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Have a great game Fighting Sioux


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Big Game,

We will need to play a perfect game to win tonight. No turnovers,few penalties and we REALLY need to score first. The weather for this may be brutal which should help a running team like ours. I think everyone around here will be very surprised if Coach Schiano leaves. He and his wife are from here and they just started building a new house about a mile from campus. He took our program from a national laughingstock to a chance tonight to get to a BCS bowl(probably the Orange Bowl). We blew away previous attendance records. At the beginning of this year, we had only 11,000 season tickets. This week, new applications were available for next season and 6,000 new people have already ordered new season tickets. At the very least after tonight, we will be going to a bowl game two years in a row after only going to one in 137 years. Expanding the stadium from 42,000 to 60,000 is probably a year or two away. He was just named Coach of the Year and his contract runs until 2012. My guess is within a month or so there will be a new contract for more money and more years. From a recruiting standpoint, it is like we went from a Big Wheel to a racing motorcycle in just a few years. We have almost 15 players who have given verbals for next year and rivals.com has almost every one rated at 3,4, or 5 stars. On a good year, we used to get two players rated at two stars. Some seasons we didn't even get that. I don't know if we can ever win a National Championship,but I think Coach Schiano can have a consistent Top 15 program here. I will be VERY surprised if he goes back to Miami.



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Heart breakers for both... I was flipping back and forth between my beloved Sooners and the Rutgers game with that going to 3OT! I'm satisfied my Sooners pulled out the win for the big 12 title, but I was hoping Rutgers would win. Overall, it was an amazing day of football with USC losing, Wake Forest winning, the Rutgers game, and of course my Sooners pulling the W in a gritty defensive battle!

What bowl is Rutgers going to?


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Well from what I readed yesterday's game between UND vs Grand Valley was a good one sorry to hear about the SIOUX losing. As for Rutgers sorry about losing to WVA the best thing about that game was it was in double OT. As for my GATORS we bbq some HOGS up in ATLANTA but I have strange feeling that the BCS is going to give up the shaft, by having their championship game be a rematch of Mich vs Ohio State. I hope that doesn't happen to be honest with you. So in Closing Thanks UND Rutgers for a hell of a season. Not to forget GO GATORS WHOEVER WE PLAY. From the GATRONATION I'M out.


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Well from what I readed yesterday's game between UND vs Grand Valley was a good one sorry to hear about the SIOUX losing. As for Rutgers sorry about losing to WVA the best thing about that game was it was in double OT. As for my GATORS we bbq some HOGS up in ATLANTA but I have strange feeling that the BCS is going to give up the shaft, by having their championship game be a rematch of Mich vs Ohio State. I hope that doesn't happen to be honest with you. So in Closing Thanks UND Rutgers for a hell of a season. Not to forget GO GATORS WHOEVER WE PLAY. From the GATRONATION I'M out.


I hope the Gators go to Glendale. Michigan had their shot at the Buckeyes, and didn't get it done. 12-1 with that schedule....yeah, I think so.

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I hope the Gators go to Glendale. Michigan had their shot at the Buckeyes, and didn't get it done. 12-1 with that schedule....yeah, I think so.

A rematch would just cause problems anyway, if Michigan played and beat Ohio State they would split on the season and how could you claim one as a National Champion over the other. I think Florida should play Ohio State, but I don't think it will be much of a game. I would like to see Michigan and USC go at.

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I hope the Gators go to Glendale. Michigan had their shot at the Buckeyes, and didn't get it done. 12-1 with that schedule....yeah, I think so.

Shawn-O, don't tell me you're going to go "Urban Meyer" on us and use Kentucky to bolster your strength of schedule argument. :D I agree that conference championship should be the determining factor in who gets to play Ohio State, but watching Urban cry, beg, and plead to get into the title game is excruciating.

Also, big slap upside the head to Kirk Herbstreit and Brent Musburger, who during last week's USC/Notre Dame game pleaded time and time again AGAINST having a Michigan rematch with Ohio State, then promptly turned right around suggested several times over that Notre Dame had done enough to warrant a rematch with Michigan in the Rose Bowl? Based on losing by 20 to USC they've shown enough to deserve a rematch with a team who beat them by 26 earlier in the year? While at the same time saying that Michigan had its shot at Ohio State and dropped the ball? Oh, nevermind, Brent and Kirk, I forgot that ABC needs Notre Dame in the Rose Bowl because they haven't been there since 1925. Nice arguments, guys!

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Repeat after me: the media are tools.

I'm so sick of them bringing up how we deserve to be ranked higher because of the Oregon fiasco.... and yet the same people don't rank us higher. In the USA Today poll, we're ranked below USC. Are you kidding me? Honestly, I think the sickest part of the BCS is that ND was still allowed in. They played 2 BCS teams and got dominated... they don't belong.

Although Boise State should be a fun game, it's a lose-lose situation for us. If we win, it's expected... if we lose, then it's an embarrassment. It actually has a lot of ring to the Utah team of a few years back. Even though Boise State went undefeated, they only played 1 BCS conference team this year... Oregon State.


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We will be playing Kansas State on December 28 in the Texas Bowl at the Houston Texans' stadium. It would have been nice to play in the Orange Bowl,but I and everyone else around here are very happy with a 10-2 season. As of right now, the only station televising the game is NFL Network,but Rutgers and the Big East Conference are trying to get them to also show it on a national superstation(such as WWOR). I think even less people get NFL Network than those who get CSTV and ESPNU.



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We will be playing Kansas State on December 28 in the Texas Bowl at the Houston Texans' stadium. It would have been nice to play in the Orange Bowl,but I and everyone else around here are very happy with a 10-2 season. As of right now, the only station televising the game is NFL Network,but Rutgers and the Big East Conference are trying to get them to also show it on a national superstation(such as WWOR). I think even less people get NFL Network than those who get CSTV and ESPNU.



I live in the Houston area and might go check out the game. I think Rutgers will probably win by a few TD's, but K-State has played a few good teams pretty tough this season.

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I live in the Houston area and might go check out the game. I think Rutgers will probably win by a few TD's, but K-State has played a few good teams pretty tough this season.

Remember there is a UND connection in this game: Coach Tibesar is coaching the Special Teams at K-State. As many of you know, he played and coached at UND until this season.

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We will be playing Kansas State on December 28 in the Texas Bowl at the Houston Texans' stadium. It would have been nice to play in the Orange Bowl,but I and everyone else around here are very happy with a 10-2 season. As of right now, the only station televising the game is NFL Network,but Rutgers and the Big East Conference are trying to get them to also show it on a national superstation(such as WWOR). I think even less people get NFL Network than those who get CSTV and ESPNU.




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The NFL network has been having college score updates on Saturdays all football season. I guess they figure NFL fans want to look at and hear about the future NFL players as well.

Hey BigGame I didn't know that the NFL network had saturday scores. Thanks for the information I really do apperiated. GO GATORS CHOMP ON SOME BUCKEYES.

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