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In the spirit of it being Friday and I am starving, lets talk about Grand Forks' finest cuisine, the Red Pepper.

What is everyone's "go to" meal at the Red Pepper?

Mine is:

half ham grinder with taco meat (just a shot of white sauce)(heated up)

2 beef & cheese tostadas

soft shell Schneider

Tall glass of 2%

I am hungry!

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Aaahhh I'm hungry.... I guess I'll play along ;)

My favorite thing to get at the Red Pepper is an "everything" grinder warmed up. I don't care if it's half or whole, cuz whatever I don't eat I can get wrapped up and bring it home with me :blink: And then I usually just get a glass of water cuz I'm cheap like that and water does a body good apparently :crazy:

Mmmm, yummy!!!

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Ham grinder with taco meat and colby.....chips and sauce......sometimes I throw in some chicken tortilla soup.

Holy crap, I'm starving now.......and I'm an hour away.......


That may be the place to eat before the game tonight.......

You all should have seen how happy I was when I found the Red Pepper trailer at Moondance. LMFAO I came back with a grinder and several redpepper.com stamps all over my arms. Mr. HockeyMom just looked at me and shook his head.


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Ham grinder with taco meat and colby.....chips and sauce......sometimes I throw in some chicken tortilla soup.

Holy crap, I'm starving now.......and I'm an hour away.......


That may be the place to eat before the game tonight.......

You all should have seen how happy I was when I found the Red Pepper trailer at Moondance. LMFAO I came back with a grinder and several redpepper.com stamps all over my arms. Mr. HockeyMom just looked at me and shook his head.


About the only thing there you can eat with a spoon. :blink:

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Man, I wish I was closer than 4 hours away. A cheese tostada with a grinder chaser sounds soooo goood right now. Sorry to get back to the nickname, but how about the "Fighting Grinders"

You could have "Grinders" across the front of the jersey with a whole grinder as a logo. And if you spill on your jersey, things would just blend in. :lol:

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Is Red Pepper still offering their Grinder kits over night via FedEx? I am about ready to explode after reading all of this about grinders. I need my fix!

Yes, they still do. My brother works there and sent me a kit and a Red Pepper shirt for Xmas last year.

I'm in SoCal (OC specifically) as well, so getting the Red Pepper fix was incredible. Best gift of the season.

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Yes, they still do. My brother works there and sent me a kit and a Red Pepper shirt for Xmas last year.

I'm in SoCal (OC specifically) as well, so getting the Red Pepper fix was incredible. Best gift of the season.

oh my goodness, how did I forget that! My finace got me that for my b-day back in Feb! oh it was amazing! i need to have another one, but it is soooo expensive! almost as expensive as flying up there to get one and back lol

btw....post #1000!!!! woo hoo!!!

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