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If Dale Lennon Leaves....

The Walrus

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Question for all the Sioux Fans, Alumni, and Sioux Faithfull.....

If Dale Lennon left (Hope He Never Does), who would we look towards, Would we look within the current staff (Mussman..?) look within the Sioux Family (Tibesar, Schweigert...?), or would our National Search bring in the right guy...?

It seems now with some of our quailifcations for Head Coaching Jobs, that some of our Current Staff (Gene Roebuck) would not be eligible to get a interview...

Times are changing are they for the better.....?

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Speaking of Dale leaving is blasphemy.

Question for all the Sioux Fans, Alumni, and Sioux Faithfull.....

If Dale Lennon left (Hope He Never Does), who would we look towards, Would we look within the current staff (Mussman..?) look within the Sioux Family (Tibesar, Schweigert...?), or would our National Search bring in the right guy...?

It seems now with some of our quailifcations for Head Coaching Jobs, that some of our Current Staff (Gene Roebuck) would not be eligible to get a interview...

Times are changing are they for the better.....?

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Question for all the Sioux Fans, Alumni, and Sioux Faithfull.....

If Dale Lennon left (Hope He Never Does), who would we look towards, Would we look within the current staff (Mussman..?) look within the Sioux Family (Tibesar, Schweigert...?), or would our National Search bring in the right guy...?

It seems now with some of our quailifcations for Head Coaching Jobs, that some of our Current Staff (Gene Roebuck) would not be eligible to get a interview...

Times are changing are they for the better.....?

The best candidates don't always have UND/North Dakota ties. See Dean Blais, Roger Thomas, Rich Glas, Bill Fitch, etc. for examples. I would hope that whenever the A.D. makes a coaching hire in any sport that he does it because he feels that the potential coach is the best qualified candidate for the job regardless of where he/she grew up or went to college. If a potential coach has a solid reputation and proven track record of success in that sport at or near whatever level UND is competing at, he/she will have my support.

id say between tibesar and bubba.

Both would be excellent choices.

Speaking of Dale leaving is blasphemy.

You are correct.

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I would hope that whenever the A.D. makes a coaching hire in any sport that he does it because he feels that the potential coach is the best qualified candidate for the job regardless of where he/she grew up or went to college. If a potential coach has a solid reputation and proven track record of success in that sport at or near whatever level UND is competing at, he/she will have my support.

My opinion is that where they grew up, where they went to school should be part of the equation.....

I wonder why guys like Roy Williams end up back at UNC, Bob Huggins at West Virginia, Greg Mc Dermott in the state of Iowa ,

Mark Johnson at Wisconsin........(Just to name a few)

I think it is because they have better ties within the communities, better recruiting in roads where they grew up and learned to become a player or coach. I also believe they will give you stability, in that "It is Home".......

You will not have to worry about any of the above canidates I metioned in regards to Football, because they (have UND /ND ties) but would not now meet our ......"new" requirements in some form, either education or coaching experience.....

and would probably never receive a interview.......sad

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My opinion is that where they grew up, where they went to school should be part of the equation.....

I wonder why guys like Roy Williams end up back at UNC, Bob Huggins at West Virginia, Greg Mc Dermott in the state of Iowa ,

Mark Johnson at Wisconsin........(Just to name a few)

I think it is because they have better ties within the communities, better recruiting in roads where they grew up and learned to become a player or coach. I also believe they will give you stability, in that "It is Home".......

You will not have to worry about any of the above canidates I metioned in regards to Football, because they (have UND /ND ties) but would not now meet our ......"new" requirements in some form, either education or coaching experience.....

and would probably never receive a interview.......sad

Do you think that UCLA should have hired John Wooden? Or Indiana should have hired Bobby Knight? Or Kentucky should have hired Adolph Rupp? How about Texas and Darrell Royal, Notre Dame and Ara Parseghian, Oklahoma and Bud Wilkinson? All of those are legendary coaches in their sports and I could find plenty more if I tried. Of that list, the only one that had any connection with the school they served so well was Bud Wilkinson. He had 1 year as an assistant coach before being named Head Coach and Athletic Director (at age 30). Some of these coaches even came from huge rivals. Darrell Royal played at Oklahoma and Bobby Knight played for Ohio State. My point is the same as I stated in another thread. Hire the best possible candidate. If 2 candidates are close or tied, hire the one with local connections. Don't make that local connection the primary hiring reason.

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My opinion is that where they grew up, where they went to school should be part of the equation.....

I wonder why guys like Roy Williams end up back at UNC, Bob Huggins at West Virginia, Greg Mc Dermott in the state of Iowa ,

Mark Johnson at Wisconsin........(Just to name a few)

And despite not having any UND/North Dakota ties (except McDermott), I wouldn't mind having any one of those guys you mentioned leading our various athletic programs.

As a devoted Sioux fan, once a coach is hired by UND, for me there begins the most important part of his "North Dakota" ties. See Blais, Thomas, Glas, Fitch.

Walrus, I know that you (like me) are one of the few members of this board that particularly follows basketball. Were you so upset when Rich Glas was hired? He came from Minnesota, Hawaii, Arizona..............not North Dakota. I'd say he did alright. :D

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Were you so upset when Rich Glas was hired? He came from Minnesota, Hawaii, Arizona..............not North Dakota.

Rich does have ties to the area in Fargo (Brother) and Bemidji (Mom and Dad).......Gunther came as close to hand picking Rich as you could while being similarly forced out..... That was all I needed to know, Gunther help build the program if he felt Rich could carry it, that was ok for me.....

Very similar to Dave Haskstol and Dean Blais.....

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I know very little about this specific search, mainly what I have read here and the Herald. From past experience in a non-athletic situation, the search committee usually sets up a list of criteria before the search is even publicly announced. This criteria depends on the rules and regulations that the University sets up for employees and what the committee believes is most important for the position. The candidates selected for interviews are the ones that best fit this criteria. It would not be a good practice to set up criteria and then not follow it, even though some good candidates can be eliminated. I don't know why the 3 candidates were selected for interviews and others like Johnson, Koberinski and Stafford were not. My guess is that they did not match the criteria as well as the 3 that were brought in. The process can work very well if done properly. And mistakes can be made anytime someone is hired. We won't know if this was a good hire or a mistake until they get a chance to do their job for a while. Then we will know if this hire is closer to Bud Grant or Les Steckel.

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Rich does have ties to the area in Fargo (Brother) and Bemidji (Mom and Dad).......Gunther came as close to hand picking Rich as you could while being similarly forced out..... That was all I needed to know, Gunther help build the program if he felt Rich could carry it, that was ok for me.....

Very similar to Dave Haskstol and Dean Blais.....

So if someone with no ties to ND simply knows people with ties to ND that is O.K.? :D

Like I said, my feeling is that I trust the administration of UND to hire the people that will do what's best for UND and help the university succeed. See Blais, Thomas, Glas, Fitch, etc. If that person came from UND or grew up in ND, that's icing on the cake. Someone who coaches at the University of North Dakota, simply put is a North Dakota coach and has ties to all of us who support the University.

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So if someone with no ties to ND simply knows people with ties to ND that is O.K.? :D

Like I said, my feeling is that I trust the administration of UND to hire the people that will do what's best for UND and help the university succeed. See Blais, Thomas, Glas, Fitch, etc. If that person came from UND or grew up in ND, that's icing on the cake. Someone who coaches at the University of North Dakota, simply put is a North Dakota coach and has ties to all of us who support the University.

i agree,

Good ole boy networks aren't always the best, times become stagnant that way.

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I certainly hope Dale Lennon is at UND for a long time, but if he leaves within the next few years, it would be difficult to imagine a better candidate to replace him than Tim Tibesar.

Tim wouldn't quailfy for a Interview....No Head Coaching Experience...?

I personally think it is time to re-think our Criteria.....

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Tim wouldn't quailfy for a Interview....No Head Coaching Experience...?

No head coaching experience would be needed if the coach performed well at another school in a coordinator position. How do you think so many move up to the head coaching ranks.

My two cents would be for Tibesar. I've met him and been coached by him some and he is a great guy and a quality coach. There is a reason why he has been successful in recent years and bringing that success back to UND would be a real win for us I believe. At the same time though, I hope Lennon doesn't leave for a good long time either.

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when RT was AD - he hired "our guys" - not a bad move...

When $$$$ became an issue - we hired an AD who made decisions based on certain criteria - not "ties" - also NOT a BAD IDEA (fresh blood?)

Dale might leave (after his current contract is done) - if he's offered another job based on his success...it would be up to him to take it or leave it...that's the way it works! UND (at best) can aspire to mid-major status in DI...check with UNI if they could or would be able to keep a coach like Greg McDermott or they'd have to settle for a Ben Jacobson?? He seems to have done fine in the interim...

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