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Campaign for UND

The Sicatoka

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Those who take the time to read the details of things like Dr. Kupchella's Strategic Plan for UND have known this is coming (see priority/action area G).

Tim O'Keefe was asked about it on KNOX Radio one day over the summer.

It was mentioned by Kupchella at the Fargo Showcase.

And now this morning on KFGO Radio news you hear the man again talking about it.

UND is planning to launch the campaign to establish a $500 million endowment for the University some time between now and 2008.

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You are the company you keep.

What are the established endowments of some recognizable universities*?

$350 to 450 million:

North Carolina State University Foundation

University of Arizona and Foundation

University of Mississippi and Foundation

Virginia Tech Foundation

$450 to 550 million:

Iowa State University and Foundation

University of Utah

Florida State University Foundation

University of Colorado Foundation

University of Georgia and Foundation

University of Miami

$550 to $750 million:

Washington State University

University of Kentucky

University of Louisville Foundation

University of Tennessee System

University of Oklahoma and Foundation

University of Iowa and Foundation

* Data from "2005 NACUBO Endowment Study, ©2006 National Association of College and University Business Officers"

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UND is planning to launch the campaign to establish a $500 million endowment for the University some time between now and 2008.

By 2008!! :lol: Something huge must be up, and very soon. :blush: No way can that type of money be raised by 2008 with $100 donations. So is an athletic endowment fund being set up? And to think all these Bison fans are worried about UND athletics going broke! :huh:

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By 2008!! :lol: Something huge must be up, and very soon. :blush: No way can that type of money be raised by 2008 with $100 donations. So is an athletic endowment fund being set up? And to think all these Bison fans are worried about UND athletics going broke! ;)

Kick-off by 2008. Full-boat target value by 2012 (see link). :huh:

... with $100 donations.

Would I get 20 tickets to a football game against Valparaiso with that?

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I agree - $500 million is a ton of money. Especially if it is to be raised in such a short amount of time. There must be one or two major gifts that will kick this campaign off.

There is a great deal of discussion regarding UND's ability to fund the move to DI athletics (especially from SU fans) and I have been very concerned about this as well. If we make the move, we need to do it "right". To do it "right", it will take a lot of money - especially considering UND's remote location, cost of recruiting, travel, etc. However, I understand from pretty reliable sources that some major commitments were made before the decision was made. I think there are some UND football alumni who have agreed to assist in a big way if we made the move.

As mentioned elsewhere today, the upcoming Facilities Report may also be quite interesting. I believe it will include an indoor track/practice facility that would be built quite soon. Obviously, the money for that would be over and above what anyone was donating to an Athletic endowment and normal contributions to the Fighting Sioux Club.

Our SU fans who continue to find time to post on this site will likely continue to voice their concern about our ability to fund DI but it may not be quite the huge challenge that they envision.

And before anyone jumps to the conclusion that I am implying that the vast majority of this endowment would be for athletics, I am sure that will not be the case but I bet a significant chunk of it will be earmarked for sports.

One other factor that many may not be grasping, UND's decision to wait an extra year was primarily based on the fact that it would allow one extra year of fundraising before the higher expenses truly hit. They had already mailed out all of the Fighting Sioux Club membership info for this school year - at the same level to donations per category as last year. You can bet that the donation levels will go up substantially next year. This will help provide a "cushion" for 2008-9!

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If UND can do this, and I hope you can, I will be extremely impressed. $500M is a massive amount of money to raise. I think NDSU increased its endowments by about $50M over the last three years and that was a major achievement. 10X that in only 4 years(2008-2012) is almost inconcievable. Of course with a number that big, I will have to see it to believe it, but I wish you good luck. The $100-200M that would go towards athletics would be a huge chunk of the money you'll need for a successful DI move.

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  • 6 months later...

04/19/07 -- UND Foundation Total Endowment Portfolio Surpasses $100 Million; Total Assets Exceed $165 Million

Thanks to the support of dedicated alumni and friends, the UND Foundaton's total endowment portfolio has surpassed $100 million, while total assets now in excess of $165 million.

This comes at a time when, like much of the community, the UND Foundation is reflecting on how far it has come since the flood of 1997. In the year following the flood, UND alumni and friends showed their support for the University by providing, what was then, a record number of gifts to the UND Foundation. Nearly 13,000 donations were made, totaling nearly $12 million.

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