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Posts posted by Snake

  1. As far as guys I've seen I would think Howard Walker, James Patrick, Ian Kidd, Curtis Murphy, Brad Williamson, Travis Roche, Chay Genoway, Matt Greene, Mike Commodore, Russ Parent, and Scott Sandelin would be in the conversation.

    In the "guys I've seen" category, I'd also add Nick Naumenko.

  2. They know how much alumni UND has in the TC area. They don't want to lose out on those thousands that attend every year in st paul right now. Target Center may not be the best venue, but as far as money goes it is their best bet.

    Great...and I suppose they'll have a "North Dakota Rule" that will be wrongly perceived as a huge advantage to us... :)

  3. My recollections of the WCHA Final Five in Target Center:

    - the ice was suspect at best

    - silver butter knife steaks are a short walk away

    - Dave Spehar got dumped up-side-down into UND's player bench one game. :D

    - Most importantly, UND won the last one played there in 2000. ;)

  4. It probably means that everyone gets a day off once in a while. Plus, someone gets hurt every year. There will be plenty of playing time for Gleason.

    ^ This. How many times do you hear about guys suiting up with nagging injuries - not just last year, obviously, but EVERY year? Having that kind of depth would be huge for a March/April push.

  5. I'm not an expert either, but to answer your question, if they win those non-conference games it will help them slightly, whereas if they lose, it could hurt them a lot.

    Case-in-point is the Gophers' losses to Vermont and Northeastern this past season.

  6. It's probably not fair to Seth to lump him into this current group of NTDP kids spurning college. He's been clear about his decision making process and hasn't actually backed out on anyone. He's actually doing what most on this board wish the other kids would to - take the time to make a solid, informed decision.

    Alrighty folks. I think some news from this weekend will pretty much give us the writing on the wall about Seth. Since his buddy Koules decided to go to the W and Seth visiting Portland over the weekend it looks like we have lost out in the Seth Jones sweepstakes. I am sure by the end of the week we will have something official. Good luck Seth and I (we) appreciate you looking at UND.

  7. Appears someone needs a hug. I would give you one, but you are a supporter of socialism, by taking part in social security and using public roads.

    "google response", what a cop out. I guess you don't have an intelligent response.

    ' 'anyone that seems like they know more about something than me, must be using google."


    Last time I checked my employer and I would go to jail if we didn't "willingly" participate in Social Security by having FICA taxes taken out of my paycheck. Tell me - Who has the option not to participate?

  8. Playing time issue or could this be related to Hastings going to MSU-Mankato?

    Wow. Jumped to a few conclusions without knowing any facts here.

    Didn't seem to me that Sica made any conclusions. See...that the little squiggly thing at the end of the sentence with a dot under it is a question mark.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I shouldn't let Goon threadjack this thing into yet another Matt Cooke witchhunt. Steering the conversation back to where it was when he tried to veer it off course...

    I don't recall any Penguin goalie ever taking his stick and chopping into the legs of an opponent the way a lumberjack swings an axe at a tree. Tim Thomas is a lowlife d-bag.

    At least you're steering the "who's the bigger hack" talk to someone who's still alive in the playoffs...I guess that gives it relevance to this thread.

  10. We made the Omaha road trip in 2010, and I have to say it's a very fine downtown and completely capable of hosting the conference tournament. I'm very much looking forward to having that trip on the schedule again this coming season.

  11. The problem in this year's playoffs is simple:

    The NHL gave a nothing sanction to Shea Weber after bowling Zetterberg's head into the glass.

    What did that tell the players?

    - Those concerns about concussions? Nah, forget it.

    - Those game suspensions from the regular season? Nah, forget them.

    With those in mind the contact picked up and too far.

    Now the NHL is scrambling to regain control after screwing up the Weber situation.

    How can I prove that?

    Gee, both the PIT @ PHI and NYR @ OTT games had penaties called in the first 30 seconds of play --> message sent early and loudly.

    Exactly. Thus, the inmates are now running the asylum. It was never a situation of the refs and others in charge of ensuring player safety not being allowed to do their job...they never stepped up to do their jobs when given ample opportunity early on.

  12. Blowing a 3 goal lead in Game 1 is a very bad omen I'm afraid. I had the Penguins going deep into the playoffs but now I'm extremely nervous that they won't even get out of the 1st round. Not just because they lost Game 1 but because of how they lost it. The Blues are my pick to win it all, and if they do hopefully Oshie will bring the Cup to GF.

    I think when Staal rang the pipe in the 3rd and almost put Pittsburgh up 4-1 "omen" was the word Doc Emerick used. Turned out to be prophetic at least for game 1. As for the series, one never knows.

  13. I wouldn't doubt it. My friend teaches him and he's told me multiple times that Dell is far and away the best "student" he's ever had out of UND hockey players. Still kind of puzzling he hasn't signed yet, though.

    If he eventually wants to finish up his degree, it probalby wouldn't be in his best interest to withdraw without earning credits for this current semester.

  14. The Wild will just have to pick up Parise and Suter to be their stars :bigsmile:

    Does anyone else find it a little strange Dell hasn't signed yet? I thought he was close to a contract with a team last week maybe there was a change in his decison or anyone know what the holdup is?

    Could he be waiting to finish out the school year???

  15. I wouldnt mind a coaching change if it meant more ncaa titles.

    Pretty easy statement to make. Since we all want the team to win championships I doubt anyone would disagree. How do you guarantee a change will produce championships and not actually make the program worse off? I'm sure GMs and ADs wrestle with this question all the time. When you figure out the answer let us know...

  16. if these kids are good enough to leave early and go straight to the NHL then yeah I will wish them well. but leaving early to go play minor league hockey in crap arenas with 2000 people no I won't wish them well. and none of these players we hear about leaving early this year are going straight to the NHL, in fact some will never,ever see the NHL. they have it made so well here and you have all these players who left early and have come back and said they regret it, but that don't mean squat to these kids. I'm sure we'll hear stories down the road about dell coming back and saying he regrets leaving early too.

    This isn't college football where the next step is the NFL. Saying a guy needs to be "NHL ready" before leaving school is a bit much. If you believe that better competition is better for development, then why rag on a guy for choosing to develop against better competition - even if it is riding buses and playing in front of smaller crowds in the minors? We don't know what is being put in front of these kids. "Regret" can go both ways. In Dell's case, what if he had a better offer last year and regrets passing it up?

  17. A lot of us tout the advantages of the NCAA having older, stronger, smarter players vs. Major Juniors when it comes to kids deciding which route to take. I can't fault a guy if he wants to enhance his development against older, stronger, smarter players by jumping to the pro ranks - especially if the money is there.

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