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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Trump is refusing to promise a peaceful transfer of power if he loses. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/time-for-democrats-to-call-trump-s-bluff/ar-BB19oEaI?ocid=msedgdhp What makes Trump’s most recent statements so fretful is that as president and leader of his party, he possesses powers he didn’t have in 2016 to dispute the tally. As Barton Gellman reports in a new and frightful Atlantic feature, plans are afoot for Trump to set aside the voting results in six swing states controlled by Republicans, and have their legislatures cast their states’ Electoral College ballots for Trump. “If [Trump] throws the decision to Congress, which he can do almost at will, the law is a labyrinth full of dead ends when it comes to how that’s resolved. Experts tell me that the Electoral Count Act is so garbled and full of logic bombs that it can easily lead to deadlock,” said Gellman in an in-house interview. So nobody should discount Trump’s avowal, especially now that he actually serves as president and seems bent on delegitimizing the election. But you don’t have to be a Trump fan to concede his right to challenge ballot results, especially in a tight state contest. Al Gore’s campaign did that in 2000, protesting “illegal votes” and “legal votes that were improperly rejected” in Florida in a dispute that went to the Supreme Court for resolution, without permanently soiling the fabric of democracy. We should mention, of course, that Gore ultimately conceded defeat after the Supreme Court decision and made no move to enlist a pitchfork brigade in overturning the Supremes. But will Trump follow through on his disturbing threats? Flipping through the news clips of his presidency, one can’t help but notice his penchant for issuing of ground-scorching threats that end in flounder and retreat. He not only loves to bluff, but he loves to bluff big. He made nuclear war noises against North Korea and then cuddled with Kim Jong-un in a pair of summits. He vowed to jail Hillary Clinton but folded. He laid the rhetorical groundwork for invading Venezuela but then backed down. He threatened to close the border with Mexico, demanded that General Motors reopen its Lordstown plant, promised to end birthright citizenship, said he would strip California of federal funds, pledged to adjourn Congress, and bragged of holding “absolute“ power over the states that he would use to reopen them. He even thought he could bluff the pandemic into submission by claiming that it would disappear soon.
  2. As a moderator you should know to make a post like that in the apporpriate thread. I was giving a complement "Good come back".
  3. Better known in some circles as the Hawk's Nest?
  4. The greatest political scandal in American History Is under siege by today's politics. Hang onto your seats, this political reality has a life of it's own not before seen by mankind. Next 3 months will feel like they lasted a year.
  5. T call you a loser yet? What you do with that hush money cry baby?
  6. A state-controlled TV network in Russia created a disturbingly realistic deepfake video that portrays Donald Trump as Vladimir Putin's pawn using quotes from the US president himself. Russia Today released its parody ad, entitled 'Trump is here to make RT Great Again! (or is he?!)' on Tuesday. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/russian-tv-network-creates-disturbing-deepfake-video-with-donald-trump/ar-BB19kozE?ocid=msedgntp
  7. 2020 is full of what's next, still 3 months? Trump and McConnell will start an additional rip into American politics with this one, could cost some incumbants at the polls in November. More protests?
  8. CDC director Robert Redfield just told Senators that most Americans won't get a coronavirus vaccine until summer or fall 2021
  9. Another in trouble. Trump HHS official to take 'leave of absence' amid uproar Michael Caputo will be focusing on "his health and the well-being of his family" for the next 60 days, HHS said. He claimed without evidence that the CDC was harboring a "resistance unit" opposing President Trump and accused government scientists of "sedition." In the same video, he also warned Trump's followers to prepare for an armed insurrection if Joe Biden loses the election and refuses to concede. "If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it's going to be hard to get," Captuo said in remarks first reported by The New York Times. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-hhs-official-to-take-leave-of-absence-amid-uproar/ar-BB196QYS?ocid=msedgdhp
  10. Biden leads Trump nationally by 9 points, with suburbs focused on coronavirus, not crime: Reuters/Ipsos poll
  11. Big Ten will play 8 game conference season. Parents only in the stands.
  12. You abosolutely have no grasp of reality. A lemming forever, no matter what. This is not 2016. Just keep wondering and wandering. There were the "Nixon Tapes" Now we have the "Trump Tapes" Thanks to Bob Woodward
  13. I could try to insult you, but I know I wouldn't do as well as nature did.
  14. The last two 2nd term Presidential election losers had same rating in early September. Gallup polling disapproval rating at 55 percent for Bush in 1992, and Carter in 1980. Trump now has the same disapproval rating.
  15. Could be with the slow down of sporting posts on SS; the politics are left to run wild - to get the clicks, to get the advertising, to pay the moderators and the house.
  16. If this is a Dumpster Fire thread, why no posts about Fires out west? 'I have never seen anything like this': Oregon towns emptied and confusion spreads amid fires Hundreds of thousands of people in Oregon were ordered to leave their homes on Thursday as wildfires encroached on their properties. The evacuations clogged highways, emptied entire towns and sparked confusion in a state that has not grappled with wildfires of this size before. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/i-have-never-seen-anything-like-this-oregon-towns-emptied-and-confusion-spreads-amid-fires/ar-BB18WskB?ocid=msedgdhp&fullscreen=true#image=1 If these fires out west were in Florida, would T be ingoring it?
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