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Everything posted by YaneA

  1. 2d goal changed to O'Donnell. Big night for him
  2. Sent you a PM
  3. Mattson credited.
  4. Hennessey's convinced it's O'Donnell's goal
  5. OD goal 2-0
  6. Parks? Yay!
  7. How amazingly professional and perfect is the TV broadcast I don't get?
  8. I believe Al Pearson has a bus going from GFK. I won't be going because I'm tending a new puppy but Al's trips are always great. Even if you get snowed in somewhere in South Dakota.
  9. Because all interest is self-interest, my opinion will depend on whether we win the SO or lose it. Win it: yay, shootouts are great. Lose it: who agreed to this lousy tie-resolving format?
  10. I texted the Fanline : Please put pressure on UND to bring back hockey shuttle. They responded: Will do. Ongoing discussion If you want the shuttle back but didn't text the Fanline, wtf? Please do so. I gave the number earlier in the thread.
  11. And my point is discontinuing shuttle on 2 days notice without having TRIED other options is short sighted. Charging only 10 bucks to park in ramp regardless of number of people in car may have created the problem. Charge each person for the ride or raise the parking fee. At some point the expense and revenue numbers would approach one another, you'd think. Other people argue the service, even if operated at a loss, is a valuable sign of good will, customer relations. The Ralph Fanline told me they will pressure UND to return shuttle. Perhaps the Ralph will underwrite part of the cost since it's the Ralph's customers benefitting from the park and ride.
  12. Sorry that it didn't register that we had met. Wear your toque in good health. We'll just have to disagree about the value of the shuttle to those who lament its demise and long for its return. For me, with all my quirks, it was the very best option to get to and from the games. I will adjust, but I refuse to be happy about it.
  13. My 4-month-old golden retriever has a play date with the 6 year old golden from next door. All day long, I'm yellin, "Quit acting like idiots! Stop smelling her butt! I shouldn't have to tell you these things!"
  14. No. Never had the pleasure of making 82's acquaintance. I'm sure he's a nice person. I wouldn't give 82 much credit: at my age, I am easily provoked. And you people should know that!!
  15. And I have to add that Siouxcia is a nice person even if freakishly tall.
  16. I set the DVR to record the Sioux game but I'll run it in slow motion so I can keep up. I'm watching SNL. What the ef was Katy Perry trying to prove by dressing her band up in ratty animal costumes?
  17. Riddle me this: why does Hak call TO with 25 seconds left?
  18. Love the new pregame video with Baba O'Reilly and kids skating in back yard rinks, morphing into da Sioux.
  19. Ralph fan line responds they will put pressure on UND to bring back shuttle. On going discussion they said.
  20. YaneA


    Would the IHeartRadio app tuned to 96.1 The Fox bring the game to your phone or other device? Otherwise, I do text scoring updates and wry game observations to MafiaMan and I can certainly copy you on them!
  21. YaneA


    CBSSN may be available for more money I am not inclined to fork over. Especially after the local affiliate retransmission fee just went up from $1.97 to 4.11. Why, that's an increase of a whole lotta percent!
  22. YaneA


    I don't have CBS Sports Network on Midcontinent cable in GFK. I do have NBCSports.
  23. 23 or so games/ season means another $230 in parking fees in top of tickets, donation to Champions Club and the $ 300 A lot sticker. So it's not just shuttle users who are pissed.
  24. Some spaces are saved for staff faculty and students with business in the buildings where paid event parking is being enforced. Business in the building. That doesn't mean you'll walk through the building and then head over to the Ralph. 23 or so h
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