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Posts posted by Snake

  1. I think we all wonder "how are we going to replace the scoring from player X" every off-season; but more often than not things seem to work themselves out and there's always players ready to step into those primary roles. I'd say we were really asking this question after the '10-'11 season, but lo and behold...Knight, Kristo, and Nelson stepped up.

    We usually don't fill it in with incoming Freshmen...look for some of the current Sophomore class to fill the scoring void more consistently.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Play a full 60 minutes and good things will happen. I won't say 120 minutes because we need to take it one game at a time. In fact, just do the right things, make the smart plays, and compete at a high level every shift and things will take care of themselves.

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  3. The alcohol issue was just for TCF Bank Stadium, and was because the stadium was built on campus at the U of M. It has nothing to do with the X. Alcohol has always been available at the X, unless the renter doesn't want alcohol sold.

    Does the B1G allow beer sales at their basketball tourney? That would be the precedent to look at. If so, I'm guessing the hockey tourney will follow suit.

  4. i had two options for away trips this year. this weekend in denver or holdout hopes of a trip to pittsburgh. glad I didn't shell out thousands for this weekend(positive) and at this point looks like I have no reason to keep tickets for frozen four.

    Why even go through the trouble of planning road trips at all if you'll only be happy with wins? Sounds like it would just be a waste of time and money for you regardless.

    News flash: it's tough to win on the road in the WCHA.

    Road trips are the best, win or lose.

  5. I don't think Clarke did enough to stay in the lineup tonight. I think we see Zane. Sure Zane's third goal was a big time softie, but that being said, so was Clarke's for the 5th goal. That rebound HAS TO BE controled.

    Zane is positionally better than Clarke and with a team as speedy and offensively strong as DU, positioning is huge. Before giving up a couple big goals, Zane was solid on his spots and made a couple really big saves because of his angles. I think Zane comes back in and gets the job done. I may be a bit biased, however... I used to coach the kid in little league baseball :lol:

    We played with a good hop last night for most parts of the game (couple of lulls cost us the game, unfortunately) and I that team knows they should have gotten two points Friday. I think we see a motivated team that goes out there and gets two points tonight.

    I see I'm a bit slow this morning! :)

  6. Any thoughts on starter tonight in goal? Did Saunders stabilize things enough to warrant a start tonight? I'm not sure.

    Aside from goal number 3 last night I thought Zane was good, especially on the PK. He was dealing with an awful lot of traffic in his crease and I thought he handled a lot of "in tight" situations pretty well in the 1st period. First two goals against we're tough ones. Third was an obvious mental lapse that can't happen. Does Hak give him a crack at redeeming himself tonight?

  7. Goaltending and special teams decide most games this time of year. UND didn't get average play in either category last night.

    I agree. I thought the PK was particularly deficient, obviously with the goals against, but that aside it looked like they were not doing anything to get in the passing lanes when DU would get it set up. There was a lot of running around and screening the goalie which is a recipe for giving up goals.

    Hopefully the same pattern from the series in GF applies here - Olki steals one Friday and then we dominate on Saturday!

  8. I would have preferred a 28-game conference schedule with a no-rival system. But short of that, I'd rather Duluth be UND's rival and St Cloud could have paired up with Omaha.

    For the record, I would prefer a full conference schedule too.

    I'm OK with having the Omaha trip on the schedule every year - it's a fun one. Of course, Duluth is an excellent trip as well. I could handle either one on a yearly basis. I'm just darn happy we're done with guaranteed road trips to St. Cloud every year!

  9. This deserves its own thread. What a horrible schedule. What is the point of an 8-team conference if you don't play everyone four times and develop some rivalries? I missed the memo on this if it was previously disclosed, but I can't believe there are only 24 conference games. Not playing Denver at home is BRUTAL.

    Ok...but Miami and Western are on the home schedule. The rivalry with Denver is already established. How is having Miami and Western on the home schedule hot helping us develop rivalries with the new teams in the conference?

    Miami and Western at this point stand to be two of the better teams in the conference based on how they've fared in recent history. I'm kind of excited to see these teams, actually.

    • Upvote 3
  10. I know it's fun to speculate, but what's wrong with the WCHA rolling with things as they have them laid out and then adapting as they collect the data? To me it seems they at least have a reasonable plan to kick off the new era of the conference.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Kristo is a stud. What he lacks though is consistent clinical finishing.

    Does anyone know if they keep track of any stats regarding "chances converted" or something like that? It's tough for me to say a guy lacks the consistent ability to finish his chances without knowing what his percentage is and how it compares to the rest of the league. Back in '87 I'm sure chances were converted on a higher rate simply because the goalies and team defenses weren't as stout as they are today. It's extremely difficult to compare eras based on the numbers.

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