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Everything posted by YaneA
First Sioux goal was Rodwell's
O' Donnell injured.
My hats are coming to GFK. Will be your local distributor once again.
Laker-- if you go with all the available embroidery of logo and Siouxsports.com and a moniker, you'll be happiest with the gray. The needlework pops the best on that color.
I don't know how many UND employees parked in Memorial and rode the shuttle for free as you put it. Anecdotally, I'd say that each time I got off a standing room only shuttle and walked the skywalk back to the Memorial Stadium lot there may have been a knot of 4-6 people who also got off the same bus I did and went to cars parked in the same lot. I also do not know how many people got out of cars parked in the ramp and took the shuttle. Ridership numbers were not provided. Nor were numbers provided for cars parked in ramp.
I have already made alternate plans to get to and from the games without the convenience of the shuttle. I refuse to be happy about my new arrangements. Chalk it up to my stubborn, cranky old ladyness. I think discontinuing the shuttle was a Mickey Mouse, penny wise and pound foolish move. My hope is that the shuttle is revived, the Ralph kicks in to help defray some of the operating costs and each person using the shuttle is asked to pay a fair amount for the convenience.
I didn't park in the ramp so I did not pay anything to ride the shuttle. My A tag as a UND employee got me space in Memorial Stadium lot. I walked across the skyway and hopped on the shuttle. I have my own personal, whiny, why should anyone else care reasons why the shuttle was a godsend for me. All interest is self-interest. If you didn't need the shuttle before, don't miss it now, I don't expect you to embrace the discontent of those who are put out by the loss of service. My neighbors, also UND employees, never took shuttle but are torqued because, whereas their A tag once allowed them to park for free at Med School, UND is now collecting 10 dollars for that spot. I feel like I've said all this already.
$10 to park at med school. Same at Wellness and Albatross. $5 at College of Nursing. 17 home games? I count the possibility of 24.
So I'm not the only one who thinks it's odd that Lucke's defense of the decision didn't include ridership numbers or parking revenue. If the shuttle is such a money pit, why would she even consider bringing it back by running it from the Memorial Stadium lot? As I said before, if the park and ride costs 20 bucks each night, even round trip, that is a hell of a lot of money over the course of the season for me to pay. I don't have anyone to go halvsies or quarterzies with me: the whole $400 would all be on me. There will come a point where being nickeled and dimed to death will mean the end of part of the fan base.
$20 for a two-block bus ride round trip or each way ? And not including something extra to park? I'd say that would be excessive especially if you have more than 1 person in your party. For a single person, that would add $400- 800 to the cost of a season ticket for remaining games. Is that reasonable to anyone? I'd pay up to $5 round trip for bus ride only. The Ralph and/or athletics need to underwrite this service.
Peggy Lucke's response is below. It seems to me that her numbers leave out any revenue figures and focus only on costs but I am a total math idiot so maybe it makes sense. From Ms Lucke: Here's a statement I’m sending in response to a number of emails I received. The hockey shuttle has been subsidized by the parking enterprise between $3000 and $6800 in recent years. Up to the 2013-2014 season, UND Parking Services provided a shuttle service to transport hockey patrons who parked in the UND parking ramp from the ramp to the Ralph Engelstad Arena for all home men’s hockey games. The patrons parking in the ramp were charged a fee ($10) to cover the parking and the cost of the shuttle service. The parking ramp/hockey shuttle service has not been generating sufficient revenue to cover the cost of the service. The buses utilized for the shuttle service are owned by the ND Department of Transportation and leased by the University. During the 2012-2013 hockey season, the cost for the shuttle buses alone was $820 per hockey event night. We are looking at some options to reinstate a shuttle from the Memorial Stadium parking lot. If we are able to make the necessary arrangements, there will be a fee for the service. Peggy Lucke Associate Vice President for Finance and Operations University of North Dakota Twamley Hall 116B 264 Centennial Drive, Stop 8364 Grand Forks, ND 58202-8364
Hak calls magic timeout
5-0. Holy crap
Radio behind web feed? Isn't it usually the other way around?
What a revolting development this is. 3-0 Miami
Who is Steve Cady? The Real Slim Shady? Rhymes.
End if 1 down 2-0.
Wtf radio! Why am I listening to American Pie?
C'mon, boys, pull up your breezers!
Retweet--just an little joke in this medium
Retweet if you never expected any damn improvement in officiating with Adam at the helm in NCHC
Slash called in Gaarder. Hennessey perplexed about vid review.
Virg Foss' unscientific poll shows fans overwhelmingly in favor of going forward with No Nickname. Not surprised. One suggested "A Boy Named Sioux" for new goal song with fans shouting "my name is Sioux, how do you do" after each goal. Never get away with it.
Doggie play dates. Floor covered in mud, dead leaves, shredded newspaper (no great loss--wasn't GFK Herald *sports* section). Puppy has already leaped the safety gate and gotten into Area 51 aka "the spare room". I just don't have the energy to stay ahead of these canine hindrance (opposite of "assistance") animals.