and abusive imagery will be removed from progressive field before the game.... NCAA=HYPOCRITS
  7. I have a website Harvey needs to visit.....this should set the matter straight and teach Harvey a thing or two about what he should believe. http://www.und.edu/org/bridges/index2.html
  8. Interesting concept. I would use Hendrickson instead of Goska, but there is nothing wrong with being too creative on offense....hell, we tried the pistol for a year, why can't we try something like this to at least see if something like this would work. One of the things I've been disappointed in the most during the transition years is the lack of creativity on the offensive and special teams side of the ball. When was the last team the Sioux ran a fake punt? Did they try a fake field goal at all last year? Any surprise two point conversion plays? How about half back passes, or wildcat formations? These last couple of years would have been a great time to throw the kitchen sink out on the field and try just about anything, and really, we haven't seen it. I guess we did try the pistol though.....although the thought of that offense still makes me sick....
  9. No no no....Harvey has it all wrong. At Fighting Sioux sporting events the Sioux symbol and people are abused. An example would be how the Tomahawk Chop occurs during hockey games over and over again. UND does nothing to educate the fans attending sporting events of the history and tradition of the Sioux people. Someone post a Lucy Ganje article on the board, she's got it right.
  10. Kind of an interesting situation to be put into. Goska has the build to be a TE, and could have success there. Do you pull the red shirt of this young kid Adler with loads of potential to help the team that will not have any postseason possibility this year, or do you leave the red shirt on and have a full four years left for when the Big Sky season starts for the Sioux......er....University of North Dakota? Glad I don't have to make that decision.
  11. I believe Fan Fest is set for September 10th. Not sure if that is the official meet the Sioux night though....
  12. Now that Marcus Hendrickson is officially the third string QB they need to use his athletic ability at a different position. Its either going to be Bradley or Goska under center, and if there are no injuries we could see Bradley the entire season, and a very athletic guy on the bench holding a clipboard.....
  13. I found this on youtube. I believe Matt Greene is in the video....
  14. I read somewhere (maybe it was the forum here) someone likening UND Hockey to yankee baseball. I tried not to agree with the statement, but the more I think about it its true. People criticize every move made by the Yankees (true of the Sioux)....they have a huge fan base all over the nation (true of the Sioux).....and outsiders, whether they are man enough to admit it or not are jealous of the success and tradition of the Yankees (completely true of the Sioux). UND has become the team at the Final Five that other fans cheer against....It all makes sense now.
  15. Which I think allows for the use of Purper Arena. It worked last year when they hosted Bemidji State, and the atmosphere was great. I really hope the NC$$ takes it in the shorts with this one. Their is no way that they can make a private facility, not state or university owned, change something. Sorry NC$$....free speech...
  16. Thanks sir. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ralph Engelstad have something in his will about the facility going away if the name was changed? I know they won't blow the building up, but I can't see the Engelstad family being happy about the symbol being removed from the arena.
  17. Question.....UND does not own Ralph Engelstad Arena (or do they now?)....If they do not own the facility, how can they make the place that they rent (used to be for one dollar a year), change what they have at the facility? If UND does not own the facility it doesn't make sense....Thats like a college kid going to his apartment land lord and telling him to take out an entire wall. Or an NDSU grad applying for a job at a bank....it just doesn't make any sense..... If Ralph was alive, I think he would have bankrolled an anti-trust lawsuit against the NCAA.... PS: NDSU shot was at my brother, an NDSU grad, who frequents this forum, yet decides not to post his opinion....
  18. I think anything would be a major improvement in the quarterback play from the last two years. I really don't see how it could get much worse, but I do agree with your concern about the interceptions. Then again, you have a kid who had a couple of 6 TD passing games, and he's got to have some kind of idea how to play the position. Because this is really another year that doesn't matter (gasp...I know....but its true), my opinion has been to give Bradley the offense for the entire season and let him see what he can do with it and give him as much experience as he needs for next season. If its a bust, then at least we won't be cost a conference championship by poor QB play. I'm excited to see what the kid can do.
  19. Naw....let them stick with being the Thundering Terds.....no need for a new name.
  20. Agreed....all signs point to Bradley. Give the kid the reigns to the offense and let him develop before entry into the Big Sky next year.
  21. I love how the last poster points out that Al Carlson is an NDSU grad. Its amazing how many people were unaware of this. I thought it was common knowledge.
  22. This is what scares me the most, and the reason that I don't want a new nickname. If they pick a new name that is a disaster than I absolutely care because its the name that will be representing my university's sporting teams for likely the rest of its existence. If there must be a new name, its got to be something that the alumni, students, etc. can live with, which likely means that the aforementioned must be involved in the name process.
  23. This isn't under the NCAA definition of hostile or abusive......duh......
  24. Watching a bit of that "Becoming Wild" with some Chay Genoway clips. I think he has an outside chance to make the Wild at some time during the season. I think the training regimen that he went through while at UND under Mr. Poolman did him well. It was fun to see him on the ice again. Probably start the season down in Houston is my guess though. PS: Just watched Zucker get worked in a physical one on one close quarters drill.....Makes sense that he'll spend another year in Denver.
  25. If they do decide to go with a nickname I hope they give alumnus of the university and current students a say in what the new nickname will be. I would hate for it to be a minority rules situation all over again and have a nickname committee of six individuals decide the name for everyone. Email is cheap....start an email campaign where you take suggestions from the aforementioned groups of people. Take the 15 most popular suggestions, dwindle it down to 10, then 5, etc. You know what I mean. This way you have a name that the majority of individuals agree upon.
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