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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Can anyone tell me what the best way to bump is?

    do I need to set the DiSEqC Switch setting to something other thanks Disable? Like maybe 1/16?

    Have you tried scanning in the feed yet this year with USALS positioner on 87W? Before doing any "bumping" of the dish you should try doing a blind scan with USALS first.

    Off the top of my head, I can't remember exactly how to nudge the dish, but I know I had to change the positioner to DiSEqc 1.2 and then I watched the signal quality while moving the dish. I don't recall having to mess with teh DiSEqC switch setting that you're referring to.

    Hopefully PSB or maybe Sprig can chime in...guessing they'll be more active on the forum tonight closer to when the feed actually comes up.

  2. Here is the satellite info from the Ralph website:

    AMC-3 Digital - 87.0° W

    Ku Band - Downlink Frequency: 12095 V 4880

    Receiver Audio Info

    Left Channel - Mono Program Audio

    Right Channel - Cue tones ONLY

    Markets with WDAZ 102* - ON

    Markets with WDAZ 102# - OFF

    Markets without WDAZ 063* - ON

    Markets without WDAZ 063# - OFF

    IIRC, there were some troubles early in the season getting a good signal, and I think the remedy for most people with motorized systems was to bump slightly east and re-scan...It's been a while, so don't quote me on that, though! :)

  3. Sioux shot themselves in the foot last night by going to the box way to often in the first period. In my opinion Blood cost them the game by getting kicked out with cfb major. Stupid selfish play on his prt when he knows the Sioux are shorthanded.Nice comeback though after being down by three 22 minutes into the game only to lose 5-4 and Rowney damn near tying it up with 6 seconds left in the game. Nice to see him have a great weeknd. Looks like there is another scoring threat besides that first line and it couldn't come at a better time.

    No doubt. It is difficult to overstate the importance of a confident Carter Rowney heading into the stretch run.

  4. Its weird how in the last 10 years or so, no forward that has won Mr. Hockey has gone on to play in the NHL, I'm with you on there is a risk factor with Bjugstad on how much impact he will have in the NHL, but of all the player's in NCAA hockey, I would say he is one of the surest bets to make the NHL fulltime in some capacity. I'm just not sure if it will be as a top-6 scorer or not.

    How many of the top MN prospects actually stay in HS through their senior year?

  5. Good question. We can't tell for certain, but there is a big difference between getting over a hurdle in a TRANSITION vs doing it in perpetuity. The prospect of no home playoff games condemns the football program. What coach would even want that job? At least in a transition there's an end game.

    Good point about the "perpetuity" aspect. It's probably easier to sell a kid on transition when there's a light at the end of the tunnel...but if the light goes out...well....

  6. The last football poll I saw had UND ranked in the top 25 which is better than 100 schools in FSC football. UND beat Montana and NDSU in mens basketball. The other sports are all doing well. Not bad for teams in transition without any playoffs home or away! Now that we are playoff eligible and in the Big Sky I think we will be just fine thank you. So I guess if you look at the facts recruiting will not be an issue now will it?

    Couple questions:

    How do the recruits that came in at the beginning of the transition with no hope of playoffs for their entire four years compare to the underclass recruits UND has now, that will at least have the possibility of sniffing Big Sky and postseason play? How does the potential of the recruits signed this year, with three- four full years of Big Sky and playoff eligibility, compare to those signed at the beginning of the transition?

    Basically, what I'm asking is: has UND's recruiting improved through the transition due to the fact that each class has an increased opportunity for Big Sky and postseason play?

  7. So if we were to get the nickname back, every post season we would not be able to wear sioux jerseys?

    Correct - for every NCAA postseason game, UND would not be able to wear the Sioux jerseys. Conference playoffs are not under the control of the NCAA, so the Sioux jerseys could be worn.

  8. He is 17 right now, but iluvdebbies is right, that would make him 18 at the start of the 2012-2013 season. Most students turn 18 during their senior year of high school, he would be during his freshman year of college, which would be next year, so he did accelerate.

    Not saying he didn't accelerate, but just pointing out that he's not really THAT young compared to Toews, who played his entire freshman season at 17. I think Simpson came in as a 17yo as well, so it's not unprecedented. Jones wouldn't play a game at age 17.

  9. Interesting quote by Fullerton:

    “Our concern, as before, is not that they are the Fighting Sioux,” Fullerton said, “but rather whether they can be an effective Division I program and a benefit to our conference.”

    I'm not in favor of what the petitioners did, If I was I would have signed the petition as I had numerous opportunities too. I'm just not sure how a UND losing the opportunity to host one maybe two football games would sway them to want to kick us out? How would that impact our ability to be an effective D1 program. If they were going to kick us out it would be because they would rather have 12 teams instead of 13. IMHO

    Because when a team is successful it looks good for the conference. Hosting playoff games is an easier way to win a championship, and the Big Sky, like every other conference, is proud of how many championships they win. Also, if it affects recruiting it will affect the ability to be an effective D1 program.

  10. College Hockey on NBC Sports Network Available Ratings:

    January 6 – Dartmouth vs. RPI, 38,000 viewers

    January 20 – Michigan vs. Notre Dame, 74,000 viewers

    January 27 – Yale vs. Harvard, 82,000 viewers

    Those numbers are a bit sad. I thought Notre Dame Dame vs. Michigan would be able to draw at least 100,000 viewers on name recognition/athletic prominence. I wonder what kind of ratings college hockey gets on the Big 10 Network and CBS Sports.

    EDIT: Now that I look at NHL ratings on NBC Sports Network, the college hockey numbers aren't too shabby.

    It'll be interesting to see how the DU/UND game in two weeks compares to the Michigan/Notre Dame game. It might put a little perspective to the NCHC ratings draw potential...or perspective to UND's ratings draw.

  11. I think it is important to the economic impact of the University on Grand Forks. The athletic teams that benefit from having student fans at the games. The employees whose job depends on serving students food and shoveling sidewalks.

    In no way was I "degrading" online courses/degrees.

    I think physical bodies are important. More important than online degrees.

    For your argument to have merit, online students would have to be enrolling at the expense of the "physical" student. Whether or not that's the case, I don't know.

    If a student's only option is an online education, would you rather they pursue it elsewhere? Online degrees can turn into successful careers just the same...and those people can donate just as easily to the University in the future. Let's not limit the impact to the time they're actually in school.

  12. .The tradidtion of UND athletics just like the traditions or the Native American people themselves is not the name but the ceremonies, the history and the people and the trials and tribulations they have gone through for thousands of years in the case of our Native brethren and for over a hundred years in the case of the University of North Dakota, Whether they are called Sioux or Lakota or whatever name one chooses does not cancel out their traditions and history. Same goes for Fighting Sioux athletics which has had a proud tradition of excellence and success long before were were called the Fighting Sioux. No one team owns this name anymore than any other including women's hockey. They are already developing their own traditions. I don't think some folks understand the what is important with these traditions and history. That is why we agree and will continue to do so. I want to win and be successful and I want that for our athletes and athletic teams. You want to keep a name. Simple as that. I don't believe those of us who are here now have the right to jeopardize the proud tradition of UND athletics and what those who have come before us did to make all of this possible on behalf of a name.

    Well stated.

    Just this year I started teaching my two daughters how to skate (4 years and 5 years old). Saturday, we went to the women's game and stayed long enough to watch the Senior tribute. My oldest asked if I could pick her up so she could get a better view of the action on the ice. As she watched intently, I caught myself daydreaming about the possiblity of being there 16 years from now during her senior night.

    Who knows? It may not be hockey...maybe it'll be soccer, or swimming, or perhaps golf. My wife golfed for UND, so they may have a shot at playing that instead despite my genetic contribution. :)

    UND athletics has had a storied past and rich tradition. For my kids, I want University of North Dakota Athletics to have a future.

    • Upvote 3
  13. Everyone seems to forget, or did not know, that attendence at the tourney in St. Paul was not very big in the early 90's. UND fans only travel in numbers if the destination is easy for them to get to and cheap.

    The St. Paul Civic Center seated about 16,000. The tourney drew 45k - 55k when in St. Paul before the X was built. In 1994 they set a record attendance of about 61,000 (broken 1st year at X). I'd say the tourney did pretty well in the early 90s. Not sure what this has to do with UND fans and their travel habits. IMO the biggest reason for the tourney attendance explosion is the building of the X.

  14. This is true, how about Omaha and St. Paul? I would say Grand Forks but Omaha's arena holds more people and it's a better destination city.

    I like the idea of a St. Paul/Omaha rotation vs. St. Paul/Denver if necessary. Omaha is a great road trip with a convenient downtown location for their arena. I haven't been to Denver yet, but will be knocking that one off the list in a couple weeks, althought the experience will be different going to Magness than it would be going to Pepsi. Ok...maybe I just want to drive to the tourney every year instead of fly!

    • Upvote 1
  15. No, dagies, it's even simpler than any of that -- it's the law. They have to. University lawyers interpret the law to say that once the petitions are filed and certified, "the repeal" is on hold, thus, the law on the books before the repeal would go into effect until the June vote decides the matter. Dumb, I know, but that's how they're interpreting the law.

    Well...in order to put a hold on the hold I guess it's time to start the petition to repeal the repeal of the repeal! :lol:

  16. This is the tie-breaking procedure for tournament seeding the WCHA listed on their site last year. I can't imagine it being different this year. As for the MacNaughton, teams who tie for first are co-champions.


    In the event that ties are encountered in the determination of WCHA ranking or designation of home teams for playoff purposes, the following procedures will be used in the order given to break the ties:

    a) If two or more teams are tied, head-to-head competition during the regular (conference) season will be used to break the tie.

    b) If two or more teams are still tied after (a), the highest seed will go to the team with the most WCHA (conference) wins during the regular season.

    c) If two or more teams played a four-game series during the regular season and the teams have the same win-loss records for those series and the same number of WCHA wins, the team having the least number of goals scored against it in the four-game series shall have the higher rank. If two or more teams played a two-game series during the regular season, procede to tie-breaker d).

    d) If two or more teams are still tied after applying the provisions of (a), (b) and ©, the team having the greatest ‘winning margin’ during the regular season will have the higher rank. Winning margin = WCHA goals for during the regular season minus WCHA goals against.

    e) Games played against WCHA opponents in holiday tournaments will not be counted in the determinations.

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