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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Would the NCAA let us change our name to either the Sioux or the Spirit Lake Sioux if we get rid of the indian head logo and just used the ND logo? I don't see anything wrong with either of those because 1. the word fighting is gone so it's not a "violent" name, and 2. We don't have an "offensive logo" anymore. Of course it would hurt not to have the best logo anymore, and Sioux by itself isn't as good as Fighting Sioux, but that would be the closest we could get to keeping the name. If the NCAA wouldn't allow that we should have no nickname IMO.

    No chance they'd let us have "sioux" as part of the nickname.

    I've had thoughts of "Lakers" or "Spirit Lakers" if one wants to honor those at Spirit Lake.

    Nothing measures up to Fighting Sioux, but I'd certainly be willing to live with some of the alternatives presented in this thread.

  2. Quick question...

    Are the two arenas in Columbus publicly owned, thus making a cooperation more feasible than in GF with a publicly owned Alerus and a privately owned Ralph?

  3. If a team has the ball at their own 30 and the QB throws a bomb caught at the 10, and the QB puts his arms up signaling a great catch the ref can throw a flag and the ball is placed at that teams 15 for a whatever down and 25. Are you kidding me??

    Yeah, if you read the rule as it is written in the article, it sounds like that could be the case; but does "spot of the infraction" actually refer to where the offending player who commits the infraction is on the field, or where the ball is when the offense is committed? I would assume the latter, but who knows?

  4. I keep hearing "travel budgets" ... OK ...

    UND already has to travel to UMD, DU, CC, and UNO. No change.

    In terms of distance Miami is further than Tech, but is probably logistically easier to get to. Cost is probably higher.

    And then there's Anchorage. And not travelling there. That's a savings (because they stopped paying travel costs for conference mates a couple years ago).

    And honestly, I expect UND will become somewhat like the UMs (Minnesota and Michigan). UND has the big rink. UND probably will not travel as much non-conference unless someone makes it worthwhile for UND. Not many have the wherewithall to do that.

    One must also consider the fact that there will now be new non-conference bus trips to UM, UW, SCSU, MSU-M, BSU, Tech...

    Instead of flying to Orono, ME, just drive to Minneapolis, MN!

  5. I find it odd that more people aren't giving the "other" ND more flak for this. After all, they were the first ones who began flirting with another conference (HEA) after the B1G teams announced they were leaving. They essentially dealt the death-blow to the remaining CCHA by likely forcing Miami's hand.

  6. Hmm since Duluth is in the new league I see no reason that the post season tournament can't be held at a true neutral site. Say the Excel or Target Center? Minnesota(Gophers) won't be using both will they?Pssst check out how many Sioux fans were at the X this year...Looks like the UNO bunch have no problems traveling either when they played at the Gophers rink this year.

    If UNO gets the on-campus arena, the Qwest Center becomes a very viable neutral site, too.

  7. Talk about a power conference (at least as of now)! All the proposed teams made the NCAA tourney last year, three went to the Frozen Four.

    The Big 10 only had one team in the tourney...at least their one team made the title game, unfortunately at UND's expense.

  8. For the Summit the excuse for "no minutes" is that (private) ORU attended, not that the meeting was outside of ND.

    It's probably a question for the AG, but if an ND official is working for the state on state business anywhere, isn't that required to be open? Hence the origin of media trying to get Summit minutes (NDSU president = state business).

    Is it the NCAA who requested a rep from REA there, or is it the ND delegation? I should think any ND delegation that wants to try to save the nickname and expose the NCAA for their hypocrisy would request the meetings be "open." Inviting a private entity into the discussion would close that opportunity. Maybe the open meeting laws don't apply anyway since it's outside of ND and the point it moot...not sure.

  9. I don't know that i fully agree with your statement but in my opinion there is NO reason that anyone associated with the REA should be in attendance.

    Is the REA not specifically named in the settlement?

  10. It was a tough way to end it, but this team was the best team in the country, and they still got to experience something that was probably greater than even Duluth experienced (in winning a NC) when they won the Broadmoor in front of thousands and thousands of Sioux fans...

    And I'd say we're all still the luckiest and most spoiled fans in college hockey.

    What stings is they had the same opportunity at the Frozen Four...a building full of thousands and thousands of Sioux fans. Unfortunately it didn't happen. I'm sure if you ask the Duluth players and Fans they probably wouldn't want to trade places with us! :D I don't know if they could've won a NC in a better venue for their team and fans than the X.

    Nevertheless, a great season and one I'll remember for a long time.

  11. I had problems all last year, too, but was able to get a decent signal by bumping west for one of the games. The Satellite Gods smiled on me that day, because it was the ONLY game that wasn't on DirecTV's FCS channels this past year (I think it was one of the UNO games), and after that night I was never able to get a reliable FTA signal for the rest of the season.

  12. I will always defend a goalie's right to defend his crease (my oldest son is a goalie). But there are two things here that must be pointed out...

    1. Burrows was clearly NOT in the crease when Thomas assaulted him with the goalie stick.

    2. Even if he was in the crease, the use of the stick as a weapon is unacceptable. Shoving a player out of the crease is one thing, but you don't whack him in the knee with your goalie stick.

    Thomas is a hothead with anger management issues. If there's any such thing as karma he will suffer yet another 1-0 loss in the 7th game on Wednesday.


    Was the puck in play, therefore placing the act within the "context" of the game? It's OK if it's between the whistles, right? I thought only the guys who drop the gloves after the whistle were hacks.

  13. thats a sad sad deal. those painkillers are a nasty thing to get addicted too!

    Not sure if you were implying that Boogaard was addicted to said painkiller, but I didn't read anything indicating that in the above article.

    He was battling concussion problems and may have been taking oxycodone for the headaches for all we know. The Star Tribune is reporting it as an accidental mixture of the painkiller and alcohol.

    It's an unfortunate deal, that's for sure.

  14. I was surprised to hear the other day that the NHL owns the rights to the name Jets or something like that and the franchise would be called the Manitoba Moose. I find it hard to believe though that they wouldn't allow them to be the Winnipeg Jets again, simply for name recognition. Anyone else hear this?

    I don't know, but could this be because the NHL owns the Phoenix Coyotes, who may have retained the rights to the Jets name when they moved from Winnipeg?

  15. Not true at all. Many Gopher fans, myself included, can't wait to join the Big Ten.

    Could it be because it's the only Big 10 conference sport where you have a chance at finishing in the top 6? :lol:

  16. I guess I would assume the team numbers would be designated based on the placing of the top four seeds in the regionals. Therefore:

    1 = Yale Regional

    2 = UND Regional

    3 = BC Regional

    4 = Miami Regional

    That's also how the original bracket is structured: 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3.

  17. Although MN and WI weren't at the Final Five, this wasn't exactly a true "dry run" of future tournaments since the fans of those programs still bought ticket packages. We won't see the full effect on attendance until Minny and Wisco fans stop buying ticket packages.

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