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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Now I have that theme song in my head.
  2. Mister Biden is that much more popular than Mister Obama?
  3. No less than 64% of ND COVID deaths are people who had exceeded US average life expectancy. Yes, 506 of 785 ND deaths are in the age 80+ age group. This virus is picking off the most frail.
  4. Have you attended (in person, or virtual) a funeral for a Covid death?
  5. I love the photo of CA Governor Gavin Newsom eating at the French Laundry ($250 a plate Napa restaurant) indoors, group of twelve, no masks, no social distancing. And got caught lying that they were “outdoors”. The walls and chandelier in the photos prove otherwise. Laws for thee, but not for me. <— CA Governor motto
  6. Follow the process. Follow the Constitution. That’s the way of a patriot.
  7. While you were sleeping, in an instant. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/bidens_great_leap_forward_a_split_second_in_wisconsin.html#.X6-u0jX5S3g.twitter
  8. While you were sleeping, in an instant. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/bidens_great_leap_forward_a_split_second_in_wisconsin.html#.X6-u0jX5S3g.twitter
  9. You really tied down that post. There should be no flap over that.
  10. The real election is December 14. Civics 101: The US Constitution
  11. When is the last time a county canvassing board anywhere refused to certify election results?
  12. If this is true and prove conclusively this is high treason. And there is one punishment for that.
  13. You know you've been trolled when Bob and Doug McKenzie troll you.
  14. Amen. Somebody had to say it.
  15. If she can prove all those assertions, she's on the lawyer Mt. Rushmore. If not, meh, book deal and retire to Boca.
  16. Single variate thinking does not work on a multivariate problem in a multivariate world.
  17. Nature. Virus.
  18. Another, albeit minor but real, factor is immigration to this country. Politics in other places are far more vocal and (by American standards) nasty. That's what many are used to seeing in the political realm. Watch British PM Time sometime on PBS or wherever. There is some epic old school snark and 'dis' that goes on there. The US Senate will slap your wrist if you call another Senator by first name from the floor. Disclaimer: I'm fine as long as it stays words and not physical. Physical violence by any is unacceptable.
  19. "Lockdown for thee, yet not for me." -- Legislators from four states https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/17/california-and-washington-lawmakers-flee-to-hawaii-after-cancelling-thanksgiving/
  20. Calling for "unity" after calling those same folks "chumps" ... is that leadership or decreasing division?
  21. Please reconcile that bold portion with the largest fraction of Black and Latino votes ever received by an R.
  22. It'd be interesting to know who shorted the market overnight.
  23. That's a mammoth gamble (meaning the gamble is assuming an R Senate). We're still not there yet.
  24. Change mask to lockdowns.
  25. Would those folks: - vote for Biden - leave 'President' blank. I don't believe someone voting a straight R ticket would vote for a D at the top; they'd leave it blank. Yet, Trump got more votes this time around, and Biden got more votes than Obama ever did!
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