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06 Sioux

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    Faribault MN

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  1. Oprah hockey. You get a turnover. You get a turnover
  2. I am lovin it
  3. I think that a number of us could be a case deep and still be better than these announcers.
  4. Lots of soft passes/turnovers in the defensive zone.
  5. Kunz with the best seat in the house on that goal
  6. Poor defensive zone passing again
  7. Wilke needs to put that on net
  8. Most frustrating part, we saw this team 2 weeks ago and nothing has changed.
  9. Losing most on the battles along the boards tonight
  10. Ummm... ummm. Ummm.
  11. How many virgins did CC sacrifice?
  12. 3* for wisdom
  13. Little umm disappointed umm in tonight's um perform um ance. Umm kind umm of umm umm a bad umm night umm. CC umm coach umm needs pub um lic speaking um corse umm
  14. It's just a f my a what next kind of night. We'll be okay. Just want to see a good third period and better performance tomorrow.
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