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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. My niece was let go, no week or two notice, your done - now.
  2. The chips they pushed in the middle are from just new printed money, more where that came from!
  3. Betsy DeVos to issue Title IX rules on campus sexual assault this week https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/betsy-devos-to-issue-title-ix-rules-on-campus-sexual-assault-this-week/ar-BB13DSfE?ocid=spartandhp
  4. Many over 65 are already going to gated communities is Messa. Just have to round up the last few.
  5. If the college season is suspended, postponed, or delayed, the NFL is considering playing games on Saturdays, according to a report by Andrew Marchand of The New York Post. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/report-nfl-eyes-playing-games-on-saturdays/ar-BB13r0DE?ocid=spartandhp
  6. Maybe we can count them as influenza patients then.
  7. Kinda seems like Queen Corona has taken control of much of our public lives for the long haul. This will takes months - - - to get things back to the way they were 3 months ago (January).
  8. Devils Lake: At bridges of Channel A and Mauvais Coulee are doing pretty good right now.
  9. After reading 150 pages of posts on this thread, I think that you may be on to something?
  10. Going to have to have the mating hogs practice self distancing.
  11. There were two semi loads of Canadian hogs that came down hwy #2 from the west yesterday, went through GF and headed south on I29, hopefully not Sioux Falls.
  12. No racism there. An avid poster gave a clear response to my jail post, and I gave him a thumbs up B4 U did a thumbs down. May U hav ben in a China jail?
  13. The article does mention Information is being 'deliberately concealed'
  14. She lived to her 90's and all children survived on the farm. They pretty much stayed home, the country school was closed for some time. The neighbors had deaths from the flu.
  15. This is not an attack on NoiseInsideMyHead My grandmother who had 11 kids in ND from 1906 to 1926 never was comfortable when any of us grandkids got the flu.
  16. I bought my ND fishing license today. Noticed non residents out of luck, for at least a while.
  17. Chinese jails have become hotbeds of coronavirus https://www.businessinsider.com/500-coronavirus-cases-reported-in-jails-in-china-2020-2
  18. To be kind of fair to all. This is the only game I've seen, where the ground moves before you get a chance to put up the goal posts.
  19. OH YAH, A haircut, teeth cleaned, doc checkup, etc. Beer at the ball game!!!!!
  20. We are actually with a few states with some freedom.
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