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Washburn Sioux

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About Washburn Sioux

  • Birthday 11/17/1954

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  • Location
    Bismarck, North Dakota
  • Interests
    Fishing is something to do when there isn't any Fighting Sioux Hockey.

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  1. With all the injuries, the result does not surprise me. Denver is good, UND is good, just a bad time to play them.
  2. We had the Hot goalie tonight!!! Nice Sweep!!
  3. It just sucks to lose, for everyone.
  4. It seemed like the Sioux players "Lost an Edge" too often, and its their rink. What's up with that?
  5. Can't disagree!
  6. Did anybody watch this game on a Roku versus Midco? Midco was clear but very jumpy.
  7. Denver has won all three games by identical scores of 2 to 1. Seems like they have Duluth's luck right now.
  8. YES!!! Nothing like a good gopher choking!!!
  9. Is Denver making UMass look better than there are or is UMass making Denver look not so great?
  10. Clay Matvick is from Minnesota and at one time worked for Fox Sports North.
  11. In 2017 we lost to BU in the Fargo Regional to a very questionable offsides call. This call resulted in a Rule change. In 2021 we lost a 5 overtime game to UMD in the Fargo Regional. UMD did not have to play the first game because Michigan tested positive for Covid. This situation also resulted in a Rule change if it ever happens again. We have had some tough luck in our regionals, usually something that has never happened before.... happens.
  12. Mich State wins in OT
  13. Hope the Mich vs Mich State game goes 10 overtimes!
  14. Omaha was stronger and more aggressive on the puck. They had some luck, but they played well.
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