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Posts posted by Snake

  1. But do they have a decent spot to watch while standing? (like the endzones at the Alerus) or are there just tunnels like at the Ralph?

    Mariucci is an "open" setup where the concourse is around the top of the rink and open to the ice. All the seats are down from the concourse level. It's a good setup for SRO.

  2. I wonder how SOS is calculated so differently?

    My guess is that SOS is probably a function of the rankings, and since the rankings are calculated differently (RPI vs. KRACH) the resulting SOS will be different.

    You can't determine the strength of a team's schedule until you determine the rankings of their opponents.

  3. Both teams were rolling up until UND lost to CC. Perhaps that served as a little wake-up call? We'll have to see.

    Could one say the same thing about UM up until their 5-min major PP against AA on Friday? I saw very little of that game, so I have no idea how UM actually played; but they were possibly 4 minutes from losing on Friday as well.

  4. CBS will be crying harder, they lost their big comeback story with Manning they were hoping to carry to the Super Bowl which they are televising, now it's back to the old standby Brady to bring the audience. I would rather see 2 teams that haven't been there for a while if ever, but that's not what they want to see happen.

    Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine working the Ray Lewis angle.

  5. Considering these are college kids, I think it simply comes down to playing smart and within their abilities. Play a smart game, keep things simple, don't try to do too much, and don't give the refs an opportunity to intervene. Basically, try to play like pros.

  6. I think Nelson not returning set this whole thing up since it starts exactly with finding someone to play with Knight and Kristo. The dominoes fall from there as they search for the right compliment. Simply putting Rocco on that top line could avoid a lot of shuffling by allowing the reunion of a pretty successful RPM tandem from last year.

  7. I wonder if the refs are looking at D1 hockey as a teaching level, and that's why they spend more time talking to the players about what they did. If that's true, I can understand why they are doing it and can actually agree it could be a good thing. Just looking for a positive.

    I would think coaches could cover that during film, etc.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I've used my lip reading skills to see Hak dropping f-bombs toward the officials while they're at the bench, so I know it's directed both ways. If it happens between the coaches and officials...fine. But, directing it at the "kids" is a bit over the top in my opinion. Granted, these aren't "kids" we're actually talking about, but respect is earned and if the officials expect respect from the players they need to hold a higher standard when calling penalties, escorting players to the box, discussing things with coaches, etc.

    It's funny how one week in this league you can have a kid from a non-conference school assessed a penalty for yapping at an opposing coach, but then turn around the next week and witness officials treating the players in an equally egregious manner.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Unsubstantiated rumor, I might add. Still doesn't explain Mario's disappearing act, especially since his daddy is Grant's boss.

    They needed Mario rusty and lacking confidence to improve their chances against Notre Dame! :lol:

  10. Putting the cornerstone of your franchise on the field in that condition was pure stupidity. The Redskins have a solid backup in Kirk Cousins, who looked good in relief before and might have been more effective. The Vikings did the same thing last year with Adrian Peterson; his knee was banged up, the team was hopelessly out of contention and they put him out there vs. Washington on Christmas Eve and look what happened. The Vikings lucked out of the potential consequences of that decision; the Redskins had better hope RGIII has the same type of comeback next year. If he doesn't, some heads should roll.

    You bring up both RGIII and AP. Funny how both injuries occurred on the same crappy playing surface. How can a team, throwing money around the way Dan Snyder does, tolerate the absolute WORST playing surface in the league?

    • Upvote 1
  11. I do suppose we should really reserve judgement until the tourney is over. It's not like we we had our doors blown off by Canada and Russia.

    Good stuff! Maybe this Phil Housley character isn't such a bad coach after all.

    Pretty sure I was serious when I posted this. Judge the whole body of work and don't get caught up in the highs and lows.

    I wonder if USA Hockey has considered having a "full time" coach for this team. It seems to me that it would help provide some continuity from tourney to tourney - especially when it comes to building the team. Having a HS coach like Housley in this role probably makes a lot more sense than a college coach who likely has much more on his plate during the season.

  12. Ok, for all of you Rocco fans that watch him exclusely during the game; what did you think of his game? So obviously he has a super motor and mad skills....but does he make some pretty dangerous passes? I didn't notice it as much early but he had 2-3 dangerous passes....one which Strome (I believe) took in for a break away. He also had some nice (fancy) passes but I think that's what Housley is talking about....those super dangerous passes where the other team goes directly on a 2-1 or 3-1. Just some food for thought...I really didn't notice it as much during Sioux games.

    I think that you've pretty much summed up my thoughts. I've noticed his tendency for the risky play throughout the tournament. It hadn't really shown itself through the college season so far.

    I have to keep reminding myself that this kid really only has a half a season of hockey under his belt the past year and a half. Still, the "heady" stuff should be there.

  13. I've thought the same thing. Potulny and Osieki (sp) have a bit of experience, but how did Housley end up as the head coach of the most elite 20 and under players in the United States.

    What about....

    ~Jeff Jackson

    ~Jack Parker

    ~Jerry York

    ~Don Lucia

    ~Mike Hastings

    ~George Gwozdecky

    ~Rico Blasi....

    Pretty qualified college coaches if you ask me.

    Aside from a couple of these guys being Canadian, I agree.

    I do suppose we should really reserve judgement until the tourney is over. It's not like we we had our doors blown off by Canada and Russia.

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