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FGHTNSX Hawkey14

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Everything posted by FGHTNSX Hawkey14

  1. Took me longer than it should have haha.
  2. Hey @UND1983 finally someone who isn't a poser!
  3. It's a pretty lame, imho.
  4. I'm not hurt by the little arrow, but you have worn it out. It loses its not meaning if you just automatically click it every time someone has an opinion.
  5. If you intended to quote me, I think you misinterpreted my comments.
  6. Go caps, I guess. Who would have predicted this at the start of the season.
  7. siouxsports.com user: In my opinion- @darell1976:
  8. Easy on that downvote button, Darrel
  9. The path to true enlightenment is accepting the Hawks name.
  10. *Advocate *Cough* @MafiaMan *cough*
  11. That's a stretch Shakespeare...
  12. That doesn't even make sense.... I see what you were trying to do.... But...
  13. You literally spend your time trolling a college hockey board... I'm not sure what more I can say
  14. May I ask why you're even on this board? In the last 2 months. you have 15 posts. Let's recap. 3 mock UND's academics, 1 is a hilarious, and original "don't assume my gender!", 2 are just saying how much you want UND to lose (Not cheering for SCSU), 4 bashing our hockey history or fanbase ( ironic for an SCSU fan), 1 bashing Berry, for no apparent reason, And 4 are just straight up trying to pick a fight. Don't believe me? Check here: http://forum.siouxsports.com/profile/11236-thewhitedevil/ Your profile was created on March 17, the day UND was eliminated from playing in the NCAAs, implying that you are not here to contribute, but to mock and ridicule UND. Your profile picture is a crying North Dakota player. You have 15 downvotes, in as many posts, each a badge of honor for you. These are the signs of an INTERNET TROLL. You know what they say, losers focus on winners and winners focus on winning. Please get a life loser. Mods? Can you do something about this troll?
  15. http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/a3121120.nsf/home/statistical+language+-+correlation+and+causation
  16. Hoo boy! siouxsports.com is starting to look like r/dankmemes! It is a dark time on the message board... A dark, dark time...
  17. Har-dee Har Har.
  18. Do they have a list of names that have been submitted?
  19. I thought it was pretty good. Unique identity, actually relevant to the University of North DAKOTA.
  20. How about Dakota the Hawk/Dakota Hawk?
  21. Way to copy and the Portland Winter Hawks!
  22. You know what I'd like to see as a secondary logo? The logo that UND Insider uses, but without the Hawk.
  23. I think mascots look better in full equipment. Or at least faux-equipment.
  24. I'm just not feeling it with the white tank top/t-shirt as opposed to a sport specific jersey.
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