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Everything posted by GoodGood

  1. Will Mara be the greatest August signing in UND men’s basketball history???
  2. Nothing official. You’ll have to contact Brian or Sam to find out
  3. The NCAA is really putting its foot down on enforcing one free transfer. You can blame schools like Florida State for it taking so long
  4. Could he be the greatest August signing in UND men’s basketball history???
  5. He plays in the same league J Cole went over and played in lol
  6. My patience was running out. You’ve successfully quenched my insatiable thirst for excitement!!!
  7. Please tell us more!! I’m positively trembling with excitement waiting on more information l!!
  8. Please tell us more!! Height? Weight? Position? Name? We need to know more!!!
  9. Just be patient. Soon enough we’ll know
  10. The scholarship wouldn’t be tied up for 3 years, it’s a year to year thing. Several schools in the surrounding area have done this. Welcome to college basketball buddy
  11. I’m so lost. I’ll spell it out again. I wanted Hong to get a scholarship. If the coaches found someone to fill the last scholarship that is more than fine with me. I don’t think I can put it any simpler
  12. I think you just stopped reading what I said. Please re read, specifically the last 2 sentences. Thanks
  13. Also no one is saying Daniel Hong is some all conference player. It was about having an open scholarship all summer. There’s nothing better than seeing the videos of walk ons receiving a scholarship in front of their teammates. It’s priceless. I was hoping Hong would get that chance. If the coaches found a guy they think can contribute then thats great. No idea why I’d be upset over that
  14. Haha I think you may have just blocked out the 2020-2021 season from your memory. Lord knows I wish I could. Go back to the first exhibition thread from last year. One of the first posts on there will be completely different from what you’re saying. I think some people on here just make up their own narrative for whatever reason?? It’s strange and odd
  15. No one can argue with that. As a Daniel Hong supporter I wish he could’ve got a scholarship. O well! Exciting season ahead!!
  16. You give off the vibe you take a lot of joy in Daniel Hong not getting a scholarship. Sorry if I’m assuming and thats wrong. Obviously good for the team to utilize all its scholarships for the year. Will be a fun year!!
  17. I didn’t even realize that was Mel Counts grandson. Lol
  18. I liked Victor's game. Wish that would've worked out
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