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Greg Schiano says no thanks to Miami


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That's true on all accounts. I'm for one am glad that's he staying if you ask me & this my own opion (please forgive me for my lousy spelling) I don't think anybody in their right mind would want to coach there. Hey let's face they way their players behave if not on the field also off the field I wouldn't want to go there for all the money in the world. Hell even Steve Spurrial doesn't even want the job what does that tell you. GO GATORS CHOMP ON OHIO STATE. Oh yes I'm getting my tickets & plane & other reservations for Az. GO GATORS.

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That's true on all accounts. I'm for one am glad that's he staying if you ask me & this my own opion (please forgive me for my lousy spelling) I don't think anybody in their right mind would want to coach there. Hey let's face they way their players behave if not on the field also off the field I wouldn't want to go there for all the money in the world. Hell even Steve Spurrial doesn't even want the job what does that tell you. GO GATORS CHOMP ON OHIO STATE. Oh yes I'm getting my tickets & plane & other reservations for Az. GO GATORS.

You should have a good time. The Phoenix area hates Ohio St. now that they've obnoxiously been there like 4 of 5 years.

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Hey Smoggy thanks I really do apperiate it a whole lot.

I just wish I could join you there. It is a bummer that the game is at Glendale, but the arena looks terrific. It's the fringe of the city. Sun Devil Stadium on the other hand is only a few blocks from downtown Tempe which offers many drinking options.

I'm guessing no drinking at the game. Is Tostidos the sponsor? If they are at least free chips should be available.

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I heard Kirk Herbstreit putting down Miami's facilities. He said a new coach would have to negotiate with the U to drastically upgrade the place or he would have trouble recruiting 1st rate players.

And OSU fans are obnoxious? I know a few of them. But I find it difficult to believe that the businesses in AZ dislike seeing all that Buckeye green.

As a Buckeye fan, I think they have to be careful of overconfidence. Something like the '02 team when Miami was suppossed to rout them. Florida is way too good to overlook. But I think that Tressel may be the best big game coach in the US right now. If he's got several weeks to prepare, he's in good shape.

OH and JFR I'm happy for you too. He seems like a great young coach. My wife and I were rooting for Rutgers because her late father went to school there way back when.

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And OSU fans are obnoxious? I know a few of them. But I find it difficult to believe that the businesses in AZ dislike seeing all that Buckeye green.

I've heard from numerous people in Tempe/Phoenix that the OSU fans are a pain. This includes high end hotel employees. I'm sure every business likes the green. I've never met any personally, and I was at Columbus for the Frozen Four! Also, I'm sure every teams' fans are essentially the same. I think Tempe/Phoenix is just sick of seeing OSU.

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You cannot believe SOME OSU football fans. Makes me a little ashamed sometimes. To illustrate;

This season, the Columbus Dispatch ran a front page sports section article about Brady Quinn, ND QB.

He's from the Columbus suburb Dublin. Well you should have seen some of the letters to the sports editor! "How dare you run an srticle about Quinn. He's a traitor! Our beloved Buckeyes are playing Minnesota this week and you run an article about the NOTRE DAME qb!"

That type of garbage. Now most OSU fans are a little more thoughtful, but some of these jerks are ridiculous.

My theory is that the two most rabid fan bases anyplace are Kentucky BB fans and OSU FB fans.

Oh and of course, UND hockey fans!

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You cannot believe SOME OSU football fans. Makes me a little ashamed sometimes. To illustrate;

This season, the Columbus Dispatch ran a front page sports section article about Brady Quinn, ND QB.

He's from the Columbus suburb Dublin. Well you should have seen some of the letters to the sports editor! "How dare you run an srticle about Quinn. He's a traitor! Our beloved Buckeyes are playing Minnesota this week and you run an article about the NOTRE DAME qb!"

That type of garbage. Now most OSU fans are a little more thoughtful, but some of these jerks are ridiculous.

My theory is that the two most rabid fan bases anyplace are Kentucky BB fans and OSU FB fans.

Oh and of course, UND hockey fans!

Hey let's not forget SEC football fans such as Tenn, UGA, Bama, Aubrun, LSU, & of course where I graduated from Florida. They are just as bad as everyone else. Oh yea Smoggy I don't have to worry about getting a hotel I have a cousin that lives in Tempe (please forgive me for my lousy spelling.) So i'm ready for Jan 8 come hell or high water. GO GATORS. From the GATORNATION I'M OUT.

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