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Everything posted by GoodGood

  1. I saw that. Great video! Can’t help but root for the walk-on!!
  2. If South Dakota is decent (saw someone on twitter saying they brought in some good transfers) then it could be a really tough 4 game stretch to end the year
  3. I was thinking more of Point Tsartsidze! Treysen struggled last year when he had to play the point. I think he’s much better as a secondary playmaker. King will play point, but is he a point guard? Time will tell. If BJ can create for himself as well as add a threat of playmaking for others, the ceiling is the roof for him
  4. No need for a point guard. Grab the ball and go! All 5 guys will be doing it!! If we have to get in the half court, straight motion baby!!!
  5. Your statement is 100% false. Let’s say you’re an obese person trying to lose weight. You go to McDonald’s everyday for lunch. You see no progress. You make a change to your diet and go to Burger King instead. Still see no progress. Yes, you made a change to your diet, but nothing will change in regard to you reaching your goals unless you’re committed to making REAL changes. So yes, it is 100% possible for nothing to change while making changes.
  6. I want him to get a scholarship
  7. Patiently waiting for the video of an emotional Sather presenting Daniel Hong a scholarship in front of the entire team. I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it!!
  8. If UND wins Dosch is allowed in the locker room for an interview, if CSUN wins UND buys DAE one of these?? https://podcompany.com/products/the-ice-pod?variant=43608107581606&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIibihp4KHgAMV8g-tBh1XtwUoEAQYASABEgKbR_D_BwE
  9. It was sarcasm, UND has gotten players with offers. He’s picked up 6 offers in the last couple of weeks. New Mexico is the latest. Would be great to get him in a UND uniform
  10. Too many competing offers. UND has never landed a player like that
  11. I was told by someone on here that UND does not need a point guard because they do not run any plays. Straight motion offense that anyone on the roster can get us into when in the half court. Hence why Brady Danielson got to start at the point one game. I think we all remember (or want to forget!!) how that went. Now because that is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard, I agree that the point guard position (especially backup minutes) could be an issue. Both the eye test and the numbers backup there being a drop off when Trent was not running the offense. Someone is going to have to step up. Excited to see who it is!!
  12. Let’s be real, if any of the freshman get minutes something went horribly wrong with the season. Or maybe we have a few hidden gems!!
  13. This should probably be under 2023 recruiting. I honestly don’t know who could play right away. Erickson needs to redshirt and work on his body. Probably same for Bothun but I haven’t actually seen him play. Too many options ahead of Doppler unless he’s just better than guys already on the roster. If one had to play maybe Erickson just cause he’s a big body
  14. I have not seen him play football but heard he’s raw. Basically betting on body type/freak athlete. He wants to play basketball but he’s a 6’4” PF/C so that’s limiting interest there
  15. Really happy for Erick. Great kid. Wants to play basketball at the next level but football coaches showing much more interest in him.
  16. You’re telling me it’s possible for KC and Denver to be worse this year? I still can’t believe how bad they were in the Betty last year. For a team that finished last in the conference, I was impressed with Omaha. They won a game in Sioux Falls and gave SDSU all they wanted in the Quarterfinals.
  17. Did Tyree play for the Guangdong Tigers or something? Not sure there’s any similarities here
  18. Hopefully the defensive stats will improve
  19. I’m counting down the days until we get a video of an emotional Sather presenting Daniel Hong a scholarship in front of the entire team. I cannot wait for that!!! Also I was told by someone on this board that they brought Eli King in to be the starting PG. Not sure why they would be in a rush to try get a All Conference caliber PG eligible immediately
  20. Saw ndsu got its first commit for the 2024 class. There has to be more than just the Sem offer out there for this class. Maybe they just have gotten posted in other threads?
  21. Yea I was disappointed when I saw a picture of him. I was expecting the walk on to look like Hulk Hogan
  22. Put me in the camp of wanting to give the last scholarship to D. Hong if they can’t find an impact shooter. I wouldn’t be mad if they offered a guy who was on a national championship roster and had to practice against multiple NBA guys for a year
  23. Woah woah woah easy there big fella. The staff only added 3 PGs to the roster this off-season. All they run is motion, anyone can get them into that. Sources are telling me don’t be surprised to see T initiating the offense next year. It’s that easy
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