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Sioux/Gophers Rematch in Denver?


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The USCHO bracketology predicts Air Force vs Minnesota, Michigan vs North Dakota in Denver at the West Regional. Although a Minnesota/North Dakota rematch would be an unbelievable game, I can't help but wish that it would wait until St. Louis.

The rest of the bracketology can be found here:


They seem to make a few more "assumptions" this year but they always seem to be close. I guess we will have to wait for the selection show to know for sure.

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The only research that ive done after this night thus far is coors light entering the blood stream but other than that I am praying for a gopher sioux rematch asap! I hope we are paired up in the regionals and can get the ass whoopin on as soon as possible!!! If I could pay for the sioux and the goofs to play tomorrow, I would!

Everyone knows who the team to beat is and it will remain this way until the drop of the puck fall 2007. If sioux give 70% effort for the rest of the year we will prevail.

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The only research that ive done after this night thus far is coors light entering the blood stream but other than that I am praying for a gopher sioux rematch asap! I hope we are paired up in the regionals and can get the ass whoopin on as soon as possible!!! If I could pay for the sioux and the goofs to play tomorrow, I would!

Everyone knows who the team to beat is and it will remain this way until the drop of the puck fall 2007. If sioux give 70% effort for the rest of the year we will prevail.

70% effort is all the Sioux need to prevail................ :D :D :D

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The USCHO bracketology predicts Air Force vs Minnesota, Michigan vs North Dakota in Denver at the West Regional. Although a Minnesota/North Dakota rematch would be an unbelievable game, I can't help but wish that it would wait until St. Louis.

One thing this would accomplish is making sure the WCHA doesnt have 3 teams at the frozen four which the NCAA would hate to see happen again. I think they are desperate to see another conference win it all.

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I think Jason's wrong, but what do I know. I think this is what will happen this afternoon.


UNH vs. Miami

BC vs. St. Lawr.


Clark. vs. Maine

St. Cloud vs. Mich St.


uMN vs. AH

Mich vs. Mass.


ND vs. AF

BU vs. UND

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I think Jason's wrong, but what do I know. I think this is what will happen this afternoon.


UNH vs. Miami

BC vs. St. Lawr.


Clark. vs. Maine

St. Cloud vs. Mich St.


uMN vs. AH

Mich vs. Mass.


ND vs. AF

BU vs. UND

I find it hard to believe that Mich would not be put at the Mich site. I'd also be surprised, however, if the 3 WCHA teams got separate regions, I think two will be in the same place.

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The biggest question in my mind is the treatment of RIT. The USCHO guys have contacts on the selection committee, so probably know better than I, but I wasn't sure how to treat RIT being in the top 25 in RPI but not being eligible as a TUC. It's a huge deal, because if RIT doesn't consume a slot, then Mankato (at #26 in the RPI) bumps up to a TUC.

We're 5-0-1 against Mankato, which would help our TUC considerably, pushing us up to #7 in PWR. With serpentine seeding (ignoring regions for now), that would result in:

Minn., Michigan, BU, Huntsville

N.D., North Dakota, Michigan St, Air Force

Clarkson, SCSU, Maine (swapped w/St Lawrence to avoid BC matchup), Mass. (swapped w/Miami to avoid UNH matchup)

UNH, BC, St Lawrence, Miami

Again, there's good reason to think that USCHO & CHN know how to treat the RIT anomaly, and their interpretation (count RIT as a TUC but just don't pick them) is a reasonable interpretation of the rule that to be under consideration a team must be in the top 25 in the RPI.

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Answering my own question, here's what Moy from USCHO says about RIT:

RIT. What gives? Are they in, are they out? Do they count?

To put it plainly and simply, RIT counts like everyone else, except they can't be chosen for an at-large bid. Remember that RIT cannot participate in the Atlantic Hockey Tournament, so it won't get the autobid, and then it cannot be chosen as an at-large team either. But everything else counts. So if RIT is in the Top 25 of the RPI, the Tigers remain there and are compared like any other team in the Top 25.

I knew the games against them counted, because they are an NCAA team now, but that they still consume a TUC slot and count in the TUC records for other TUCs, despite being ineligible to be chosen, is a little peculiar.

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Wodon who is a lot more plugged in than Moy has it Gophs/UND/Mich/AirForce in Denver as well. Nice for the rest of the country to get three heavyweights placed in a single regional.

I really liked the idea of swapping the #11 with the #9, but that would make reasonable brackets so it's out.

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I don't always understand their attendance explanation. If the Sioux didn't make the West Regional in Grand Forks last year I would have rather watched teams like Boston College/Michigan, etc than watch Minnesota and Denver for example at the Ralph. I get to see those teams play on a yearly basis. A "close" team makes sense. In last years case the Minnesota fans defineatly drove to The Ralph and had UND not made it the fans still would have made a great atmostphere. However, things are a little different in Denver. The closest WCHA school in the tournement is 1033 miles away. If I was a Denver fan I'm not sure I would be overly excited to have two WCHA teams in that bracket. Sure a Sioux/Gophers rematch would be epic and a fun game for all but the joy of the NCAA tournement is to see teams you don't get to see. I'm fine if it happens based on PWR but unless it is in someone host arena I don't think it should be a major concern.

Do you buy that more people will go to the West Regional because two WCHA teams are there?

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I don't always understand their attendance explanation. If the Sioux didn't make the West Regional in Grand Forks last year I would have rather watched teams like Boston College/Michigan, etc than watch Minnesota and Denver for example at the Ralph. I get to see those teams play on a yearly basis. A "close" team makes sense. In last years case the Minnesota fans defineatly drove to The Ralph and had UND not made it the fans still would have made a great atmostphere. However, things are a little different in Denver. The closest WCHA school in the tournement is 1033 miles away. If I was a Denver fan I'm not sure I would be overly excited to have two WCHA teams in that bracket. Sure a Sioux/Gophers rematch would be epic and a fun game for all but the joy of the NCAA tournement is to see teams you don't get to see. I'm fine if it happens based on PWR but unless it is in someone host arena I don't think it should be a major concern.

Do you buy that more people will go to the West Regional because two WCHA teams are there?

Sioux and Gopher fans travel better than anyone in the country, and both schools have a large alumni base in Denver. This is the hand we'll be dealt due to Denver and CC playing themselves out of the tournament. If the bracket shakes out like this, I'm seriously contemplating going to Denver, that's for sure.

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Wodon who is a lot more plugged in than Moy has it Gophs/UND/Mich/AirForce in Denver as well.

Yeah, and that's the only thing that gives me confidence they're right. Otherwise, I'd be tempted to assume that their treatment of RIT was more an accident of how they happened to implement their PWR code than an informed decision (USCHO had PWR very wrong for quite a few weeks in January until they finally got the new rules tweaked to agree with other sources).

Shawn hit the nail on the head, though. If this treatment of RIT is correct, TUC is a serious misnomer in that RIT is clearly not "under consideration". Rather, the criterion is record against top 25. I guess the committee revealed some preference toward that when they quit including autobids as TUCs this year.

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i can think of only one really good reason for this setup. if und can beat mich again, and then beat um it would carry some great confidence to the FF. a smaller reason would be that it would intensify the rivalry even more if we beat them. my only concern is that um seems to be getting back on track...but then again, und derailed them before, so who know?

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You saw a great example of home ice advantage last night, not because of the X being in the metro, but the earned home ice advantage of the last line change. The Okposo line did a great job on the DOT line, and they were out there shift for shift. If we could've had the DOT line out against one of the other Gopher lines, they definitely would've produced an even strength goal. Although JT owned Okposo on the draws, Okposo was draped all over him away from the puck, legally I might add. The defensive style that MN employed last night is not as fun to watch as a horse race, but they were successful with it last night.

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I don't always understand their attendance explanation.

Do you buy that more people will go to the West Regional because two WCHA teams are there?

I don't understand the "attendance explanation" either. I seem to recall it didn't work so well

for the Wisc west regions a few years ago. Now the NCAA cares about fan base? :D

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If you base bonus on .005 instead of .003, Denver ends up at 14. There is nothing that says bonus is .003 is there? Maybe DU will sneak in after all.

That is a very interesting piece of information. Hmm... I would still see UND going to Denver under that scenario, with Notre Dame and Michigan.

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