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Tonights score ?


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& who will get them ?

If they keep improving each game as much as they did from game 1 to game 2 - this could get scary

Heck if they beat Wisco & Maine - They just could go undefeated :0:glare::ohmy:

the only problem is that Q will improve too...but UND wins 8-2...toews with 2, oshie 2, kozek 1, chorney 1, genoway 1, kaip 1. and the d will make less mistakes than last night, but Q is going to come out stronger.

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Oshie is gonna explod & get the goals he deserves

the D seemed a little lost at times tonight - I wonder how they will do against other Good WCHA teams ?

I like to see Lee get some penelties ;) It shows he is getting into the physical play

& we need to start scoring on the PP - But this team is for REAL :silly:

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What I don't understand is how could they sit Miller after scroing three points the night before.

Was kind of wondering the same thing. I have a feeling that they determined they were going to get a look at everyone, especially since it was parents weekend, and Miller just was one that was out of the mix. I know this week of practice will tell who will be going to Wisconsin, but maybe Hak wanted to get an extra look at Martens to see if he had the game capacity to possibly be making that trip as well. From what I saw last weekend, I would like to see Bishop, Miller and Forney make the trip and play on the same line. It certainly is nice for Hak to have those options though.

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Was kind of wondering the same thing. I have a feeling that they determined they were going to get a look at everyone, especially since it was parents weekend, and Miller just was one that was out of the mix. I know this week of practice will tell who will be going to Wisconsin, but maybe Hak wanted to get an extra look at Martens to see if he had the game capacity to possibly be making that trip as well. From what I saw last weekend, I would like to see Bishop, Miller and Forney make the trip and play on the same line. It certainly is nice for Hak to have those options though.

I think the Miller, Forney and Bishop line could chip in some goals this season if they give them a chance to play together, they could be very dangerous. This team has a lot of high end speed. Very fast, always on the puck. I like it. QU had trouble getting out of the zone against the speedy Sioux.

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