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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. CPD is considering fromat changes. Trump repeatedly disregarded the rules last night resulting in a "Interruption Debate" that came up short on a substantive policy conversation. Do believe me or do I need to copy and paste?
  2. Former New Jersey Gov. Christie helped T prepare for the debate. Said T was "Too Hot"
  3. Twins now have longest post game losing streak in major sports. Need to end that.
  4. Doubt it, like I mentioned still have the VP debate. Worst P debate I've listened to. In fact Biden should just pull the pin, may be a great move at this point.
  5. This is pretty sad. 4 years ago the R started with 17 candidates and most with pretty respectable experience and backgrounds. This year the D had some pretty good tallent also. Here we are.
  6. This one just keeps stinging. Need to win that first game.
  7. You know you can go to Bizzzzzzonville, and tell your buddies how to do things. lol The Trump cult melt down is starting. T bullied his way out of the undecided voter crowd. SS could take a click bait hit here today with the cult shying away, therefore responses also.
  8. Your early assessment was spot on. The articles I just posted give some light on this.
  9. Janet Hook 46 mins ago Trump needed the debate to change a race he's losing; instead, he doubled down “The president got hurt tonight," Republican Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who ran against Trump in 2016, said on CNN. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-needed-the-debate-to-change-a-race-hes-losing-instead-he-doubled-down/ar-BB19zeId?ocid=msedgdhp
  10. Presidential debate: Insults fly as Trump, Biden tussle at first showdown, moderator works to keep order President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden kicked off their first fiery presidential debate Tuesday night, sparring over everything from the Supreme Court nomination, coronavirus and Biden's sons, with moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News admonishing Trump several times for interrupting.
  11. Trump Tramples Decorum in Presidential Debate With Biden Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns 41 mins ago “Will you shut up, man?” Mr. Biden demanded of Mr. Trump at one point in obvious exasperation. “This is so unpresidential.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/trump-tramples-decorum-in-presidential-debate-with-biden/ar-BB19y9tP?ocid=anaheim-ntp-feeds
  12. Interruptions, accusations, chaos: Trump trolled the debate stage Donald Trump came to heckle. He came to interrupt and to pontificate and to flail his arms, batting away questions and facts in a chaotic fury. He was a boor and a troll, holding up his stubby mitts in an angry pantomime as he tried to halt the words coming from former vice president Joe Biden’s mouth. Trump seemed to believe that with a single rude hand gesture, one that he regularly uses to assert his dominance, he could hold back the truth so he could be free to spin and hype and vent. It was an exhausting mess that spun beyond moderator Chris Wallace’s control and outside the bounds of anything that could reasonably be called a debate. It was a 90-minute display of a president’s testosterone-fueled, unmanaged rage and insecurity. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/interruptions-accusations-chaos-trump-trolled-the-debate-stage/ar-BB19ygTh?ocid=msedgdhp
  13. Chris Wallace Struggled to Rein In an Unruly Trump at First Debate Not satisfied with merely speaking over his Democratic opponent, Mr. Trump took aim at the moderator, too. “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s OK, I’m not surprised,” Mr. Trump said after one Wallace query he disliked. The debate had no breaks. But at the midway point, perhaps sensing that Mr. Trump was threatening to steamroller the event, Mr. Wallace did something unusual for a presidential moderator: He effectively called the debate to a temporary halt. “The country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interruptions,” Mr. Wallace said, directly asking Mr. Trump to yield a higher civic ideal. “I’m appealing to you, sir, to do it.” “And him, too?” the president replied defiantly, nodding at Mr. Biden. “Well, frankly, you’ve been doing more interrupting,” Mr. Wallace replied. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/chris-wallace-struggled-to-rein-in-an-unruly-trump-at-first-debate/ar-BB19y8Z4?ocid=msedgdhp Instead, he closed the evening with Mr. Trump still talking offscreen, attempting to argue over Mr. Wallace’s signoff. “This is the end of this debate,” the Fox News anchor said, drawing a deep breath. “It’s been an interesting hour and a half.”
  14. You're the winner, I never listened to a debate that bad.
  15. Is there any reason in having the next two debates? Let the VP's finish it off with one, then wait for the election.
  16. Wallace was a failure. Don't see a winner in this "Interruption Debate". Woooow Ugly Trump showed a little spark in the last minutes but just a slight slight slight edge goes to Biden because of Trump setting the bar so low for Biden.
  17. You bring up 17 points that may be concerns to many? Your way off target on your last sentence with "sleep joe" in it, they're both still awake.
  18. One hour in, both still awake!! In fact the tempo may have picked up a slight bit in last 10 minutes. Still, clearly no winner at this point, more like 3 losers. Half hour left for anyone of the 3 to steal the show.
  19. He is doing a terrible job. I said about 10 minutes ago to those I'm with, that Wallace was hyped up to supposedly be the right guy to start the debates and he's not doing well.
  20. Half hour in, both still awake. Petty mild discussion, mostly interruptions.
  21. Who will interupt more? Thinking over and under at 27 would be a good number.
  22. Hour and a half, no breaks, here we go. Will both oldies be left standing?
  23. America's CEOs say Trump failed on coronavirus -- and they're backing Biden President Donald Trump says he deserves an "A+" for his handling of the pandemic. Corporate America says he deserves a failing grade. Fifty-five percent of CEOs and other business leaders give Trump an "F" for his administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a poll conducted by the Yale School of Management. Another 12% say Trump deserves a "D." Just 6% of the attendees at Yale's Chief Executive Leadership Institute CEO Caucus award Trump an "A" for his handling of Covid-19. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/america-s-ceos-say-trump-failed-on-coronavirus-and-they-re-backing-biden/ar-BB19xEYu?ocid=msedgdhp
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