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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Just got home from Duluth, and my first visit to AMSOIL. Fun weekend. Stayed at the Comfort Suites right on the water, and had a good old fashioned time....minus the Edina girls hockey team staying at the hotel.....I never want a 12 year old daughter....yikes... I for one hope that Don Adam doesn't end up officiating in the new conference. He didn't cost UND the game, they did that by themselves the first two periods, but just such inconsistent officiating both ways just took away from a pretty good game. Probably his worst call came when the UND player (can't remember who....maybe Knight) was the last man with the puck in the zone, lost his stick, and was diving to knock the puck away from the Duluth player, and he called it tripping on the Duluth player....Just a disaster. I know the Bina hit has been beaten to death over the years, but if Ben Blood's penalty was a game, then the Paukovich hit from years ago in St. Paul would be a lifetime ban nowadays. I just cringe every time Adam calls a checking from behind that is a bit controversial, because he missed such a blatant one right in front of his fricken face. As for the game, the Sioux were fun to watch that last period. Carter Rowney just took over. Extremely impressed with his development into a go to guy for the Sioux. That play at the end was right in front of us, and if not for some poor ice conditions (puck bounced everywhere all night), could have been a tie game. Could not believe the amount of empty seats in the lower bowl.....That or people were dressed like yellow seats....
  2. With the superb color analyst abilities of Dave Starman. I for one can't wait. Lets see how many times he says sandpaper.....not kidding....he'll use the term a lot....
  3. I agree with the notion of allowing a kid to play college hockey after signing with a CHL team. Then again, college hockey doesn't make the NC$$ the money that basketball and football does.....they'll be fine with the status quo.... A kid from my hometown just signed a deal with a WHL team and he's only a Sophomore in high school. 16 years old and he's lost his amateur status....It could end up going really well for the kid, but at the same time what happens to him if he plays half a season, fizzles out, or gets hurt? What does the CHL do in cases of severe injuries? I know they'll pay for a kids college for years completed in their league, but if you play two games and have a career ending injury, what do they do?
  4. Glad you said this before I got the chance to Goon. Aaron Dell has not had the best of seasons after his All-American campaign of last year (I know...Thanks for stating the obvious Wilbur). Had he put up similar numbers to last year he'd for sure be an early departure with a contract in hand probably by the end of the season. Now it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if he was around for another year. His save percentage is down below 90, and his GAA is up by over a goal per game. Its not the same team as last year, but I don't exactly think its fair to say he's been hung out to dry by his defensive core all season long either. He is probably the key component to UND making the NCAAs. Tough to say it rides on one position, but for this team to make a serious run the goaltending needs to be excellent the rest of the way. I like Eidsness, but I don't think he's got the ability that Dell does. Big start on Friday night up in Duluth for Mr. Dell. He needs to be huge in what will be a very hostile environment at AMSOIL.
  5. Right now I guess its up for grabs, but likely Minnesota or Duluth takes the league. I've done the what if calculator a couple of different times and it just doesn't seem logical that Minnesota doesn't win the league in my book. BSU and Bucky at home (both sweeps), and likely splits on the road with Omaha and Denver. In my what if world UND ends up in 3rd place hosting Bemidji State in the first round. Here is what I've got: Maybe Anchorage can find some Mariucci magic again eh? 1. Minnesota 2. Duluth 3. UND 4. Denver 5. CC 6. Nebraska-Omaha 7. Tech 8. SCSU 9. UW 10. BSU 11. Mankato 12. Anchorage
  6. Will be at AMSOIL on Saturday night meeting up with some college friends that live in St. Paul. Very excited to see the rink, and to see UND play. Haven't seen the team live this year, when on normal occasion I'll get to five or six games a year. Need two points.....splits on the road and sweeps at home=home ice.
  7. I'm on the fence with this one....its good and bad for the game. You don't like seeing bench clearing brawls with three or four fights going on in certain games, and at the same time you don't like players taking liberties and putting the health of other players in question. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer in this debate. Everyone has their opinion (lots of good discussion points), but one way or the other everyone isn't going to be happy. Derek Boogaard spent most of his career lurking around making sure players didn't take shots at his teammates, or they'd meet up with him. Now, its a question of whether this fighting could have cost him his life. Like I said....I don't know what the right answer is.
  8. Well the scoring change keeps me alive... Saturdays pick for me is knight
  9. This hockey season more than ever has reaffirmed the case that a hockey team needs four lines to be successful. On the live blog on Saturday night I believe the UND SID said that the fourth line wings (no center, not enough bodies) had only seen one shift the entire third period..... I think someone said it earlier....absolutely need to slow the pace down. Race horse hockey can't happen for long stretches. Heck yes its fun to watch, but you saw at the end of the SCSU Saturday night game.....one gassed hockey team....lucky to get out with two points.
  10. Playing extremely shorthanded.......and five hundred hockey the rest of the way won't cut it..... LETS GO FELLAS! We're all behind you!
  11. Gosh I hope you're right.....13-0 when Mario lights the lamp.
  12. I'm a huge Twins fan and I'm so thankful that Reusse wrote that article about biased media in Minnesota. Dick and Bert have gotten so awfully homerish with the Twins its ridiculous. I don't mind Gorg. Knowledgeable about hockey, and does add a lot to the broadcasts. A lot of people don't like Pat in the cities because for the most part he tells it the way it is. I don't think a lot of writers would have the guts to call out a guy like Tubby Smith or the beloved Ron Gardenhire, but Reusse does. Can't call out Schlossman for not ripping into players. Last night on the game blog he openly said that Mattson wasn't having his best game, and has done so a number of times with other players as well. TH is a homer.....even through my green colored glasses. Like last night him calling out the SCSU player for a dive when he was actually hurt. Love his play by play, but a homer he is.
  13. I just did the what if calculator and the 4-8 spots are going to be an absolute dog fight in the league. UND has ten games left in the league, and will likely need to win 7 or 8 out of ten to have home ice in the WCHA playoffs. Next week the Minnesota schools can help out UND with a sweep over SCSU and Michigan Tech, of course UND needs to get at least 3 out of their series with Bucky to create some separation between themselves and those teams. Anchorage is also a big player as well next weekend. Take it to the pios.....
  14. Every time you want to bury this team they find a way to make you believe with the limited bodies that they have. The fact that this team still has a decent chance of making the postseason is remarkable.
  15. Playoff like intensity and its only January. Can't wait for the rest of the season.
  16. Welcome to the nodak message board.....might be you're the obsessed one.
  17. I don't think we'll see Race Horse hockey here in the third period. UND just doesn't have the depth to play that way for 60 minutes. Or do they?
  18. I can't believe I just watched Minnesota get a goal disallowed (right call), and the three stooges....LaPanta, Woog, and Hankinson had no idea why until they looked up in the rule book. They watched it twenty times....and still thought it should be a goal. They whined and moaned for ten minutes....LaPanta looks in the rule book.....ohhh.....they officials the call right....idiots....
  19. Well....LaPanta hasn't dropped the Kristo hit since it happened....but failed to say anything more than the penalties called on Alt and whoever the gopher player was that leaped into the back of MacWilliam and put his shoulder into his head.
  20. Jake Hansen with a cross check to the wrists of a CC player after the whistle. I wonder what Wally Shaver thought of that....
  21. Also good to see Rowney starting to find the score sheet. Secondary scoring is what UND needs.
  22. Very glad to see Eidsness playing like a senior veteran. And that strong goalkeeping gets UND the lead.
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