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Everything posted by NewUndFan

  1. Daniger is a stud. Love her hustle. How she goes in a gets rebounds and her 3 point shot. She needs to be out there alot
  2. Definitely a little home court reffing going on. Now 23 to 8 free throw advantage. As much as we drive into the lane we should be at the line more
  3. Hurst is absolute liability on defense. Not sure her offense makes up for how bad her defense is
  4. 21 to 8 free throw advantage doesn't help either
  5. Was just going to post the same thing. When you are that much smaller then every team you have to work that much harder to box out and get rebounds. They look tired in the second half. I still question coach's recruiting. I get she wants fast guards but this could be our downfall this year. We need some size
  6. I'm impressed how the girls box out against much bigger teams. If they can cut down on the turnovers they can win this. I don't get cross court passes or passes into defenders. They been taught how to box out that obvious. Now they need to work on passing. Sole very ill advised passes tonight .
  7. Anyone else not getting the game now?
  8. I believe the summit league implemented a new ball last year. Looks fake to me.
  9. I hope this was Treyson's coming out party ! We need his out side shooting badly
  10. NDSU just beat Minnesota. The summit league is going to be fun this year
  11. Everyone makes the conference tournament this year... so i guess we have that going for us. This is going to be a long year. My biggest fear is BJ will get tired of losing and transfer out. He is the one bright spot I see on this team and the future.
  12. I'm sorry, Grand Forks and UND is not a destination for recruits. This is what you said. This is what I am referring to. I also said the portal should be used as a tool. I NEVER said build your whole team on the portal. That is the coach's decision. What I said is that using Grand Forks as a destination as a excuse not getting players is not correct. I dont care if the coach decides to use all portal kids all freshman all seniors. All I care is that we get players that know how to play division 1 basketball and win. Pacific used the portal to fill their whole team. Does that mean UND needs to do that? NO thats not what I am saying. I dont care who USD or SDSU got from the portal. They got kids there with worse cities then Grand Forks. Your comment that Grand Forks and UND is not a destination is bogus, that is a excuse. We get good players here for all other sports. Like Vermillion and Brookings is a destination for recruits give me a break.
  13. Stockton CA has one of the highest crime levels in the country. And I dont see what the difference in the portal for football or volleyball. It can be done and you CAN bring kids to Grand Forks. If you can get them Vermillion and Brookings you can bring them Grand Forks which offers more then either of those cities. Both SD teams are way better then UND and its not because Vermillion or Brookings is better then Grand Forks. They have coaches that know how to sell their program and know how to coach.
  14. I have heard we cant make a team better with the transfer portal or that students do not want to come to Grand Forks to play. I will use our new volleyball coach as an example of what a good coach can do. Our team won 1 game last year. He used the transfer portal and brought in players to Grand Forks. He transformed that team into a contender in almost one year. They have fallen back a little here at the end but will make the Summit League tournament for the first time. He also signed 4 athletes last week that look to be studs. Two of the athletes are coming from Texas and California. Proving that you CAN use the transfer portal and you CAN get players to come here to play sports for the right coach.
  15. I'm questioning if he was a good D2 coach. He inherited an established D2 program. I wasn't happy when he was announced as the coach and looks like I was justified. We need someone with some D1 experience. Several new coaching hires in the summit league this year and looks like most of them improved their teams. How many more seasons do have to lose before we get a new coach?
  16. Seriously questioning next years recruits. We will not get better with the ones we signed. Why blow all our scholarships before we see who is in the portal ? Sather seems like a nice guy but I don't see that he knows what D1 talent is. Plus this offense is starting to look like Richmonds at ndsu. Pass around and chuck up a contested 3
  17. I like this pick up of a local girl too, but we are seriously lacking size. I watched the NDSU women's team last night and they have improved significantly and really upgraded on size and talent. Very fun to watch. I really think we have fallen behind them this year and I think they may compete with the South Dakota schools this year. And Yes I am not a UND homer and will cheer for both North Dakota schools but will always root for UND over NDSU in head to head.
  18. I also agree with this. I dont see why she is playing Gordon so much. To me she doesnt bring as much potential as our talented freshman. Let them play and make mistakes. Gordon missed all of last year and will be gone next year. I dont see that she is as talented as the freshman we have. I thought McCarthy had some potential last year as well but just never got a chance.
  19. I don't think it was our tall girls that were hurt. I just don't think they are ready or good enough to play now. It was two guards that were sitting on the bench in street clothes. The tall girls were dressed and looked ready to play. Without a inside game it doesn't free our guards for open 3 point shots. With a pass inside and then out opens them up for a better shot. As far as SD girls wanting to play here wasn't my point. My point was that sometimes looking in your own back yard for players isnt a bad thing. Going to metro areas to find "better" players because they are from bigger cities doesn't mean they have better talent. Proven last night from a D2 team beating us.
  20. Lack of height is going to be downfall this year. NDSU is loaded with height this year and I think they jumped ahead us. Kacie didnt look like she was looking for her shot. She needs to be the focal point of our offense. Hurst had a good game on the offensive end, but is going to be a big liability on the defensive side. She looked winded and saved her energy for the offensive side only. I looked at the Northern State roster and they beat us with kids almost all from South Dakota and a few Minnesota kids. We scour the U.S to give out scholarships and the ones in our backyard are forgotten. I was looking forward to the womens season but last nights game was not even fun to watch.
  21. Sign the Tupac's to an extension NOW!!! Coach of the Year hands down in my opinion!
  22. Tonight will not be a traditional exhibition gimme win. Northern State has a long history of dominating division 2 women's basketball. Should be a fun game to watch and see some actual competition. I think a 20+ win would be impressive, but I am expecting a 10 point win tonight.
  23. I listened to Coach's interview the other day. She named all the players and didnt mention Roach... She asked if she forgot anyone. The other coach's said no. I knew Roach was missed in her listing of players. I checked the college website and she was still listed. Then checked her twitter nothing. I guess this explains it now.. I had high hopes for her...
  24. Nope. Looks like South Dakota State comes in at number 24 and South Dakota also got votes! NDSU got 3 votes! Coaches must think the summit league women's basketball s strong!
  25. Yeah what are you hearing about basketball...
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