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Everything posted by GoodGood

  1. Special teams being special
  2. Anyone see a line for the game?
  3. Leupke didn’t play in the playoffs. Mattress Cam completed 1 pass in a semi final game and they won. I think they’ll be ok
  4. Honest question that I probably won’t get any serious answers to: what has anyone on this board done to warrant a better opinion than the coaches on what plays to call? I’m guessing very few???? Any???
  5. O he’s heated. Keep it going!
  6. That’s all I was looking for. People are on one today
  7. Just wait for SiouxBoys to mega downvote it. I’ll be a mess
  8. Yes and I just wanted to know if people really felt like that was a winnable game. I thought SDSU won very comfortably. No shot at you I was just curious
  9. It’s ok. They just hurt my feelings. I’ll be fine
  10. While talking about the ‘22 game Dustin said the ‘21 game was ALSO for the taking. Also means “In addition to”, meaning the ‘21 and ‘22 game were for the taking. I simply asked if the ‘22 game was really “for the taking” considering we got out scored 35-7 in the 2nd half. I’m not sure where I’m misreading something?
  11. You can post what you want. You just struggle reading sometimes. Back to 2023 UND football!
  12. I’m thoroughly confused. I also think SDSU throughly dominated the game out scoring us 49-14 after we took a 14-0 lead. If you disagree that’s fine. It’s just my opinion
  13. Please reread what Dustin said. Thanks
  14. Was last years game really for the taking? They out scored us 35-7 in the 2nd half
  15. I forgot we had FR for a year after Marlon. I’m sorry Filip
  16. I’m not worried about the style of play. I think the players he’s brought in answers that question. For the first time since Marlon I think we’ll have a guy capable of creating buckets for themself in the half court. Shooting is still my biggest concern though
  17. Based on only watching a handful of highlights I would agree. Nothing wrong with having the option of bringing in a 6’6” athlete who can guard multiple positions off the bench!
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