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Friday's "Ask the Sioux" question.

The Sicatoka

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One last thought:

"redwing77", in your Post #20 of that thread I linked to, where you say, "When I think of country music, ..." think Chris Porter and Jon Toews. ;)

Chris wears a 40 pound belt buckle and watches NASCAR at every opportunity? ;)

Well, regardless, my point then was valid, at least about that dumb Tim McGraw song. :)

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He does drive Toby Keith's pickup.

I guess he likes to be on time and the job done right. (If Toby wrote that song for Ford, then Ford shouldn't have accepted it. I don't think it is relevant in the slightest).

Sic- You are just one big Toby Keith advertisement ;)

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I guess he likes to be on time and the job done right. (If Toby wrote that song for Ford, then Ford shouldn't have accepted it. I don't think it is relevant in the slightest).

I reserve the right to be just as irrelevant as you are. ;);)

Sic- You are just one big Toby Keith advertisement :)

I'm not a big country music fan, but there are some artists I really like. Some of Toby Keith's stuff is great. How could anyone not like "Who's Your Daddy?" Or the music video that goes with it?

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I realize that everyone is has there own favorite music style, but why bash anyone for liking country? I love both country and alternative. There is one thing I do know for sure, and thats when I go to concerts and see the lovely ladies, there sure are a lot more of them at them there backwoods cun-trey ones.

In my opinion, the sioux boys just know where the hotties are at!


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I do not like country... or rap. My favorite musical genres are hair metal (Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue, etc...), classic rock (Cheap Trick, Led Zeppelin, Boston, etc...), and power pop (Rick Springfield, Journey, Loverboy, etc...).

Liking music where every has mullets. Who would've guessed?

What the hell was with Fabian? How could he not metion red.seal.peach.? What a schmuck! They wrote about him. What an ungrateful turd.

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