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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. North Dakota Season Ticket Renewals: Received email this afternoon, thinking the same! Oh, well it can be a donation.
  2. iNewZ TV LM Wind Power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrjnsO6OCBw&feature=youtu.be
  3. A Plant in GF closed it doors 30 minutes ago till Friday to reevaluate. A few positive virus cases today.
  4. Fishing not usually any good when river water is this high. Game and Fish has a good Pier at Devils Lake. https://gf.nd.gov/fishing/where-to-fish
  5. And they had a shot at # 4 in the short past
  6. NICE, thx for the pic. A few $ in tickets to those games.
  7. Has to be a huge financial strain. There will be lots of should da, would da, could da. We may still be in the early stages of all this. Or, it soon could be over. Hopefully there's lots of "Did it Right".
  8. There are over 2.8M people in US that tested for this virus of which over 559,000 tested positive. I would imagine some tested negative and later on were tested again as positive. 22,000 confirmed virus tested deaths in the US, that's close to a 4% death rate of the positive tests. There is talk about #'s not all being reported correctly. People may have died at home form this virus and have not counted in these deaths, because they were not confirmed with the virus. People that never felt any symptoms or minimal symptoms may have not even been tested. People may have had other health problems and report of cause of death may be debatable. This brings me to the guy that died when the 5G tower fell over and killed him. And, people are over dosing on drugs and etc. People are losing jobs and jumping on message boards in a rage. Mental break downs and etc. and etc. May there be riots, and therefore more deaths. Less people dying of car accidents. Less smog for time being. Some people may even be eating healthier foods. Some people quit smoking and etc. and etc. Economy taking a big hit. Then back to the 4%, after everything else considered? Going to take some time to get things back to the way they were.
  9. Pics of just some would be nice?
  10. If there are no fans, then likely no kick offs, then no pucks dropped or jump balls either. That would make 2020 as a sad year for sports. Just MHO. But if there are fans at the games, make some noise!
  11. Get positive in these challenging times. Wash your hands of the negativity. This may not be the thread you posted in, but SS.com is bringing us all together in this 5G Mother Load thread. Have something good to post, let us have it. Keep safe!
  12. Starting fires @ the lake used to be a hassle (crunching up those old worthless newspapers), and if you didn't do it right, they kind of liked to unfold and roll away from the logs, frustrating. Until the subscription ran out. That's where the 5 boxes of newspapers come in. It's kind of nice the be able to open up that paper, even take a glance at a few old articles in the process. Amazing how no articles remain unrecognized. Helps keep a man's brain young + helps start a fire! I burn like a half dozen of these Rocket Stoves each summer. A little work to make, but last many hours.
  13. I lately gave up on the GF Herald newspaper, switched to the paperless subscription, do miss that flipping. Saved up on the Herald over the last few years at the office, put it in copy paper boxes, fits in there nice. Have like 5 boxes, my retirement stash!
  14. Now I'm a Twins fan, but imagine the possibilities of having two or three teams you like and watching a few TV games everyday and cheering them on. Imagine the gopher fans cheering on the twins with no fans in the ball park? ? Be just like a home game they are used to.
  15. Another SURPRISE! In this never ending virus saga. One surprise after another, day in and day out. After this last thread was shut down, more disappointment. And, as many previous threads, payloaded into the first virus locked up thread, then the Mother Load Thread is reopened! Enjoy!
  16. I already feel much better, going to drive out to the lake, look at the lake ice, gather up some leaves, drive back to GF.
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