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Kevin G

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Everything posted by Kevin G

  1. Here I thought we had been doing that, given our lack of defense.
  2. Some stats to chew on for this weekend's series. For SCSU: points leaders: Jami Krannila (16g/17a/33pts), Zach Okabe (15/12/27), Grant Cruikshank (17/10/27). +/- leaders: Jami Krannila (+20), Brendan Bushy (+18), Zach Okabe (+16). +/- laggards: Brady Ziemer (-3), no one else with a negative +/-. For UND: points leaders: Jackson Blake (13g/20a/33pts), Riese Gaber (16/12/28), Chris Jandric (3/24/27). +/- leaders: Chris Jandric (+9), Judd Caulfield (+6), Ben Strinden (+5). +/- laggards: Riese Gaber (-12), Owen McLaughlin (-10), Cooper Moore (-10).
  3. All else being equal, I’d prefer the team to develop the players it has in the pipeline, even if there were growing pains along the way. I see the portal as a tool to be used sparingly and strategically.
  4. I suspect there's just more going on with #6 than we know. And I suspect we'll never know, especially if he portals out when the season is over.
  5. Nothing-but-a-gut-feeling #1: After this season, Berry has two more seasons to show whether or not he can build and lead a consistent winner. Two. Nothing-but-a-gut-feeling #2: Berry's best role might be as a head coach's #1 assistant. (As an aside, it's been my experience that that guy--a dependable right-hand man to the head guy--is harder to find than a quality leader.) Nothing-but-a-gut-feeling #3: Berry has recruited too many players whose personalities are too similar: high character (good) but relatively quiet (not necessarily good). Or, to put it another way, Berry has failed to recruit enough guys who can stand up in the locker room, command the respect of teammates, and yell some not-so-nice things when necessary.
  6. One thing I did not see coming this season: Dead last in the nation in save percentage*. Dead freaking last. Point eight seven six! When Berry brought Goehring onto the staff, I foresaw good-to-great goaltending in UND's future. Even with no coaching at all, DeRidder should have been capable of a .900 save percentage. How did this happen? Karl is a sharp fellow with NHL experience, and he's doing wonders with the PP unit. (At least it's my understanding that Karl is heading up the PP.) Given our atrocious defense/goaltending, it's a minor miracle that we're PWR 22. That being said, the defense/goaltending has to improve dramatically in order to have realistic expectations of making the NCAAs, let alone of winning #9. *Not counting Stonehill.
  7. This sounds reasonable, but one portal Dman might be necessary.
  8. Given how down we are on the team right now, as well as the Jekyll-and-Hyde nature of this team…we’ll probably sweep the Huskies this weekend.
  9. I thought it was almost the end of the third period.
  10. Lee grabs head as he falls. Therefore Kleven is ejected for the season.
  11. There’s no way that should have been a penalty on DU. /sarc
  12. Ha ha…Cameraman had to move his Diet Coke bottle out of the way.
  13. While I’m in a foul mood about the reffing, I’ll whine about the broadcast. Denver’s production used to be as good as UND’s. Tonight DU is syncing their radio broadcast with a video feed (a la Omaha). C’mon guys, wtf?
  14. Hey refs, it’s a little late for a make-up call.
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