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INCH 4x4 is a projection. They do not look at it as if it were to end today, but look at it as a whole and try and project what will happen. Bracketology is set up as if the season ended today.

I would guess that INCH is looking at the schedule of MN and thinking that they have a legit shot at grabbing a couple wins vs COP and TUCs (especailly vs UMD). They will also get a shot at a WCHA bubble team in the playoffs. MN can take a lot of pwrs against the likes of WI, UMD, SCSU as we finish out the season. A strong finish will catapult them over UMD and WI.

So do they need to win out and win the Final Five to get in or do they need to just win out and make into final five/ sorry but I do not understand all this PWR stuff. Thanks for the explanations, it is greatly appreciated.

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I am not sure if this has been covered but the new 4x4 is out on INCH and they have the goofers making the NCAA tourney. Really, I thought it was damn near impossible for them to make it at this point. I hope they don't but most likely they will get in according to INCH.

Can someone explain this one to me, please.

Currently UMTC is 13 in the PWR, which would put them in the tournament if the season ended today (probably playing either CC or UND in the first round! )

Even if they split their next 4 games (at UAA, home v. UMD), they could probably get in the tournament by winning their 1st round WCHA series and winning the play-in game of the final 5. Each of those victories could have the effect of knocking out their opponent.

I predict 6/7 reg season finish for them, having them going to either SCSU or MSM in round 1.

Read this for more PWR/Bracketology.



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I predict 6/7 reg season finish for them, having them going to either SCSU or MSM in round 1.

Read this for more PWR/Bracketology.

I don't know what everyone else thinks but I don't see them getting out of the first round of the playoffs.

SCSU is playing pretty good right now and I don't see that defense stoping the likes SCSU. The Huskies top line will eat them up. Even against a tough team like MSU-M they will beat the Goofs up.

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I am not sure if this has been covered but the new 4x4 is out on INCH and they have the goofers making the NCAA tourney. Really, I thought it was damn near impossible for them to make it at this point. I hope they don't but most likely they will get in according to INCH.

Can someone explain this one to me, please.

nope, they are 13th or so in the pairwise. top 14 make it wit o confernce tourney upsets. 1 lossand they are back out, theyare fro sure on the good old ubble!

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Why does anyone think the Gophers have turned a corner? They blew a lead four times against that dynamic offensive juggernaut last weekend. Sure they started to score, but the way Kangas played tDon has to be considering Frazee again.

The Gophers need at least three wins vs. AA and UMD for their their post season series to have any meaning what so ever.

For the Gophers to make the NCAAs they probably need to get their record to 3 games over 0.500. This would improve their RPI a bit and the some of the wins would be vs. teams they are competing with for the last tourney slots.

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Didn't I read where he was a college student at one of the AZ schools? I do remember him uttering it once.

wow, what a guessing game thats going on. funny actually. should everyone reveal what they do? not sure why people care. i give away jerseys because i like to, not because im rich and can. i enjoy giving if thats cool. kramer? nah dont think so. went to ASU and am in the firt stages of stating up something locally. did internships for pro sports teams the last 3 1/2 years in media relations in az and in st paul out of school. anything else? shoe size, hat size..........maybe jersys size ;)

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Why does anyone think the Gophers have turned a corner? They blew a lead four times against that dynamic offensive juggernaut last weekend. Sure they started to score, but the way Kangas played tDon has to be considering Frazee again.

The Gophers need at least three wins vs. AA and UMD for their their post season series to have any meaning what so ever.

For the Gophers to make the NCAAs they probably need to get their record to 3 games over 0.500. This would improve their RPI a bit and the some of the wins would be vs. teams they are competing with for the last tourney slots.

thanks for sagard, i tried to explain to gopherz that the gophers have won 1 game. 1 game in a row. i guess the good vibe is coming from having to play uaa this weekend. 1 loss puts you way out of the ncaa picture and it seems like they are even overlooking the seawolves with that big 1 game win streak thats going on :whistling: also i said they can win and not really help themselves much with uaa being so far down in rankings. just reality. the gophers will also need help even if they win both this weekend to make a couple gains in the pairwise. thanks for sagard to be a voice of reason :D

and you dont need to be at home to post on ss do you? nope...........pda devices make that pretty simple :D

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The Gophers need at least three wins vs. AA and UMD for their their post season series to have any meaning what so ever.

UAA should be two wins, because they aren't very good at all. The UMD games are going to be tougher because of the Duluth Media trying to enflame the masses and the UMD UMD being a cake walkPlayers. I Don't think this is message board info

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wow, what a guessing game thats going on. funny actually. should everyone reveal what they do? not sure why people care. i give away jerseys because i like to, not because im rich and can. i enjoy giving if thats cool. kramer? nah dont think so. went to ASU and am in the firt stages of stating up something locally. did internships for pro sports teams the last 3 1/2 years in media relations in az and in st paul out of school. anything else? shoe size, hat size..........maybe jersys size :)

I didn't intend to pry, I was just curious with your massive participation on here. :D

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thanks for sagard, i tried to explain to gopherz that the gophers have won 1 game. 1 game in a row. i guess the good vibe is coming from having to play uaa this weekend. 1 loss puts you way out of the ncaa picture and it seems like they are even overlooking the seawolves with that big 1 game win streak thats going on :whistling: also i said they can win and not really help themselves much with uaa being so far down in rankings. just reality. the gophers will also need help even if they win both this weekend to make a couple gains in the pairwise. thanks for sagard to be a voice of reason :D

and you dont need to be at home to post on ss do you? nope...........pda devices make that pretty simple :D

Actually AZ, as you guys do it with the Sue, that would be a "2 game unbeaten streak" thank you very much :)

1 loss doesn't drop way out of the picture, only if everyone around us wins. Besides, if we are going to get a loss the next 4 games I'd rather have it be against AA than against UMD, although I'm predicting 2 sweeps, mark it down. Gophers go into the WCHA playoffs on a "6 game unbeaten streak". Yes I'm drinking the kool-aid looking through my maroon and gold glasses.

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Actually AZ, as you guys do it with the Sue, that would be a "2 game unbeaten streak" thank you very much :)

1 loss doesn't drop way out of the picture, only if everyone around us wins. Besides, if we are going to get a loss the next 4 games I'd rather have it be against AA than against UMD, although I'm predicting 2 sweeps, mark it down. Gophers go into the WCHA playoffs on a "6 game unbeaten streak". Yes I'm drinking the kool-aid looking through my maroon and gold glasses.

13 game unbeaten streak with 1 tie compared to a 2 game unbeaten streak for the golden panzies with 1 win and 1 tie. the boys must be pumped about that streak! keep stretching and do you really think that a loss to uaa who is one of the worst teams out there wont hurt the gophers? im not doubting you cant sweep these 2 teams as the gophers will if they can continue to score. 2 games scoring is a start but kangas crapped the bed for the first time when actually getting goal support saturday for a 2nd night in a row. my point is your team hasnt done squat the whole season and a win and a tie hasgopher fans all excited. they are riding a win and a tie at home and your acting like this team has shown you that they are dominant :D at least sagard knows as a gopher fan even if you do sweep out you better win your wcha playoff series right? thats the big one with being on the bubble because wins vs uaa and umd after we knock them down further wont boost you that much. take the glasses off for a second ;)

no matter what this is a great time of year for college hockey and the wcha no atter what team you cheer for!!

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Why does anyone think the Gophers have turned a corner? They blew a lead four times against that dynamic offensive juggernaut last weekend. Sure they started to score, but the way Kangas played tDon has to be considering Frazee again.

The Gophers need at least three wins vs. AA and UMD for their their post season series to have any meaning what so ever.

For the Gophers to make the NCAAs they probably need to get their record to 3 games over 0.500. This would improve their RPI a bit and the some of the wins would be vs. teams they are competing with for the last tourney slots.

Who has said they turned a corner - just observations regarding their current NCAA status.

Also - RPI is just one component of the PWR comparisons. The reason their post season will be important will be they will be playing teams that are just ahead/behind them in the PWR. Unless they finish 8th, they will probably be playing a WCHA team that is on the bubble with them. If they win the series, they will move up the PWR ladder.

The same is true in the F5 play-in game. A win would probably improve their PWR.

What is also true is that UMTC does have enough talent to win a few games at the end of the season. Anyone who saw the 4 meatgrinder games they played with us shouldn't be surprised if they win a series at MSM and win a play-in game vs St Cloud or Wisconsin.

I don't think that anyone on the board is rooting for this, but it is just an observation/analysis.

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Your drinking more than Kool-Aid... :D

I wish...haha

I'm keeping those glasses on until the fat lady sings our season goodbye, which is more than likely after we win the national championship without losing another game all season and winning every game by a minimum of 5 goals, Kangas not allowing another goal all season :whistling::D

WOW haha

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Who has said they turned a corner - just observations regarding their current NCAA status.

Also - RPI is just one component of the PWR comparisons. The reason their post season will be important will be they will be playing teams that are just ahead/behind them in the PWR. Unless they finish 8th, they will probably be playing a WCHA team that is on the bubble with them. If they win the series, they will move up the PWR ladder.

The same is true in the F5 play-in game. A win would probably improve their PWR.

What is also true is that UMTC does have enough talent to win a few games at the end of the season. Anyone who saw the 4 meatgrinder games they played with us shouldn't be surprised if they win a series at MSM and win a play-in game vs St Cloud or Wisconsin.

I don't think that anyone on the board is rooting for this, but it is just an observation/analysis.

I'm rooting for it hahaha

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Who has said they turned a corner - just observations regarding their current NCAA status.

Also - RPI is just one component of the PWR comparisons. The reason their post season will be important will be they will be playing teams that are just ahead/behind them in the PWR. Unless they finish 8th, they will probably be playing a WCHA team that is on the bubble with them. If they win the series, they will move up the PWR ladder.

The same is true in the F5 play-in game. A win would probably improve their PWR.

What is also true is that UMTC does have enough talent to win a few games at the end of the season. Anyone who saw the 4 meatgrinder games they played with us shouldn't be surprised if they win a series at MSM and win a play-in game vs St Cloud or Wisconsin.

I don't think that anyone on the board is rooting for this, but it is just an observation/analysis.

i think sagard is referring to other posts of gopher fans everywhere who are acting like a win and a tie just made them a title contender :D

can the pairwise system get anymore confusing, geez :whistling:

and is this the first year without bonus points for strength of schedule and out of conferece road wins or is that still in? thanks or any help

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I dont know if it necessarily plays part in the pairwise rankings but it is listed on there so I'd assume it means something, at least for the committee choosing the field. All the WCHA teams obviously have the hardest schedules...

No, I wasn't honestly calling title contender, but I think we could make a little noise, maybe knock someone off in the first round of the NCAAs if we make it

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I dont know if it necessarily plays part in the pairwise rankings but it is listed on there so I'd assume it means something, at least for the committee choosing the field. All the WCHA teams obviously have the hardest schedules...

No, I wasn't honestly calling title contender, but I think we could make a little noise, maybe knock someone off in the first round of the NCAAs if we make it

oh i know. its a exciting time of the season for all teams expect tech and uaa :whistling: i heard he strength of schedule part was thrown out so that may be correct. there used to be bonus points for non conference wins on the road i think and i dont think there are bonus points anymore at all so they all must be thrown out.

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Stay at home dad?

Seriously, AZ, you ever watch any spring training down there? I'm a big Brewers fan...I should of had you go to Maryvale and get Prince Fielder to sign my 87 retro :whistling:

god i hope i dont have any kids out there around the united states or abroad :):D

i go to a few spring training games every season. cant beat the giants in scottsdale, sit on the lawn gass in outfield, have 3-4 beers and a dog and the women are in their bikinis in 85 degree weather. oh yeah, there is a game going on as well ;)

been to 1 game out in maryvale 2 springs ago. nice stadium. its a great time out here and it started yesterday. relaxing day at the ballpark!

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oh i know. its a exciting time of the season for all teams expect tech and uaa :D i heard he strength of schedule part was thrown out so that may be correct. there used to be bonus points for non conference wins on the road i think and i dont think there are bonus points anymore at all so they all must be thrown out.

More than likely, but it still must factor in the decision somehow, otherwise it wouldn't explain why we are as high as we are, maybe not bonus points in the standings but maybe in the minds of the selectors.

I am a little depressed that I'm going to miss the F5, I'll be down in AZSIOUX country for spring break...:whistling:

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More than likely, but it still must factor in the decision somehow, otherwise it wouldn't explain why we are as high as we are, maybe not bonus points in the standings but maybe in the minds of the selectors.

I am a little depressed that I'm going to miss the F5, I'll be down in AZSIOUX country for spring break...:whistling:

nice, ide rather be in st paul than here :D i almost pulled the trigger but wont be back this year to st paul. next year for sure.

if your team doesnt make the fnal 5 then it wont be so bad :)

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