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Posts posted by Snake

  1. Ok...but when do we "get there"? I don't think some of these players came back this season to not have the D "get there" by now. A wasted season no one wants!

    I think this is a very valid question. I will admit that I thought hiring Berry would be a good move. I'm not ready to pull the pin yet, but to make a coaching change would imply that something was wrong with the way things were going in the past. I just don't know that things were all that bad on the ice the past few years warranting this type of change. To see the product on the ice regress from a season ago is quite shocking, and the change should not be above scrutiny.

  2. Something I found interesting was that Wilkie and Gersich have the same birthday, are the same age, but Wilkie is a jr in HS and Gersich is a sophomore. Kind of funny.

    They are July B-Dates, right? Some kids are ready for kindergarten at age 5, some aren't. That's the decision parents have to make when their child has a summer birthday.

  3. I think Berry coached the group back with Schneider, Greene, Fuher, Jones, etc. They were tough and defensively responsible then. I doubt Berry forgot how to do that.

    But do you really think this group of D-men are built the same way those were? Even a big guy like Forbort never has been a physical player.

    I'm not a coach but I think you have to tailor your style to the type of players that you have, not try to force them into a system that's not conducive to their skills.

    I agree with you here for the most part, but it even seems like the grit and toughness has been squeezed out of MacWilliam, too. He even said as much himself when he noted in a recent press conference that hockey is different and that he can't make the big hit any more.

    Last year we had pretty much the same core of D, and they were much more responsible in their own end than they have shown this year. Yes, they had Ben Blood and he logged a ton of minutes, but it's not like we haven't had to deal with graduations before.

    I doubt Berry has forgotten how he coached that '05 group, but has HE changed since then?

  4. I think expecting a blowout win is unrealistic given the level SCSU is playing at. Aside from UND's effort, which everyone agrees was pathetic, SCSU did a lot of things well and will be smelling blood.

    I will be extremely happy with a hard-fought one goal win.

    Any loss will be a major disappointment regardless of effort tonight. We can't reward a good effort with a moral victory tonight just because they lowered the bar last night.

  5. 2005-bubble team

    2006-yes but probably would make it

    2007-yes but probably would make it



    2010-bubble team, but final five run killed this team with 6 games in 9 nights


    2012-yes, but probably would make it


    So basically you're saying there has only been one instance where we've been burned by a grueling WCHA playoff run, and they needed every one of those exhausting wins to even make it?

    Since none of the seasons you've shown here actually ended in a National Championship, it would appear that the 6 in 9 reason for failure is no more significant than any other reason, no?

    • Upvote 1
  6. "You play to win the game!" But his point is winning those games probably hasn't been advantagous heading into the NCAA.

    But in many cases, the only game that would've been a "throw away" at the final five would've been the championship. And, since you can't just forfeit to save your legs for the national tourney, you may as well play to win it.

    This whole playoff argument is ridiculous because other than the 2011 team we have consistently been a bubble team heading into the playoffs.

  7. three games in 3 three days or 6 games in nine days, yeah those have helped our tournery prospects. how many frozen fours have we made after playing three games in three days at the final final five-one. and how many have we won-none. and this year has six in nine written all over it. I've said it before, why is the WCHA the only league to have a flippin third day. I sure as hell hope the NCHC doesn't.

    So you're saying we should've been losing at the F5 in order to be fresher for watching the national tourney on TV?

    Why do you blame the playoff format? Blame the team for finishing 3rd - 5th those years.

  8. on a side note I could give rip about the final five as it means nothing and has doen more harm to our ncaa hopes than has helped in recent years.


    It seems to me that in two of the last three years we ABSOLUTELY needed to make the Final Five, and win at least one game there in order to make the national tourney.

  9. So.... your saying the chippy, after whistle stufff is the way of the future and the goofers are ahead of thier time!!! :silly: Is there a lacrosse game on somewhere?

    No. I'm saying that if Animal the captain feels like he can't hit then all hope is lost for anyone hoping to see the return of physical UND hockey.

  10. Did any of you watch the press conferences this week? I seem to recall Mac saying that the game of hockey is changing and you can't make the big hit. Well, that says something right there if you ask me. Never thought I'd hear someone like Mac say something like that. If that's how the players feel it could certainly explain the soft, tentative play.

  11. Groan...wasn't Backes on the Maverick team that swept the Sioux in Mankato? I think I remember that particular road trip...the only GOOD part about it was the visit to Mettler's after the Saturday game! :love:

    You might be thinking about the Shane Joseph/Grant Stephenson MSU-M team around '02 or '03...That's the only time I remember being in Mankato on the wrong end of a sweep.

  12. HAHA!

    It does suck to lose a 2 goal lead. Even at that point I said to myself the Sioux need 5 to win this game and I was unfortunately correct. What kept me from feeling horrible was the nice rebound in OT. Rather than give up to MN's mo built over the last several minutes of the 3rd period the Sioux really outchanced the gophers in OT. Seemed to me they really took over the mo. A couple of posts, and don't forget the puck rolling off Simpson's stick on the wrap-around chance that I was sure was going to win the game.

    I don't disagree that the tie sucks, especially coming that close to winning. But at the same time I'm at least encouraged with how the team responded there and I think that bodes well for the future.

    I guess we'll see, but overall I felt like the team improved over the weekend so that's a silver lining.

    ^ This

  13. UMD's play-by-play guy Bruce Ciskie said on the radio tonight that UMD and SCSU will be designiated rivals in the NCHC. They will play home and home every year. I would assume UNO and UND, WMU-MIA and DU and CC for the others.

    I wasn't sure if UMD and UND would be designed rivals or not...but the news from Bruce answers that question

    Isn't the NCHC playing a full 28 game schedule, each team playing 4 against each other? If so, why the need to designate rivals?

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