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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. 2020 is full of surprises, tonight will be no different. Two different mindsets going in: T thinking B will be a bobble head coming in and sleeping within 20 minutes. B thinking he’ll be battling T with fact checks through out the night. Both will be wrong? Two high end arguments: False claims of mail in voting, election fraud, voting lawsuits. Tax returns.
  2. You actually believe T doesn't lie? Doesn't hire crooks? Listen to the debate tonight.
  3. You think the R riding out a year on Obama's appointment had nothing to do with it?
  4. The likelihood that President Donald Trump personally owes unknown creditors hundreds of millions of dollars has raised concerns about how the President's financial entanglements could influence his national security decisions, former officials and experts say. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-s-tax-return-revelations-stoke-long-held-national-security-concerns/ar-BB19vZwQ?ocid=msedgdhp
  5. You with three posters immediately reponded to my post. Because you claim to be a volunteer? Taught I'd through a freebee your way.
  6. Of course he has lawyers, accountants, and tax filers. What kind of a group of professional could they be made of, look his cabinet. Hand picked clowns that end up in trouble. Does it not concern any of the followers where his money is loaned from and what kind of characters are involved? This part is a huge risk to our country.
  7. BIG ? If it was legal? For someone who lies daily, how the heck can his IRS communications be the opposite? Stay in line, T feeds on the likes, no matter what he does. Disclosure, this may not be my own taught, heard something like this months ago on FOX.
  8. Chris Wallace - Fox News will moderate the debate tonight. Announced focus of 6 topics: Supreme Court, Coronavirus outbreak, Integrity of the election, Economy, Race and vilence in USA, Respective political records
  9. Opinion: Turns out Trump is not a 'winner' after all Opinion by Michael D'Antonio 1 hr ago "The beauty of me is that I'm very rich." Donald Trump said that in 2011, when he was talking about a White House run. In 2015 he took his ride down a golden escalator and made his super-patriot's promise to use his unmatched business skills to make America great again, as great as he was. Enough people believed it to win him the Electoral College (losing the popular vote) and the Oval Office. And the patriotic part? Instead of contributing a fair share of taxes to the country -- money that built the roads for his limo and keeps the skies safe for his jet, Trump paid nothing from 2010 to 2014, the Times reported. In 2015, as he was declaring he was worth more than $8 billion, he actually paid almost $642,000 in income taxes. But then in the year he gained office, the bottom line was $750. You read that right. In 2016, Donald Trump threw $750 into the $1.7 trillion income tax pot that covered things like Head Start pre-schools and the salaries of soldiers fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. That amount would have covered two weeks of base pay for the lowest-ranked enlisted man or woman with $25 left over. No wonder Trump, according to a recent article in The Atlantic, once allegedly said that those who die fighting for America are "suckers." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/opinion-turns-out-trump-is-not-a-winner-after-all/ar-BB19xesH?ocid=msedgdhp
  10. Trump administration pressured CDC to play down risks of reopening schools: report https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-administration-pressured-cdc-to-play-down-risks-of-reopening-schools-report/ar-BB19wYcJ?ocid=msedgdhp
  11. If it's legit assets, then that interest and dividends from there of would show up on his tax returns.
  12. That would be worst case senario. After he gets beat by an unagruable margin in November, our National Security will be potentially at enough risk. Be one executive order after another till noon on the 20th of January.
  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/any-rich-person-could-pay-off-donald-trump/ar-BB19w138?ocid=msedgdhp Donald Trump leads an expensive lifestyle and, at least on paper, his businesses aren't keeping up. The New York Times obtained Trump's tax returns, and they show that he has hundreds of millions in liabilities coming due that make him a liability to the United States of America. That's because when Trump leaves office — next year or after — he will leave with US secrets in his brain. His history suggests that for the right amount of money, anyone could dislodge them.
  14. Trump and Biden will debate Tuesday night in Cleveland. Voters will get opportunity to compare the candidates policies five weeks before the Election Day.
  15. You really have blinders on. That all sumed up is a venial sin as compard to T's mortal sins. Regarding the NYT's T tax news: T called the article on his taxes as fake news, but has not directly disputed it and the $750 in 2016 & 17, or given in about releasing his tax records. Intelligence says the magnitude of T’s debts pose a vulnerability that is compounded by his determination to prevent his $ records going public. The hiding of his vulnerability is the potential huge security risk. The more you hide, the greater lengths one will go to keep it hidden. Huge potential problem. Like I've said before, if he reviels his taxes, he shoots his other foot off, he's done.
  16. Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime former personal attorney, has a theory. He believes the president is terrified of receiving a large bill from the Internal Revenue Service. “His biggest fear is … he will end up with a massive tax bill, fraud penalties, fines, and possibly even tax fraud,” Cohen said in an interview with Yahoo News on Monday, the morning after the New York Times published a report detailing how Trump, a self-described billionaire, paid zero dollars in income taxes for more than 10 years. Hunter Walker 2 hrs ago
  17. McConnell Is On The Losing Side of History — And He Knows It Mitch McConnell may be driving American politics to the brink of insanity, but let’s assume that the majority leader himself is entirely sane. he expects to hold power a very short time, or at least is keenly attuned to this possibility, and believes that once power is lost it is gone indefinitely. Under this scenario, it would make sense to lock in as many gains, as quickly as possible, for as long as possible. The enduring scorn of the opposition is an acceptable price to pay because the long-term contest is essentially over. Which possibility more likely reflects the ruthless rationality of the McConnell mind? The Republican Party’s sprint to install a justice for a life-time appointment this year, either days before a presidential election or in the lame-duck session afterward, looks a lot like the dying spasms of a political movement that began five decades ago. McConnell knows the prognosis, and is unsentimentally getting the movement’s affairs in order. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mcconnell-is-on-the-losing-side-of-history-and-he-knows-it/ar-BB19kIAK?ocid=msedgntp
  18. No way T should be P with this going on in his private life. He knows showing his tax returns shoots his other foot off.
  19. Former Bush official shreds Trump in endorsement of Joe Biden for president Tom Ridge, who was a cabinet secretary under former Republican president George W. Bush, endorsed the Democratic nominee on Sunday. “I will cast my vote for Joe Biden on Nov. 3. It will be my first vote for a Democratic candidate for president of the United States,” Ridge, a former governor of Pennsylvania, wrote in an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer. "But it is not the first time I have said ‘no’ to Donald Trump. I urge my fellow Pennsylvanians to join me. “[Trump] lacks the empathy, integrity, intellect and maturity to lead,” Ridge continued. “He sows division along political, racial and religious lines. And he routinely dismisses the opinions of experts who know far more about the subject at hand than he does.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/former-bush-official-shreds-trump-in-endorsement-of-joe-biden-for-president/ar-BB19tLaP?ocid=msedgntp
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