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Everything posted by ND-fan

  1. I don’t know much about details of football when it comes to attacking the opposition but this years team seem to be making adjustments because we’re getting beat at times but then we’re dominating at times to comeback and win football games. I look at the top teams in the valley they are doing the same and they have been struggling to win games. The bottom line is we’re winning games. I have followed this forum since end of last season with everyone bitching about coaching staff and number of players to where I quit looking for a while. I even had doubts when we lost certain players but I think this has been good now because it looks like we now have team bought into coaching staff and staff bought into the players. we may still have poor year but so far this has not happened and still a lot of same people here are not satisfied and seem to want it to happen . I am happy for team, coaches, and looking forward to rest of the season this could be special season and so far very well prepared team.
  2. I agree with how good we can be this coming year, but my hope is group of young players develop and look like they could contend in coming years. We need for some young players step forward and become leaders of this team. The second thing how much longer does Mallory get if we see no progress and were one of the bottom 3 in this conference. I suspect that both of the South Dakota schools return to top of the conference this year. South Dakota State is loaded with talent I believe their bench probable win handily against us. South Dakota new coach I believe will turn the program around and by end of year will be positioned to take second in conference. Oral Roberts is going to continue improve and NDSU will be there by the end of season. KC, Denver, and Omaha will be fighting for the 5 through 7 spots and I believe we will be fighting to stay out the cellar. Only thing makes me think not this core of players Pemberton, Ibrahim, Demers, Schiller and maybe Beal if this is the year she lives up recruiting potential. Several other of the freshman could surprise us but it usually takes year before they contribute. Hurst will be mentioned but unless she develops game playing defense as well as offense, I see no future, but Mallory probably will continue to believe in her. I think there is talent here enough to be 500 team as it stands now and could improve but question will be if Mallory can change her coaching pattern of past few years my guess is no.
  3. By this forum there is zero interest in women’s basketball not single post in three months and very little if any promotion of the program in the media. What is athletic administration doing when it is not promoting one major winter sports I see other Summit league schools have few press releases and few tv spots of players etc. I get feeling they two think this going to bad season and Mallory has been keeping low profile as well it can’t be to long until full time practice begins. If they are to get fans interested need to start promoting this team and give fans something to want to come out see this team. I think they have some exciting players that could surprise a lot of people and adding of new coaches could help turn this program around in developing inside and outside game plus improve their defense.
  4. What I saw in Saturday's game we were getting very little separation by receivers from the defenders and safeties and corners were playing very tight coverages to me this means they had no respect for receivers in deeper patterns of escaping from them to be open. Some of you will think it's the quarterback but I also think it's the receivers you need breakaway speed that allows enough time for the quarterback to be able deliver the football. I guess it's scenario of what's first chicken or the egg. There are things they can do open up passing game and plays to Romfo strengths he is not going to be traditional big quarterback in the pocket, but he has other abilities to stretch the field both vertical and horizontal opening up for big plays. He makes the offensive line be more effective and reduces number of sacks that would happen under traditional quarterback how the season plays out is still to be determined but he has been winner including up to now and let's face he went out won this job it was given to him.
  5. I believe Tom Miller had written that Romfo had strong arm in practices but so far this hasn't been shown in the first two games. Und right now is missing big receiver that can stretch the field Dennis is only one that has shown to have some field stretching capabilities. Belquist is great receiver but more the ball control receiver and does things after the catch. I got to believe they have to be looking for someone to step up for stretching the field my guess its Deng Deng he fits the description with size and speed. I wonder if they aren't waiting for the conference season use his redshirt games before they would pull a redshirt. Belquist and other und receiving targets need this to open the passing game and also will make running game that much more successful and not mention to help Romfo in the passing game.
  6. I just hope we can play well enough to not embarrass us and keep the game respectable. The problem is there are so many changes since last year I don’t think this could lead to complete break down if things go wrong. I have feeling new offensive coordinator and line coach are in for rude awaking in making this jump division I. I believe this was reason for loss of Hagen and Borud they were not buying into this new coaching regime and made up their mind after spring practice. I believe Bubba must have known or had inclination of this but hes old school hard for him to understand kids today. I like Bubba but I wonder if he can adapt fast enough to how college sports are changing. His teams have been well coached and he has coaches that have recruited some good talent but they have not been able to stock pile talent to reach the next level. Even with that they have won enough to make playoffs but he has coached in playoffs playing conservative game but not willing to take high risk and going all out to put teams away early. I thought last year we did that in NDSU game but come after that we crawled back into our shell again. I wonder if that wasn’t reasons Freud move on even to SDSU learn how to win post season.
  7. I guees they feel loss of Omot, tsartsidze,Ihenacho,Daniel’s, and Brooks plus few other bench player is to big of loss to overcome. The question remains then they are not impressed with talent returning in this age of transfers. I think we have some very good talent retiring with King at point guard, Eaglestaff at other shooting guard, Kuljuhovic providing inner presence in paint plus we have another in Mathew’s who can play valuable back for him. Mayst which Summit didn’t get to see will provide dynamic teams will have to defend. Finally will be Mara which nobody will know how he has developed. Then we have Sather new recruits which appear to be some young players with big upside and his track record shows he has been able to bring in but keeping for any le
  8. There is one thing that UND does not have that is media presence especially in TV market. Both NDSU and SDSU have big presence for their football programs. This is important to young athletes they want to have media recognition to help them get money either locally or know that they will be wanted by larger universities to get bigger payday. The times have changed having good facilities and scholarship is given for the top athletes' you people keep wanting to recruit but the truth is Grand Forks has not grown enough to keep what they had, and Fargo has become home of Media in the state and they have no interest in promoting UND football but will do so for UND Hockey. I would like to say things were different, but this has changed, and it has happened in less than 5 years and this happening at all levels even University of Minnesota is similar situation with them competing with the Vikings for Media presence. The second thing is the amount of money we are putting into football has improved but we are still distant second meaning were upper tier of FCS but not elite schools of FCS who all are looking to move to next level.
  9. Sam Houston won in 2020 but they also have left FCS and if you go all the way to the 2000 there are only four teams left have won national championships that are still in FCS or not leaving for FBS. Also, there are only eight other teams that have been FCS champions since it was created still in FCS. Missouri Valley conference has 15 championships and Big Sky has 5 championships all rest of remaining schools in FCS has 5 championships in 45 years of FCS football. The last Big Sky championship was 2009 by Eastern Washington then the next was Montanna in 1995. Otherwise, it has been NDSU and SDSU claiming 11 championships out last 13 championships and probably should have 12 out of 13 if NDSU would have played with their fall team in 2020. Like I have said so much of disappointment here is because of our two closest universities and rivals and not having their success. They're going first to division I has been reason for getting to top FCS because they got jump on recruiting and success just steam rolled because of lack of division I other schools not recruiting in upper Midwest and only having to recruit against Minnesota. The big question what happens in the future for Missouri Valley schools and Big Sky schools are there any conferences willing to take these teams to next level or are we stuck here at this level because of our location and demographics. I think the future for these conferences that top teams of both conferences should be looking to form a new FBS conference and would create natural rivals and local fan interest and they could play other FBS schools also to create fan interest.
  10. I agree with everything you said this movement of players is going to be fact of life and this is at all level of play because your seeing it at the high school level where players are moving to be better program. The players may be loser of this eventually but I have to believe number of schools are going to lose this war to also. I could for see schools dropping number of sports like football because it becomes to costly and without fan support not generating enough revenue. The other choice is dropping down in the sports where you have program but its just not big expense and you can say you have sport. I just see the top P 5 programs going away from NCAA and form top athletic league where they are basically professional sports teams. The upper Midwest teams here are going to struggle because we don't have resources and population to play with big boys and I think donors and Alumni are going to come to point of there is limit they can support these universities and when that happens reality is going to hit home even for ardent fans even on here dream of playing with big schools is not going to happen. The big schools there will not want to play against us because there is no benefit for them financially or interest with there fan base. I just don't seeing it happening and with out some success in trying fans even here will lose interest.
  11. I don’t buy that Sam Haugen family partied to hard and I never would believe that but they like to be together as family and it may have perceived taking Sam away from the team. I think Sam when talking to Izzo today that SDSU players were close and how they responded to him joining the team by shear number of them contacting him personally. He also mentioned number of players who were like him small town kids and coming from agriculture back ground. This difference can only be answered by Haugens and coach Bubba. All I know is Sam expressed location being close to where his family can come see him is important but difference with new coaches had to be great and even Bubba relationship was not enough to keep him at UND. I have to believe there has to be some discussion between Bubba and new coaches loosing starting talent after spring ball is big blow to any football team.
  12. I also going to respond to Sam Hagen why he left UND from what I was hearing. So many of you put it as not staying with coach but reality it’s the opposite for Hagen. He was not buying into the new coaches and what was expected or I should say how they approached what was expected of and detail to the game. He was having trouble with detail of how offense line does things and new coaches it was all about Winona football not enough about UND football how things had been done and what needs to be done to win at Missouri valley level of play. I believe this was correct move for Sam if you can’t buy into what is being asked it’s time to move on. There were other little things that program wasn’t paying attention too that just add reasons for you to leave the program. Also Bubba did a few things last year that I believe upset the family some and it may not seem like much but Hagens are close knit family getting between player and his family is never good place to be. I don’t know total details but it didn’t help in retaining Sam Hagen. This concerns me it was not just Hagen but another starter also left after spring football so there we will see how these new coaches approach works out this fall. Bubba I hope is following closely on the offense because if this goes south UND will struggle to maintain there foot hold in the top of Missouri Valley Conference. I just think Bubba hasn’t realized that players need to be recruited even after several years and if your changing things you better be communicating and giving them reasons to buying into the changes and here what there thinking because now it’s not like in past. players can move on with just going filling out transfer request and coaches from other teams are in ears of many these players. The rules on tampering virtually don’t exist anymore and players are in control of where they are going to play. Coaching today is much more difficult a coach doesn’t have control they had over players and in FCS football has become the minor league teams that supply talent by developing potential players that were not ready to play FBS football and at same time trying to acquire talent that is available from FBS.
  13. I can explain why Bubba was extended it’s that not that complicated. First is that last year’s record with 7-4 regular season record and 7-5 overall record. This coming off previous 7-5 record year earlier. Then add in we had beaten our number rival for first time in over 15 years. Even with the playoff losses the program has been moving higher each year in FCS standings as program. This all been done with most agree where the program has been under funded especially for coaching and compared to our top opposition in the conference. The other thing affecting program was we were losing coaches to our chief rivals and if Bubba was not extended we were going see mass leavings of coaches and players from the program. Also going with this if you let Bubba go like some have supported we would have been looking at starting all over near the bottom of conference and be at lower end of FCS football. Then for number of you then you would see what it looks like looking from the bottom up and try rebuild a program. The fact is we’re not going to make jump to FBS football unless if Missouri Valley and Big Sky would merge top teams into FBS conference and we would then be poor or bottom of FBS football. The game or make up NCAA football has changed with the portal and NIL money and even team to the South or the other in South Dakota I believe the window has closed. The money to move up becomes more than is possible when these schools have budgets for each individual sport that is greater than we could generate. We don’t have resources or the population or tv audience to move up to this league of schools. But back to us we can not take step backwards now or what the athletic program has been trying to build and get donors and alumni to get us to one of the top programs in FCS. I look at number of FCS schools they are going backwards and funding programs at much lower level. I also believe we’re going to see number of FBS schools drop back down to fit in more regionally. I think above reasons why Bubba was renewed. The question I hope that has been addressed Is what would be Bubbas longterm plan on change of coaches like we saw atSDSU when Steigelmeir left the program. This should have been priority with the AD retain coaches and possibility for advancement for tenured coaches. College sports what it was just two years ago has changed where it is no longer amateur sports but professional and where we are going to be minor league school or team developing kids for top p 5 programs. The dream of college sports is done where small school can compete with large schools.
  14. I have to believe that we finish in the top four of the Summit, 19 or better season wins by conference tournament and at least two wins in the conference tournament. The latter is my belief we need to reach a championship game in the Summit. This means we need to win a game in tournament against ORU, NDSU, and SDSU, SDSU I don't think we have a shot at next year and matter a fact I don't think anyone in the Summit has a chance of beating them. That means we need to be in other side of the bracket with other two teams. This is tall order, but she has had time to build this program now if we are going to move forward, she has to make it happen now.
  15. I see we have new recruit in Aniayah Fletcher from Oshawa Ontario from Bond Academy listed at 6’0” and plays forward. I wish her well on joining the team and hope she has standout career with us. I believe this leaves us with one scholarship still open. It’s good to see some activity on roster moves.
  16. NDSU has been adding players recently, they look to be good fits for them with playing experience and size to their roster. On our front things seem to have gone quiet with no new player additions or higher in of assistant coach. Also USD will be having coaching change with Karius moving on. Will be interesting how that affects that program. I hope this is not repeat of last year where things are not finalized until late summer. This team needs to be settled then need to work very hard in off season to get better they need to work on defense and then get offense that compliments their players strengths. I also thought their would be more player movement but I doubt we will see much changes now.
  17. I see that DJ Davis is committing to Moorhead State. It’s been quiet on replacement of assistant coach and few remaining roster spots. SDSU looks to be monster of team for next year and may be one of the best Summit conference has had. NDSU should be number two team but with loss of Heaven Hamling through graduation and Ellie Evan’s through the portal will need to have several girls step up to keep them in second place. ORU should improve but will need to play some defense. USD with Larkins will be in the top four. Rest of Summit conference will all battle to compete with top four. This going to be critical year for Mallory if she will have future at UND. The AD is going to have to be on top this program. I still believe if UND can start put together teams that can compete in Summit and be considered for NCAA tournaments this could become one of most successful sports. But it’s going to take improvement in coaching and AD developing this program. let’s face it Basketball is fan favorite if you have teams that compete look how popular women’s basketball with NCAA was this year.
  18. I have been thinking about the transfer portal and how we could get some equity for small mid majors when they take risk to develop players out of high school. This would be for basketball for both men and women because of how basketball development of player is unusual. I think there needs to be contract between schools and player where if they commit to the school as high school graduate they are required to stay 3 years but here is where it gets interesting the first year would be considered red shirt year so in effect these players would get 5 years of eligibility. Like so many of the mid majors are all saying they would just want to keep player 3 years. Now for player who hates school in first year they can transfer but have to sit a year before they could play again. I think this could work because power schools would have players fully ready to play and still have two years for them on their schools. This gives players another year to develop their talents and would surely mean most would graduate with a degree and chance to receive NIL money for their years of playing college basketball. The thing about this would allow mid majors chance of having players to compete in NCAA tournament. We already have seen the fifth year of eligibility can work with the COVID 5th year and how that has brought up the level of play. The reason for sitting year if they transfer is because of getting extra year of eligibility it’s way to detour players transferring early and think it could stand up because it’s contract and they are getting something in exchange for it. The schools that could offered this would be schools coming from one bid conferences where schools from power conferences would be recruiting on present rules or they could also add option of red shirt season where players could play so many games to have similar amount of eligibility but in all likely hood not get playing time if went to mid major. I am sure I have missed a lot of problems in doing this but if we are going to be feeder to power schools we need to balance this out where we at least get year of development we invested in these players and we can stay competitive. I think this could be done down to division II level as well or we are going see same thing done to them by mid majors under present system.
  19. I believe this could be a good fit for the team she tall and moves well and will provide person to play on inside and outside plus provide us with some rebounding. I think if we can find couple of more players like her ready to play and start it will be big help. This puts pressure on some of players on roster they are going to need to improve if they want to continue to play significant minutes. The sooner they can find right roster players for this team and find next assistant coach sooner they can start turning this team around. They need to work on getting established offense and also get this team to play good team defense this has to start very fundamentals with this team. Second, they need to work on shooting, and this has to be combined with type of offense they are going to run. They need players there for whole summer working on basketball and playing together. I hope our new athletic director of training can add some to team by helping them improving jumping, quickness and strength improving there performance on the court too.
  20. That shows Dave Richmond had serious problems going on with his team last year in the locker room. I think his basketball style has been winning formula in the past, but problem is finding players who are going to buy into this style. It has helped in past when they were winning but last couple of years that hasn't been the case. I also think with the portal he is going to have hard time finding players that want to go through his style of basketball for four years. I also think he has been losing his fan base too because his style is not very fun type of basketball with low scoring and real physical games of defense. I wonder if he can adapt to the changes in college basketball with the portal and not having kids, he developed from high school leaving earlier for number of different reasons.
  21. see another transfer from Summit Touko Tainamo from Denver is in the portal. The drain continues from the Summit in talent.
  22. Long term in my eyes have changed because we have several major changes in Bubba tenure he took over the program when it was pretty low as it had been going back to the time of Pat Behrns tenure as head coach at UND. I look after that it took nearly 10 years to become power in Division II and after that another 5 years to win national championship. But Bubba turned program around to where they won Big Sky championship but then we had where whole athletic department had to be reorganized and there were cuts to programs not good time for UND athletics. Then UND switched conferences but football played conference schedule but not part of the conference. Then they played independent schedule for a year not good for team trying to recruit and retain players where there is no media presence for the program. Not lot of the coaches would have stayed under those circumstances especially two years. Then we come to entering the Missouri Valley Conference the toughest conference in FCS Football after two year period a team without conference home. Then add in Covid opening season in Missouri Valley and extra covid years for eligibility we have at least 3 to 4 lost seasons to build a program. Then look where we are at we have team that is top 10 to 15 in FCS football with chance to continue to move up to be one of the elite teams in FCS football. The problem is our two closest rivals have had more success and have won multiple championships we haven't and people are impatient they wanted it now. People forget it takes time and UND is finally putting together commitment in facilities and funding now to make that next jump and with that finding the talent to put on the field to win national championship. This is not to mention of era NIL, transfer portal, and getting funding to build a program. Take a look around how many of teams in FCS football that were good teams have gone way backwards that were powers in this division of football.
  23. It maybe unscientific but with that many responding basically from the region it does show there is majority of people that support and appreciate what Bubba has done for UND football. I think majority understand that UND rebuild is long term because of funding support and for us to gain reputation of being top FCS program to gain in recruiting battles to come to get top talent to compete. This has been shown by alumni and fans in recent and current facilities improvements to help in this goal of getting more top recruits. The next step is funding program that players are equal in support and enmities that other programs they’re competing against. I think people trust Bubba on these things because he is invested In North Dakota and not for his own personal gain to just move on with short term success but build legacy here at North Dakota. I know many here don’t understand this but this is how many things have been built here in North Dakota.
  24. I think balance UND has between high school and transfer is about right we should be looking to have one or two high school kids a year trying to find talent because power 5 schools are just going to be made up of transfers and very high-end high school seniors that need a year or two before declaring for the draft. This should leave a lot very talented high school players that can give you a year or two before they move on. Getty back to Und they will probably be looking for four on average transfers a year that will play right away and along with high school kids that we develop could put teams together that compete in the conference. The next reason for not getting to many transfers you're going to have dissention because of playing time with to many transfers. I would wait reserve my judgement on freshman on this team we have not seen them play any minutes of division I basketball, but they have whole season playing against some pretty good division I talent that was on this team. Look at the kids jumping from division II to division I basketball many of these kids were thought not to be talented to play up level but have developed to where they are becoming very good players. The same may happen with these kids and if they don't many will leave to play at level where they can play significant minutes. I also think day of scholarship number for teams is by gone requirement and maybe where the small mid-major can us NIL money to pay for extra players above scholarship levels set by NCAA. NCAA is losing control of college sports as the courts have ruled against them it's going to come down to colleges or big conferences putting forth rules that NCAA will then enforce. The way college sports were structured I believe will pretty much only exist at Division III level where there is little money and anyone school that does have money to do what happening in Division I and II will be forced to move up like ST. Thomas did with the Summit conference. I also think number of schools that are division I will soon decide they can't compete and have money to stay at that level. I hate to say it that could mean UND with a lot of schools in the Summit Conference especially when you look at the amount of money it's going to require to stay at that level and because of geographic reasons because population to draw television and fan support. Second finding the money from businesses and donors to fund NIL to compete with large institutions. The next few years are going to be very interesting.
  25. Let's look at coming season where we are at now in the Summit conference and compared to other teams in the conference. The Summit conference as it stands now with transfer out the conference were looking at conference with all the teams in major rebuild mold and for the most part will be filled with either high grads or transfers. I look at SDSU they have only 6,7,8, people of the bench and group of redshirt freshmen coming in so far and coach that could leave not good positions to be in for next season. Kc has Jamar Brown and number of other players returning so far and coach Menzies looks like he thrives by putting players together from portal by far now strongest team in the Summit. Und retains Eaglestaff, King, and Kuljuhovic and Mayar from past season but will need to fill in loss of Omot, Ihenacho, and Brooks off the team. If they can find talent to fill in, they could battle with KC. St. Thomas I think they will be respectable, but the loss of graduating talent will be interesting see what they have for talent and what they are bringing in for talent. NDSU losing the number of players they have I think has to be Richman sort of nightmare where he wants to build program with his type of players and play their careers at NDSU. He is going to have to look to portal fill immediate needs and wonder how all the chemistry going forth for the team and second if he can get performance he demands from his players. I think they struggle next season and how he puts a team together in this new age of basketball. Denver has as it now stands 5 top seven returning, and number younger players should be ready to step up. The question will they be able to make up for the loss of Brunner and Brenchley both players provided a lot of leadership and scoring. I would put them probably at preseason number 2. Omaha is pretty much in total rebuild. Finally South Dakota I think they have fair nucleolus to build around but will need to find another big post player or two compete but probably tied with UND sitting now in the third preseason position in the conference. I think definitely we will see somebody new winning the conference this year.
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