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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 14 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I hope we pass for six yards when we need five on 3rd downs

    No more 3rd and 5 plays with 3 formation changes then motion and then throw a 2 yard pass for 3 yards and punt?

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    I'd trade a blowout loss to Nebraska for a win against UNI every time!

    Yep, one would sort of be expected, a loss to UNI at home would put Bubba in a really tough spot to start the season.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Wins -- O/U 7.5 

    Under.  I hope I eat my words, but with 5 home games and 4 of those against ranked teams, the under is easy money at this point.

  4. 11 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    Based upon preseason rankings and the first five games, if we went by that we would go 1-4.  I think we could be anywhere between 4-1 and 0-5 after 5 games, but my prediction will be 3-2.  Hoping we are at least 3-2 after those 5 games.  Should we be 4-1 it would mean the OL is rolling for sure.  A 2-3 start will make it an uphill battle the rest of the season to make the playoffs.  What does everyone else think? 

    No question, the trajectory of the season will be determined early.  3-2 would be a great start IMO.  I have lots of question marks on the offense starting with QB play.  It's not talked about much on here, but I think it may take a while for the defense to gel after graduating some significant defensive players.  On specials, we don't have a proven field goal kicker which always affects some of the coaching calculus.

    The home game vs UNI will be a pivotal game in so many ways and will likely tell us all where Bubba's program is really at.  Win that one and 3-2 is likely, with 4-1 a possibility.  Lose that one and 1-4 and even 0-5 is not out of the question. 

  5. This team needs to start the season fast this fall.  It's last "good win" was vs USD in the Spring of 2021.  Since then it has beaten some bad to average teams and lost to every team with a winning record.  

    Nebraska will very likely be a loss, but we need to keep it respectable.  Possibly the biggest game of the season will be the second week, hosting UNI.  That game will likely set the tone for the season.  A win is desperately needed in that one to get some swagger back.  

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  6. 2 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    A controlled QB run/draw early in each half used to settle down Ketteringham and Landry (and Freund). I think the contact got rid of the yips and got them into the game. 

    Agree, also makes the opposing DC account for the QB on every play.

  7. 45 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    QB play needs to be improved or 2022 will be another "meh" season. Unsure if Schuster can improve or if just need another player to step up and surpass him. My guess, the coaches don't even know that; waiting until Fall Camp. 

    Danny needs to make Shuster run half a dozen times a game.  Offense will need to carry the team more this year out of the gate as the D gets some new faces experience.

    Coaching needs to be better in game.

    Need to find someone who is money on field goals from inside 45 yards.

  8. 18 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Thanks to Kennedy for transforming the campus in his short time. Also shout out to Brian Larson, the real star behind the scenes. The updates to the campus have impressed recruits.

    No doubt about this, wish Kennedy was still around.

  9. I am not sure of what Bubba could have done differently from a legal standpoint, but I hope this soon passes for him and the team.  I would guess on a team level, he would have dealt much differently with the Otis situation last fall.  The lackluster season and team performance makes much more sense now.  Had to be some horrible "team" dynamics at play during the season, especially the way it played out for Otis, the team and Bubba.  

    • Upvote 2
  10. 7 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    Still WAY WAY more of a place for reporters with true journalist integrity than most places these days.  Ever worked in the business or do you just bitch and complain about it as an outside observer?  I did for a long time.  It's a tough business.  I learned (in college) to be fair and tell both sides of the story when possible.  Sometimes one side or the other are ASSHOLES so they don't always get the benefit of the doubt.   Again - it's a tough job and if you think you can do better - try it!  Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson are NOT journalists - they're assholes!  Anyone who believes them probably contributed a LOT to DT's
    "Election Defense Fund" - LOL

    Integrity and the MSM have nothing in common.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a sheep or part of the problem. It’s a controlled show.  Almost no “real”journalists work in the MSM.

    For context, working in the North Dakota market or even Minneapolis is NOT the MSM. At the local level real journalism and journalists do exist.  

    As for the Post? It is most definitely one of the “stars” of the “show”.

    • Upvote 2
  11. 8 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    !@#!$ comment but great timing on the 50th Anniversary of the Watergate break-in!  Where just a couple little "reporters" named Woodward and Bernstein responded to a "minor burglary" and eventually forced a POS liar president to resign in disgrace.   They found legitimate sources and verified info with a lot of hard work.  Tom needs to do the work of a journalist and dig around.  It's not easy but it will get you to the truth...unfortunately the work ethic isn't there for a lot of todays newspaper and tv journalists.  

    If Tom was Mockingbird, Otis was a target of the state, and the order was given, I have no doubt he could have been destroyed long before now. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Kab said:

    So they are aware and still post that video, what’s the use?

    First of all the world has a ton of BS in it.  Also, it doesn’t  mean other players endorse Otis actions.      Can’t imagine the situation, along with his overall attitude about the team built cohesion.

    IMO, at the very least, Bubba should have cut Otis the week of Drake.  

    • Upvote 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, Kab said:

    Before each home game there are players and coaches with a public service announcement on the video board on how the team is doing everything they can to fight rape and other abuses of women.

    I wonder how many players if any, knew of what happened and didn’t say anything

    It's a football team...they were all aware of it.  

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Here are some stats, it's not pretty. 

    More Stats.

    Department of Justice (DOJ) study discovered only 20 percent of female students, age 18-24 who experienced sexual violence, report to law enforcement.

    The Association of American Universities (AAU) found in their campus climate survey that, “Overall rates of reporting to campus officials and law enforcement or others were low, ranging from five percent to 28 percent, depending on the specific type of behavior.”

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) estimates that 95 percent of U.S. campus rapes go unreported.



  15. 19 minutes ago, Goon said:

    I don't know, this is a horrific story. A player was the subject of a rape investigation by the Grand Forks Police Department. Obviously, they can't comment on an ongoing investigation. It was dropped at the request of the survivor. How this was missed by the university, I wonder if someone will have to answer for this? Moreover, he played for a couple of season after this investigation. He enters the portal and no one had still caught wind of this incident? Grand Forks is a small town, people talk, what is compliance doing? Maybe the blame doesn't lie with them. For sometime I've heard rumblings, but couldn't find anything to back up these rumors. Nothing good can come out of this. 

    I read a couple of comments from people that said that women lie about rape. It rarely happens. Sometimes, but not very often. 


    Police report is one woman, title 9 situation is about multiple over time?   My comments about the media market were in reference to the University and the football program.

  16. 10 minutes ago, NDRA said:

    You think Bubba let him play knowing these allegations?  Not saying allegations are proof.  Wonder when it supposedly happened?

    The hearing was in January of 2022?  How long do these things take?   Bubba should have cut his losses a long, long time ago.

  17. 1 hour ago, UNDBIZ said:

    I was trying to be nice with my first post, but with this.... good riddance.

    Bubba should have kicked him off the team the week of SIU.  Team would have been better for it.   He has talent but is a cancer and everyone involved with the program knew it.

  18. 14 hours ago, nodak651 said:

    Sorry for no paragraphs.  Rambled a bit but its family time.

    2023 isn't 2022.  Results change from year to year.  If you look at the 2022 schedule, besides NDSU, which is usually a loss for everyone no matter where the game is played, UND played all of the toughest MVFC teams on the road and lost by a touchdown or less in all of the losses.  If those games are at the Alerus Center, the result likely changes in at least a couple of them, and in 2023, many of those games are also at home.  Looking at the SDSU game as a barometer, UND played a tight game there and had SDSU on the ropes, without Matt Walletzco, and while SDSU also had their star RB back.  UND's OL was probably the biggest issue last year, as we couldn't move the ball at all on short yardage - that position group will be much better this season as Craig Orlando is finally back (was projected to start before getting hurt in fall) and we have other transfers coming in, along with the young guys getting older/stronger/better.  Yes Matt will be gone, but UND did well AT SDSU without him, and this position group isn't coming off a summer that gutted essentially our entire line.  Yes, Otis is gone, but the replacements last year actually had better stats then him, and the UNI guy is coming in and will help us on short yardage situations.  UND is losing a dynamic RB, but the RB they are losing already missed a few games last year and was likely a distraction to the team.  Defense will be about the same (good).  Worst case scenerio, Schuster will be our QB (meaning no suprises and is good enough to beat him out), but he has proved to be an accurate passer and good decision maker, and with a little bit more experience, he may actually start to use is feet which we saw a bit more from him at the end of the season last year, and he is quick enough to be very effective there, especially with how much he rolls out of the pocket to throw.  UND also lost guys over the off season, but I think less so than most, and SDSU for example lost like 5-6 guys that either got drafter or earned NFL tryout offers.  Looking at the last two SDSU games and seeing that 2023 SDSU is at the Alerus Center, I don't see any reason to believe that game isn't at least a toss up, which is a lot better odds than most teams in the top 25 would have.  2023 isn't last year.  This team had the talent to win every game and being that I think UND is about the same or better at most positions, I don't see how UND doesn't deserve to be ranked, especially if UND's performance last spring means anything.

    Good points in your post.  I think the question for UND fans and the pollsters is will UND be the team from the first half of spring 2021 or will it be the team from the last half of spring 2021 and the fall of 2021.  I think defense may take awhile to find its way, with several multi year starters to replace.  Offense needs to come out of the gates fast with improved OL play and QB play.

  19. 1 hour ago, zonadub said:

    What did Bubba and the F’Hawks do last season to deserve a place in any 2022 preseason poll?


    waiting for the backlash…

    In reality, Bubba and co, took a fairly good Hawks team(on paper), and had to win 3 of their last 5 to finish 5-6.  Very, very disappointing to say the least.  I have no idea how any pollster would vote the Hawks in the top 25.    Finished in a tie with Indiana State for 7th and the 3 Hawks victories were against 9th, 10th and 11th place finishers in the MVFC.

    As some of you lose your minds with my comments, tell me where you would rank the Hawks in the MVFC and then nationally and why.

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