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Everything posted by coltssiouxfan

  1. Say it louder for the people in back! For real though. The crowd was very out of it. In the yard I’ve been coming to games it r ally depends on the team. Like I feel like the bigger games we are loud every down.
  2. Not gonna lie it was kinda the highlight of my day. If it happened to appear in my section near me I’d switch it. Granted the opposing players wouldn’t see it then
  3. I thought it was pretty good! Packed and a beautiful day.
  4. So the sack city sign is now right across from me. Nobody switched it so I went over there and did it myself. Highlight of the game so far.
  5. Smith looking good this game.
  6. coltssiouxfan

    UND @ ISU

    I see it as a nice little bonus at this point. Say we come out play competitive with Utah State and lose. We are 1-1 coming home against an easy Drake team. Best case scenario Utah State under a new HC does bad and we steal a win. Come home 2-0 likely gonna win against Drake and be 3-0 going into the Valley. I'll take either of those scenarios tbh.
  7. Well it was a nice run. See y’all in September I guess.
  8. Time to lock it down. I liked the creativity by Freund at the end of that half.
  9. That’s what we needed! Now we just need a stop on D. Ride the momentum.
  10. I’d agree as well. Gotta save some surprises. Especially for a team who’s never played us before. I’m excited to see what we can do on offense and defense.
  11. It’ll be interesting to see how Feeney fits into this whole picture. From my understanding he’s the next big thing to come to UND. Maybe HE does a redshirt year to declutter the QBs a bit? Or does Quincy move to a tight end or WR? Takes Boltmans place after he graduates.
  12. I think they were short staffed maybe? They were only letting people in one way which was a terrible idea.
  13. Credit to the coaching staff and players for staying this focused for a month of practices.
  14. Slightly unrelated to how UND will do tonight but do y'all think I should bust out a new version of this sign tonight? I think all fans will enjoy it. Also please please please crush Denver.
  15. Awesome! Are you still going to give it to the students now that they’ve moved? Or will you have to find some STH to do it?
  16. Did you make that or is that the official Sack City Sign?
  17. Got it thanks anyway
  18. Anyone know what happened to the UNDHoops account on Twitter? I was looking for an article they had about a bunch of coaches and their coaching style and Sather was in it. Does anyone know where to find that article?
  19. I got the tag too. Looks legit.
  20. Kinda what I was thinking. Is there anything else I should get a closer picture of to make sure it’s legit?
  21. So I may have found another jersey.... initial thoughts are it’s a replica Reebok edge with the WCHA logo on the back. Waiting for confirmation pictures of the back and shoulder patches. Do y’all think it’s a replica or is it a Chinese knockoff?
  22. https://indd.adobe.com/view/72d52557-ae80-48d6-9aa2-27674be387b3
  23. Facebook marketplace in Grand Forks. The guy took forever to respond so I missed out on the black. He also had a white available. Not sure if it still is.
  24. I think so. I’m just sitting hoping there will be an opportunity to get tickets at this point.
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