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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Also, nonresidents are prohibited from hunting PLOTS or other public lands the first weekend of pheasant season. I don't hunt waterfowl, so I don't know if this is the case for them as well.

    I guess it's all about whether or not you feel it's worth the expense. I only hunt pheasants in ND opening weekend (private land), so some may say I'm crazy to pay $100 to shoot 6 birds; but the trip is more than just the birds. It's spending time with great friends that I've hunted with for 20 years. Holy moly...20 years already???

    The small consolation is the resident MN fishing license if you're an avid angler! ;-)

  2. I think split is a safe bet too, but won't be surprised if they change the fortunes of SCSU on Friday nights.

    Given that we haven't won on Friday there in the last 10 years, it sure would be nice to pick up a win Friday and actually have an opportunity to sweep!

  3. But he's stuck with two players who cannot keep up....IMHO. I have started to notice that. That type of line works against poor competition but against the Goofs or other top notch teams they won't even be noticed most likely. I believe he should be playing with Kristo and Knight and they would be a top 2 line in the country. Park-Rowney-Mac is a top ten line and their third and fourth lines would have some solid you skill and time to build chemistry going into future years.

    That's just it...with Parks in the lineup it changes the dynamic quite a bit. Having him get healthy is huge. Without Parks to make the 2nd line a very legitimate scoring threat you run the risk of becoming a one-line team with Rocco on the top unit.

  4. So, when the rivalry does resume, does it become less intense among the players, or more intense. I know the fans will have that intensity because of the history, but if the players don't have guys to hate from the start, how does that play into the intensity?

    That's a good question, but if they meet enough in the playoffs I don't think we'll have to worry.

    If they don't meet in the NCAAs, I should think that as long as we're still involved in the same recruiting territories the players may be familiar enough with each other to keep some of the intensity.

  5. Heads up for anyone going to the UNO games. I just got tickets for the Friday game from the UNO ticket office. They said they are going on sale around Thanks giving however we had a group of 20 total so he sold them early to us. Not sure if this will work for everyone but hope it does.

    I talked to them earlier this month and I think if you have a group of 10 or more you can order now.

  6. Lucia desperately did not want to join the Big Ten and one of the reasons is because he was worried about how it would effect the other MN programs. He was determined to make sure the U plays those schools every year, it was his #1 priority. North Dakota doesn't have other D1 programs in their state so I understand why their fans don't fully understand Lucia's thinking on this. But to most Minnesota hockey fans it is imperative to play our in-state rivals yearly. Now it's also important to Minnesota hockey fans to play UND, myself included. But as the flagship program in our state the U has an obligation to help those programs by keeping a regular season series going. UND doesn't need the U like Bemidjii or Mankato does.

    I agree. A lot of UND fans like to tout the fact that we scheduled BSU and Mankato when they were fledgling DI programs to help give them a boost. Minnesota is now agreeing to do the same thing for these schools now that their conference is losing it's prestige. I don't think it has anything to do with "fearing" UND. In fact, I think a lot of fans here would agree that UND should also maintain some sort of series with BSU and probably Mankato, but nobody here would suggest it's because they were scared to play Minnesota.

    Now... I think UMD and SCSU can be put into a different category since they're both members of the NCHC and are maintaining their rivalry with UND (in fact improving by playing 4 times a year every year) as well as a few of the other top current WCHA schools. Those two programs arguably need non-conference games with UM less than BSU or Mankato does. I suppose there could've been a scenario where UM scheduled UMD and SCSU less frequently in order to maintain some games with UND over the next four years, but the idea of a MN tourney at the X certainly wouldn't have worked without their participation.

    In the grand scheme of things, UND and UM will play each other eventually on a regular basis during the regular season. It sucks that we will have to wait at least four years for it to happen. But...let's face it...if our teams are as great as we all think they are, there should be plenty of AWESOME playoff match-ups in store. Can you imagine the intensity of the regular season non-conference games four years from now if these two should meet in the NCAAs over the next few years? Fans will be salivating to get them in a home-ice environment.

  7. Right. I'm sure Glenn Taylor issued a directive to only pursue signing white players. [facepalm]

    Heck - Glenn Taylor set his franchise behind 5 years by trying to sign Joe Smith, who is black, to an under-the-table deal. That's all the proof I need that he's oblivious to this situation.

    Also...they had no trouble filling the Target Center when MV3 were carrying them to the Western Conference Finals. Just win, baby!

  8. That's why I wrote "Seriously" to begin the next sentence. I was trying to make the point that others have, that we didn't get Anchorage's best effort, and we better be ready for a different team, or at least one that sticks to what they do best.

    Gotcha. From listening to the press conferences, it's apparent Hak feels AA played a poor game last Friday. Hopefully the message is conveyed to the young men this weekend.

  9. I think Anchorage rope-a-doped us last weekend, trying to get UND to think this weekend will be easy. Seriously,if they are playing their slowdown game, they could be in the games and with a great goaltending effort, who knows. I'm hoping this years squad has a take no prisoners attitude right from the start, and keep their foot down on the pedal should they get an early lead.

    It's an interesting thought, but I just don't think anyone plays rope-a-dope to start the season. Teams are too busy trying to build momentum and find their identity to be messing around like that - especially a team like AA who really doesn't have the horses to rope anyone.

  10. Correct...problem is this won't be the only one we lose vs a team we should beat this year. It happens from time to time. But to compound it is UND rarely wins games it shouldn't or steals one on occasion. Nonetheless under the circumstances of this weekend and the travel a split isn't awful.

    Guess I was surprised to see we got outshot badly after the clinic that was Friday's game.

    Sweep next weekend and all is well.

    I think it's fair to say that most seasons when it's all said and done UND finishes somewhere in the top 10 nationally, so the opportunities to lose games that you shouldn't may significantly outnumber the opportunities to "steal" a game you shouldn't win. That said, given the play of our goaltending so far, what are your thoughts on their potential to "steal" a game this year versus the previous few seasons? I know it's early, but I have a hunch Saunders may be able to get us over the hump in that category this year. I'll take a couple in Mariucci, please!

  11. But I think it is also important that Grimaldi not get caught trying to do too much in the Ozone, like Kristo tended to do at first. He can be a force and dish the puck a lot.

    I'm expecting a rather "mature" fresh-more season from Rocco since he's had a full season within the program. The one caveat, especially early in the season, is that he could be eager to try to do too much to make up for last year's lost season.

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