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  1. Their skill and UND goalie play are a bad recipe.
  2. I got a few from him that were suitable for their purpose and got what I paid for. Then it went downhill it seems.
  3. Following. Interested.
  4. We can only hope it turns out like Dorn and Vaughn in Major League. With a punch to the face while celebrating a championship.
  5. Just fucking win.
  6. Jammer Friday Boisvert Saturday
  7. Between the feed and the play this is hard to watch. cbs feed didn’t look this bad last night.
  8. This will be a steal of a win with the chances scsu has had
  9. That’s what I thought too
  10. Should, yeah. Mine allows rewinding. It’s not great but you can figure it out by going all the way back and inching forward to get through pregame.
  11. See U of Iowa football.
  12. I’d bet a lot of people in here yell at clouds in their free time. When not complaining here, of course. Sheesh.
  13. There will always be other bids. But yeah hopefully we get to a point of campus hosts
  14. You’re far too confident to think they’ll give REA the bid. As stated in another post, they’ll avoid it at all costs. And why would UND give up an hour drive home crowd vs fly somewhere?
  15. Colorado College tickets were expensive like this when their new rink opened. Be patient. They’ll only go down. Or get on Craigslist and other avenues for better prices from people trying not to gouge by selling “more local” if that makes sense. We got tickets to CC that way their opening season. Was a season ticket holder just looking to move them vs make money.
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