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Moss MVP ?


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If the MVP award is going down that road psh. we always knew Moss was one of the worst in the league (attitude wise). vikings fans who were we kidding sausage fingers was a joke. (culpepper) he sucked big time. we shoulda had frikin Pat or Kevin williams takin snap. at least we'd be getting some entertainment. and not put through hell watching DC.

I bet i know what Moss was thankful yesterday.

****The bounty put on AP's head. (dirty packs)

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That's pure nonsense. If Moss was half as good as he's being made out to be he would have produced in Oakland. Regardless of how many games they lost he should have been able to compile some gaudy numbers by the simple virtue of being the only talented member of their offense. If Moss were to get hurt the Patriots would still be the odds-on favorite to go all the way, but without Brady they would be toast. Soon enough when the going gets tough Moss will show his true colors and quit on his team. It may not happen till next season but it will happen. Once a cancer always a cancer.

Moss just didn't want to be in Oakland, he didn't care. That's his personality issue, but definitely not a talent issue. The whole system has helped him produce in NE.

My opinion is, if you take away Moss on that team, they'll still be awesome. If you take away Brady instead of Moss, they'll still be amazing. However, if you took away Brett Favre, they'd be a .500 team at best. I'd say Brett Favre is the MVP. He's putting up really gaudy stats, his team is still 10-1 (only one loss difference), and he's doing way more for his team.

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That's pure nonsense. If Moss was half as good as he's being made out to be he would have produced in Oakland. Regardless of how many games they lost he should have been able to compile some gaudy numbers by the simple virtue of being the only talented member of their offense. If Moss were to get hurt the Patriots would still be the odds-on favorite to go all the way, but without Brady they would be toast. Soon enough when the going gets tough Moss will show his true colors and quit on his team. It may not happen till next season but it will happen. Once a cancer always a cancer.

Can't produce when you get triple covered and no one else can step up.

Wes Welker is sometimes not even covered, Donte Stallworth should get double coverage but sometimes doesn't even get covered. The fact that they roll people has more to do with Moss than anyone. He plays hard (ask his teammates), He runs crisp routes, His blocking is surprisingly strong for someone with his build.

Obviously, you have never seen a graphic of how a defense lines up when he is on the field as opposed to how they line up when he isn't.

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Can't produce when you get triple covered and no one else can step up.

Wes Welker is sometimes not even covered, Donte Stallworth should get double coverage but sometimes doesn't even get covered. The fact that they roll people has more to do with Moss than anyone. He plays hard (ask his teammates), He runs crisp routes, His blocking is surprisingly strong for someone with his build.

Obviously, you have never seen a graphic of how a defense lines up when he is on the field as opposed to how they line up when he isn't.

Do you have a number I can reach them at?

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A quitter and crybaby maybe, but he isn't quitting or crying this year. Probably the best receiver all-time when you talk about talent, it's becoming pretty clear when you put him around an All-Pro quarterback that he's the best (don't bother comparing him to Rice, Rice played with Montana and Young for the majority of his career).

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If you take Moss off the Pats and put him on the Packers, would anyone disagree that their records would switch? Moss has more to do with Brady than Brady has to do with Moss. Pats would at worst be a 3 loss team without Brady. The Packers without Favre would be no more than a 3 win team.

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If you take Moss off the Pats and put him on the Packers, would anyone disagree that their records would switch? Moss has more to do with Brady than Brady has to do with Moss. Pats would at worst be a 3 loss team without Brady. The Packers without Favre would be no more than a 3 win team.

Favre gives the Packers a chance to win every football game. He has very little to work with, Donald Driver is very average but looks like an all-star. The only reason their running game is some what effective is because they pass so well.

On the Moss issue, Why would Brett Favre want Moss so bad if he was such a cancer? I trust his judgement.

Favre would be absolutely deadly if he had Moss.

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A quitter and crybaby maybe, but he isn't quitting or crying this year. Probably the best receiver all-time when you talk about talent, it's becoming pretty clear when you put him around an All-Pro quarterback that he's the best (don't bother comparing him to Rice, Rice played with Montana and Young for the majority of his career).

obviously you take any wide reciever and put him around a All-Pro QB he will most likely do well. add in Moss's talent i think your going to be in the money.

What im saying is hes definetly going to put up some numbers for any team. And is definetly a huge OUT in the sense that you can either toss the ball up to him or take some defenders off and make an easier throw to another WR.

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Yeah, Favre's got no talent around him. Greg Jennings has just been terrible this year (9td's), Donald Driver, and did someone on here actually say Driver is only Avg. Thats just stupid. Not to mention Donald Lee who has clearly established himself as a top 6 or 7 Tight End in the league.

Favre's been great, he has, but to not give Brady the MVP up to this point in the season would be insane. HOWEVER, should he struggle the last five games than we can talk, but who honestly sees that happening.

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Favre is absolutely deadly without Moss. As much as I respect Brett Favre he was using extremely poor judgement in wanting Randy Moss. I think he got too excited about the talent and forgot about all the baggage that comes with the talent. The Packers made the right decision. They're better off having guys with a little less talent but a lot more heart. They would have been essentially selling their souls had they traded for Moss, considering how he desecrated the hallowed grounds of Lambeau Field. After that disgusting act there's no way he's worthy of wearing that uniform. I'd rather lose without Moss than win with him. He's a grade A prick, and that's the toned down version of it. If I stated how I really feel about Randy Moss it would be filled with profanity.

The thing with Green Bay is it's totally different than any other city in the US that has a major football team. Other troubled players (not so different than Randy) have come to Green Bay only to have successful seasons with little trouble or problems. People don't realize that Green Bay is tiny. It's not much bigger than Fargo (if it is). It's approximately 90,000 people with the biggest metro area being 2 hours away. There isn't much to get in trouble with, and the fans do an awesome job at embracing most players like that. I can't say for sure that Randy would have been loved because of his past with Minnesota, but I would be most certain that he would have had an awesome season...as good as he has now...if he came to Green Bay, with little trouble like right now. How could you stop Favre airing it out to Randy every time.

Favre to Randy Moss would be the best QB of all-time throwing to the most talented WR of all-time (notice how I didn't say best for him).

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  • 1 month later...
"I don't think me breaking Jerry Rice's record is special," Moss said. "I think shutting you guys up is what made it special, all the negativity, all my critics

No one should be shocked that Randy Moss would say this, however, he is a good football player that happens to be a punk.

I actually still wish he was at Minnesota because the Vikings haven't been the same since he left.

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