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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Twins 6 games ahead with under 40 to go. Could see the Tigers move into 2nd ahead of Cleveland soon.
  2. Nobody in the world had DK taking a perfect game into the 7th. Damn....
  3. The Twins next 20 or so games will be a test. 5 games up. I wish they had traded for some late inning bullpen help.
  4. Big loss for them. Wonder if Faragher takes over?
  5. He and Duran have struggled of late. Pagan has been one of their best guys.
  6. My opinion. You only get your kids in your home for so long before they are off and exploring the world. Some willing to spend and take the gamble, but I'm about being around my kids as much as I can be.
  7. Elser, Jundt, Hale, Lincoln Keuhne....list goes on. Pretty much entire WF Bantam AA team from a few years back.
  8. Nodak bantam team was at the Herb in Stearns County this weekend. Hopefully no feelings got hurt....
  9. They could win the world series or finish 3rd in the AL Central.
  10. Get pretty much dominated by the Tigers, win a series in Philly. Definitely makes sense.
  11. Imagine him being able to find consistent contact. I mean when he puts the ball in play it's always a hit. When he gets the ball elevated it's gone. Just way too many strikeouts.
  12. Gallo responds by going 4 for 4....of course.
  13. How bad is the AL Central....
  14. Eleven million dollar man. Now Sal Butera's kid holds no records.
  15. They can't continue to throw Dallas K out there. I mean he gave them a chance his previous outing, but I think we all saw him getting bombed today in Philly. You got Varland and Simeon down in AAA, give those guys the experience.
  16. Rudolph and Thvedt would both be WF High School.
  17. Off the top of my head of Nodak kids high school eligible playing out of state: -Routh, Bydal, Thvedt, Grande, Grubb, Vig, Martell, Erickson, Elser, McCann, Kuehne....list goes on...how old is Berry's kid?
  18. Read a story about the pitcher that struck out Joe, and Joe says to the guy "you aren't going to throw me that nasty curve again are you." 5 game winning streak. Ohh my.
  19. Wallner is the future in right. Hope he's up for good. Lot of upside there. Keuchel gave the team a chance. Wasn't pretty, but one run through 5 innings gives anyone a shot.
  20. Anyone know if Bydal is headed to Alaska or if he plans to play at RR this season?
  21. Duran struggling a bit as of late, but getting the job done. The former catcher in me thinks he is over throwing the splitter, but that's one guys opinion. Amazing these mlb guys have caught up to his 102 mph fastball as much as they have. Wonder if he's tipping. Kenta Maeda today.
  22. Read the Herald article and Tom mentioned that former player Greg Lotysz is having health issues. I guess I've been under a rock, because I noticed that Peyton was no longer on the team. Anybody know what happened there?
  23. They listened to you. Up comes Dallas, and we have a "groin injury" to Joe Ryan. Two/three starts for Dallas on the big club. Anxious to see if he's still got it.
  24. Like that's an actual position....
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