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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Trump claimed last night that he's done more for blacks than any President since Lincoln. Wonder how that will go down for him with this crowd in DC today? Demonstrators walk to the Lincoln Memorial for Friday's "Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" event in Washington, DC. https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/28/politics/march-on-washington-black-national-convention-trnd/index.html
  2. Thousands expected today. The march being named the “Get Your Knee Off Our Necks” March on Washington will begin with speeches from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
  3. Those people behind the signs could of have been Republicans a few months ago and trying to convert, it doesn't all happen over night.
  4. Arizona coaching legend Lute Olson dies at 85 https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaabk/arizona-coaching-legend-lute-olson-dies-at-85/ar-BB18rJuv?ocid=msedgdhp Olson built a perennial NCAA MBB tournament contender in Tucson from the ground up. Arizona would reach the tournament 23 times straight under the North Dakota native, winning the school’s first championship in 1997.
  5. RNC Trump’s show: Trump fed his ego for 70 minutes. He got the non-socially distanced nearly unanimously unmasked crowd to stand up and cheer on the White House south lawn. .
  6. Once the shootings expand through out the country, we may not need to vote in November?
  7. So T isn't far enough to the right for you? The very far left and the very far right are getting too much publicity (for their percentage of the population) from media of all sorts. There are also politicians on borth extreme ends being elected in this country that aggitate. There is this practice by many to repeat controversial conspiracy therories knowing very well they are untrue. This stirs many pots.
  8. Agree, where leadship on both sides should be helping to change the mentality.
  9. Again, "He's the one moving it forward, this all was building."
  10. NO, and you dont have it. He's the one moving it forward, this all was building. Trump's attitude, lies, suporting orher's conspiracy therories, actions, and etc. Covid19 Minneapolis choke hold Seattle's prolonged response If Trump wins in Novenber, more escalation.
  11. A MN governor handling May wouldn't correct the underlying problem. This is way beyound MN. Massive mistakes like with our P's attitude, lies, supporting other's conspiracy theories, actions, and etc. need eradication.
  12. MN governor activated the National Guard on Wednesday night to help quell unrest that broke out in downtown Minneapolis.
  13. Fox specialist Tucker Carlson attempted to justify the actions of the 17-year-old accused of fatally shooting two protesters during demonstrations in Kenosha and then blamed the entire incident on Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D). Your in good company.
  14. Giuliani’s appearance Thursday, on the final night of the convention when the president himself is set to accept the GOP nomination, underscores the extent to which Trump has turned the GOP convention into a celebration of himself rather than his party. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/why-trump-is-giving-rudy-a-prime-slot-at-the-convention/ar-BB18q8Gu?ocid=msedgdhp
  15. I don't see Pence's speech helping Trump in any meaning full way, most importantly for Trump, he didn't hurt the cause any. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
  16. Pence probably gave his best speech, little bland but well poised. We will be ready for Hurricane Laura I accept the VP ticket. Hi mom 87 Trump sees America for what it is In a city known for talkers, Trump is a doer Biden criticized Trump, on foreign policy T appointed over 200 conservative judges USA became net exporter of energy Built great economy, then the virus struck Marched the country to full fight against the virus Developed plasma On track for vaccine by year end Response of first responders, nothing short of heroic We’re opening up America again On Nov 3, vote to bring America back. See violence, rioting, looting – it must stop Biden says America is systemic racist. T is not going to defund police They want government control, ours is based on freedom They for open boarders , we build walls Not whether more lib or conv, it’s about being more American 2020 been year with share of challenges, we are moving ahead Fix our eyes on old glory and freedom
  17. Massive Hurricane Laura nearly a category 5 storm, just a few hours from landfall. Temendous physical and economic damage ahead.
  18. Conway gave a good speech, she is leaving WH at the end of the month.
  19. RNC - 3rd night Mike Pence gets a chance to save the convention, or will Laura blow away his message? From outer space
  20. FBI official: No evidence of 'coordinated' mail-in voter fraud Jenna McLaughlin
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