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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. My question is who's driving the %gobc from the west Memorial lot to their multiple tables at the Champions Ball at the Alerus? They are going? They have multiple tables, ... right? #highrollers #bigspenders
  2. Disagree. I've been to a Preds game in Bridgestone Arena (on a random Saturday afternoon in February not that long ago). They do fine; I think they do better than Milwaukee would (based on recent UW attendance).
  3. He'd tell you most of Squires was too.
  4. Yeah, but in the end TC, KB, and CEK would man up and make a decision and stand with it. ROK makes Jean-Luc Picard look like George S. Patton.
  5. Wha-the ... Someone call The Red Pepper and have them roll out ... The Grinder Bazooka!
  6. Seems to fit the pattern. I recall him being a recruiting "pre-madonna" © Goon when he was in juniors.
  7. UND PD will be in full "revenue enhancement" mode writing open container citations?
  8. Nanne and Sonmor? Anyone?
  9. How can the day that a powder blue AMC Gremlin*, with two Gopher alum-bobo-rubes in it, rattled down I-35 from Dinkeytown to Faribault to talk to "The Savior" not be on this list? *OK, OK, "powder blue AMC Gremlin" is not accurate. It was maroon** with gold striping. **OK. OK. I was being nice; it wasn't maroon, it was rust(ed). And don't ask about what the yellow striping really was.
  10. Congrats to Mafia for having the first "fully qualified" goalie (i.e. four starts).
  11. I have jimdahl at 26. I agree otherwise. Seeing we agree otherwise, looking at jimdahl's unique players: Backstrom (6), Hudler (2), Price (-6). Is that what you have?
  12. If Duby keeps pitching no-nos, meh, no worries.
  13. One here, one there. I'm guessing a type or two on mine (or bad data). And correct, GA is just GA. ENGs don't count against the goalie.
  14. Hey Ray, I've created my own spreadsheet also but my numbers don't align to yours (but I'm in lead also in mine ). You just posted GA for all the goalies. Can you post points (and penalties for the D) also to get us aligned?
  15. Easy. Bob's in the tux. I'm telling y'all: "The Mafia" would be an awesome nickname.
  16. Blowout? What is this "blowout" of which you speak? I thought all hockey games were supposed to be 2-1 or 3-1 grinders. My kingdom to see UND start to consistently blow out opponents.
  17. Sometimes you have to give them the quarter and send them to the clue machine.
  18. A bar is not an economy. Oh great and wise #gobc gfhockey , what is the #gobc doing to create a real economy, real jobs and growth in Grand Forks.
  19. Dang, those costs have really jumped since the last time I did serious digging. I guess the only way to afford lacrosse ... is to not have football. < runs and hides >
  20. When ya ain't gatin' squat it doesn't take much.
  21. I suspect Old Time Hockey's post was somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
  22. Undoubtedly costly, but it would gate more than baseball, M/W S&D, and W IH combined.
  23. Well if you're looking at potential revenue sports ... why not lacrosse*? They could play in the new ITF. It is being build with seating for 1500 or so. *Y'all knew I could only hold out and not say it for so long.
  24. OK, I just looked at roster sizes and got surprised. Baseball - 30 M S&D - 23 W S&D - 28 W IH - 23 Nearly identical M (53) v. W (51). But if you dropped all those, you'd have make sure you reallocated the funds to stay in compliance with Title IX. FB and MBB would see some help, as the budget for MBase and MS&D aren't exactly big; WBB and VB and WSoc would make out like bandits (from the prior WIH funds). So the folks looking to help UND FB and UND MBB, this creates the panacea exactly ... how? Is it worth the firestorm it would create because any time a school breathes the words "drop sport" a firestorm erupts.
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