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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Dell was great IMO...D was too minus the very last play when they got caught watching and hoping Knight would bury the winner. Mac can't fall asleep and be a spectator.

    Not sure I would put it on Mac. It looked to me like the GWG was more of a freshman mistake by Mattson - looked like he got caught jumping into the play hunting for a juicy rebound at the wrong time and let Walters get up the wing behind him. I could be wrong, though, as I was in a bit of an irritated state while watching the replay! :lol:

  2. I think this is what many on this board have been saying for quite some time...I think Sicatoka has been trying to drive this point home in the nickname forum. Let the University take the path it needs to take to keep the athletic department going while the SL tribe takes a separate path against the NCAA. Should the two paths cross in the future, the name could possibly be restored. If not, so be it.

  3. the weird thing is that they haven't followed that system that was said. 11 of the last 15 games between the teams have been in Grand Forks, take away the three from the playoffs thats still 8 of the last 12. There was a couple years where they played one series in Grand Forks and none in Minneapolis

    The WCHA expanding to 12 teams last year probably messed that up a bit.

  4. Gopher players could score, dance around, skate over to the opponent's bench, point to the scoreboard and it would be half as over the top as "Here is your UND Fighting Sioux Scooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring." Especially at the Final Five.

    But the maroon & gold "jersey pop" tops them all!

  5. Yes, until today there used to be an icon (dot, star, caption bubble) to the left of each thread title that when clicked brought you to the first unread post. The area to the left of the thread title is now blank.

  6. The Bulldogs lost a of great players from last season's team, Mike Connolly (28-26-54), Justin Fontaine(22-36-58), Justin Faulk (8-25-35), Mike Montgomery (0-10-10) solid underated defenseman and Kyle Schmidt (11-11-22). I am not a math major or good at math but that is a 157 points from UMD's offensive production.

    ...and they still managed to put up 100 shots on Patterson. Not sure what that says about the Gophers D at this point, but we'll find out soon enough. Right now they look pretty good and are playing with a lot of confidence. They won't stay at 75% (or whatever other-worldly number they're at) on the PP, though, so they need to tighten things up a bit.

    Right now it appears the Sioux's match-up with them in a few weeks may be "strength on strength" when it comes to their O and our D; and "weakness on weakness" with our O on their D.

    Probably means it will come down to special teams and goaltending...as usual! :)

  7. Considering what was lost in the off-season, not having Miller, St. Clair and Grimaldi (temporarily) to step in and fill the gaps means this season will be a work in progress. I'm pretty happy with a 2-1-1 record at this point. I think the road trip this weekend will be good for the team.

  8. I pretty much agree with everything Farce said. It's going to take a while for the freshmen forwards to learn their defensive responsibilities. I'm sure the coaching staff is making this their focus in the first half, and until they learn how to play in their own end we won't get to see as much of what they have to offer in the scoring department. As the season rolls along and these young guys learn, things could be pretty fun in the 2nd half!

  9. If you want to win Super Bowls, then yes, you have to have a QB who is more than just a game manager. But, the Vikes don't have one, so someone who CAN manage the game is your next best option. McNabb has been sufficient in that manner considering the short amount of time he had to learn the offense. He can't go win you a game by himself, but if you mix him in with a $100M running back, and a decent defense, the Vikes should be better than 0-4.

    That's why I think it comes down to the coaching. Let's face it, the Vikes don't have a winning roster right now, so to expect McNabb to come in and make the team a title contender was just not very thoughtful. However, the Vikes should have at least a win right now.

    That's why I think there's more wrong with this team than just the QB.

    I want my team to win a SB, darn it! That's why I think it's important to see what Ponder can offer for the immediate future. That $100M running back won't be in the prime of his career for much longer. Why fiddle-fart around with an aging QB that hasn't proven he can play worth a darn in the last 2 seasons?

  10. I think the Vikings made a statement about where they're headed when they signed a running back (granted, AP's the best) to a $100M contract in the age of the passing offense. At least with the new CBA they won't have to handcuff themselves with a ton of guaranteed money to a rookie QB contract, and could possibly explore options beyond Ponder if he doesn't work out.

    QBs just can't "manage" the game any more. They have to control the offense and win the game. Sure, McNabb hasn't turned the ball over; but isn't going 3-and-out on 90% of your drives late in ballgames just as lousy as throwing a few INTs?

    Leslie Frazier probably looks bewildered because there's more than just QB talent problems on this team.

  11. The Viking defense did fine on Sunday. Robison is playing well. Kevin Williams is back. The D-line will be fine. The offense needs to convert on a third down once in a while in the second half to keep the defense off the field. That's on McNabb. It's a passing league...need to have a passer that can keep the ball above the shoe tops and in the field of play.

  12. To piggy-back on Sprig's comments...looks like the Friday game is tape-delayed on FSN Wisconsin, and the Saturday broadcast is local cable. As of right now they don't have any webcast info at uwbadgers.com.

    I seem to remember being able to webcast UW games in the past...in fact, that's how we watched the series last year at my house. I also recall watching the Sioux clinch the MacNaughton in '09 in front of a computer monitor.

  13. Agreed. SCSU made its bed, it needs to learn to live with it. If it becomes a 6 former WCHA teams plus Miami, then why even split from the WCHA?

    Again, this isn't just about getting the "power" and "like-minded" schools together...it's also about getting strong leadership that was non-existent in the current WCHA.

  14. Being a fan of mostly MN sports (except for my beloved Alma Mater UND)...it's just too difficult to go negative so early. I mean, when living in loserville USA (copyright PA) it makes for a really, really long year when you give up hope after the first game.

    I'm willing to see where this offense is after week 3 or 4. Remember...the '09 Favre-led Vikings didn't exactly destroy Cleveland, Detroit, and SF before finally getting some rhythm. They were damn lucky to start 3-0. I'm willing to cut McNabb and the entire new coaching staff some slack - especially when you consider there was ZERO off-season activity until training camp.

    Plus...week 4 is about when Sioux Hockey gets fired up full-time! Who needs the Vikings at that point? Only full-time loserville residents! :lol:

  15. Yes, but they were able to hang in there for the full 4 quarters on the road vs. USC. I'm not sure yet which of these first two Gopher games was the abberation. If the team that played USC shows up vs. NDSU they will destroy the Bison, but if the team that laid an egg in their home opener shows up they could very easily lose again. The fact that the Bison have two weeks to prepare for this one does not sit well with me. ???

    I'm guessing USC was the aberration in that game.

  16. Ok, I have been on the phone with Direct TV and I was asking them about the game on FCS 617, 623, 626 and I haven't got anything on any of those channels but the Direct TV logo and they told me that means that there is nothing on FCS at this time... I also asked about the Football game and they said it's isn't on? WTF?

    I wouldn't worry, Goon - the DirecTV FCS channels aren't the "true" Fox College Sports. They only carry live events, so that could explain why you only see the DirecTV logo.

  17. I had trouble getting the FTA signal last year, so I'm glad to hear they've changed satellites. I'm definitely looking forward to the higher quality raw FTA feed once again, but will have my DirecTV as a back-up plan. Sounds like it'll be a good weekend to get dialed in ...errrr....motor over to 87W!

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