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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Just watched the US vs CAN replay and there were a few passes Rocco could have made instead of shooting but overall I simply do not get why it was determined he was playing "selfishly". If one of those shots would have went in vs CAN he would have been the hero...I'm still stumped on why he was benched.

    My impressions on Rocco thus far have been that he has actually tried to force passes at somewhat inopportune times (i.e. just inside the blue line, drop passes, etc.). I hadn't really noticed overly selfish play, but maybe it's not for on-ice actions???

  2. I lived in Arizona for 19 years, went to many coyotes games and worked for them. If they are winning it works, and that's still a stretch. I want college hockey to keep growing but holding tourneys in Florida and or other non hockey markets if you will doesn't do much good. Yeah it's great for the few fans that will make that trek or live there but lets be real here. College hockey has its own issues even selling out 4,000 seat venues for regionals in hockey markets.

    I think you raise an excellent point here. In a way, it makes me want to say "to heck" with traditional markets and "why not" try to introduce the game to non traditional markets? I mean, if you can't sell regional tourney games that actually mean something in so-called "hockey markets," why not play some mid season non-con games in warm, non traditional markets? What does college hockey really stand to lose?

  3. That is pure apples and oranges. Gregoire was a flight risk following his junior year and everybody knew it. St. Clair was declared ineligible by the NCAA and had to wait a year. Miller signed an NLI, talked about how he couldn't wait to come here and then bolted at the last minute. He used us as leverage to get a better deal and then left without so much as a goodbye. Well son, I hope it works out for you, because if it doesn't I won't be shedding tears for you. :angry:

    I think burd was referring to Gregoire and St. Clair verballing to DU and CC, respectively, before ultimately choosing UND.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Jason Gregoire a selfish liar too? And Colten St. Clair?

    The kid made a decision. Good for him. It happens to all the top programs--and to others as well.

    JT had a signed NLI, no? Did Gregoire or St. Clair? Just curious...

    I think most fans are bitter at JT for bailing so close to the start of the season, not simply because he had a change of heart. At least that's how I'm reading the fan sentiment.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Wow...Rocco's pretty hard on himself. Per Twitter:

    "I was the worst player on the ice today. I did absolutely nothing and that is unacceptable. That CAN NOT and WILL NOT happen again."

    Well, if he performs in the WJC as well as he has since blaming himself after personally "losing" that Friday DU game it could be a special tourney!

  6. Not sure if mentioned but any chance Poganski and Gersich were a package deal?

    In the MN hockey hub article Sprig linked to above they mentioned specifically that there was no "package deal" involved; however, the two are friends and had been communicating throughout the recruiting process.

  7. Did the Sioux wear them in the final game played at the old Ralph? I thought I remember Schneider fighting in that jersey.

    I think so. I also remember Seeing a photo of Prpich fighting a Bulldog while wearing the green version of that sweater.

  8. What happened, hook trip?

    Tech player split the D. The two D converged and one knocked the puck away. The puck went to the side and the whistle blew. There was no takedown, but it was difficult to see how the UND player managed to hack the puck off the Tech player's stick. My guess was a hook or a slash, but whether or not it warranted a penalty shot is questionable.

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