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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. Just now, Oxbow6 said:

    No UND turnovers....UND 24-13

    Turnover(s) and ST miscues....UNI 21-17

    I agree with this 100%.  No more than 1 TO and major mistake and we win 21-17.  No turnovers and we win by 10.  Multiple TO's and mistakes and we lose by more than a TD, 17-28.  Need to come out firing, get the crowd into the game and get UNI doubting itself after last week.

  2. 8 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    What plays were called?  How much time did he have, what was game plan? Think a little bit.

    Our route tree in that game(and most of the last 2+ years) consists of short outs, shallow crossers, WR screens, stick routes and flat passes to backs.  Tommy had roughly as much time as the Nebraska qb in the duration of the game and on his biggest miss had no pressure. 

    As for game plan, it’s the same every week, use lots and lots of shifts and motion, try and run the ball, throw short passes and then bring Q in for third or 4th and short.   It worked for 3 quarters, but at least be honest about what is happening on the field.  No called qb runs, no read option, and no deep or even middle range passing.  In 2022 it’s hard to win against good teams when that is the play book.

    What is the story with Romfo?  I thought it was strange to bring him into the game at the end unless they think he may be a viable option this season.

  3. 1 hour ago, UND1992 said:

    I know Tommy is the most talked about/scrutinized player on our team but that comes with the territory. To me he is a fine FCS quarterback, no better, no worse. The type of guy that will help assure you won't go 2-9 or 3-8 because he won't lose games for you, but you are also very doubtful to go 9-2 or 8-3 with him because he simply isn't the kind of athlete or arm talent that can make those 2-3 extra plays (via ground or air) a game you probably need to beat a top 10 FCS team or lower FBS team. So here we sit. This isn't to say he should be benched or we have a current better option available, I'm comfortable in the coaches decision that he gives us the best shot to win each week. It's more a matter of why don't we ever seem to get that difference maker at QB? I know everyone goes after them so they are hard to come by, but it seems we face several of them each year and it seems we have for as long as I can recall and I go back to about 1990 watching games. We've certainly had our share of competent and even good QB's, but how often have we had a difference maker that other teams have to game plan for?? 

    With that said, I think we made a nice showing in Nebraska as far as not looking out of place, intimidated, or having first game jitters all which is a credit to the staff and players. I haven't seen too much on injuries for the most part coming out of Nebraska which was my biggest concern. So I do expect us to play well on Saturday and come out with a victory and have a chance at a good season. I just need to see more from a playmaking standpoint and I'm afraid we've seen enough tape now to just realize its probably not going to happen in the biggest/toughest spots. I hope I'm wrong and look very forward to a great Potato Bowl game and crowd!


    Tommy did not do anything in the Nebraska game that any other average FCS QB could not do.  His only attempt at a throw over 10 yards from LOS was very inaccurate to a wide open receiver.  He refuses to run and there were several times in that game that a QB draw would have been dynamite based on the Nebraska reaction to our alignment.  We needed Tommy to make a couple big plays during that game and we pull off the upset.  Ok, I'll shut up on Tommy now.

    Hopefully we can take over the game on Saturday and big plays from QB will not be necessary.  A must win.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    Watched the game again tonight and just watching the end now.  Casey Shultz, Beach, and Lennon in on the DL andJack Baretz in at LB on the drive after we gave up that 3rd and 15, so didn't have some of the # 1's in for that drive....but guys that certainly play alot.  Surprised Baretz was in though as he wasn't even on the 2 deep.  Looks like he read the RB wrong on the run that ended up being a TD when they got down to the 20 yard line, if he would have went right instead of left, would have been a 5 yard gain......but instead it was a 20 yard TD pretty much untouched.  

    Kupfer was in on the very first drive of the game, he played a lot. Don't think I saw Klein see the field, really surprised at that unless he wasn't 100%. 

    Still hate our numbers on our jerseys, really hard to determine who is who......3,6,8,9 all look the same. Several times the announcers got it wrong....don't blame them. 


    I rewatched the game online.  Anyone have any idea if Krzanowski was injured?  He did not play much that I could see in the second half.   Don't understand some of the substitutions.

  5. 9 minutes ago, AJS said:

    As much as you try not to put too much into Week 2, this does seem to be a season defying game. After last year, you can't start 0-2, you just can't. In general, you have to like where UND is at coming into this game. The team has to be energized after playing Nebraska well through 3+ quarters. Potato Bowl always gets a crowd of 10K+. 

    Things that UND needs to do better. Offensively, I actually thought they were pretty sound against Nebraska even though they only scored 17 points. Clean up some penalties, but I was encouraged. Defensively, do something the 1st drives of each half. It makes winning increasingly difficult when the opponents have a built in 14 points. Be better after UND scores points as well. 

    I do think UND wins, but not really sure how the game will play out. I don't think the Air Force game told us a lot about UNI. 

    Agree 100%.  UND has hopefully been game-planning for this game since last season ended @SDSU.  0-2 would be a disaster with what the next 4 games bring.  Need to come out firing on all cylinders and hopefully take advantage of a great Alerus crowd.  I'm sure UNI has some doubts after Air Force, If we come out fast, those doubts will intensify.

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  6. 41 minutes ago, 108498 said:

    Looking back to fall camp, this was the game everyone said would determine our season projectors. Does the team have the ability to mentally move on from the Nebraska game and prepare for Saturday, or will some spend this week dwelling on the Nebrask game?What type of message will UND send this week?

    This is the game . Must win.  Alerus should be rocking.

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  7. Coaching is important in all sports and is supreme in football.  it’s the reason teams with less talent consistently beat teams with more talent.  
    Does anyone think SDSU has anywhere near the talent(on paper) that Iowa has?  SDSU was one play away from a win in a game where quite frankly they did not play very well.

    i thought Bubba made a tactical mistake yesterday not going for it early in Nebraska territory.  UND needed to get the lead early to give ourselves better odds at bringing a victory home.  I realize we committed a penalty on 4th down and made it tougher, but you don’t punt in that situation.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Sioux95 said:

    Are you the poster formally known as Midwestern Hawk?

    No, I’m still here.  
    5 yards per completion and 4 yards per attempt will never get it done against strong completion.

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