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This past season many members mentioned that it would be nice to get together during one of the series, a kind of meet and greet, an opportunity to put a name with a face. Renting a suite was mentioned. I said I would do the work and get the arrangements made.

A tentative schedule has already been posted elsewhere. I was looking at a Saturday night, St. Cloud/CC/Wi, Saturday. November 4/November 25 (Thanksgiving wknd)/December 9. No special reason other than they're early in the season.

The cost of the 28 person suite is $3700./132.14 ea. and we can add 14 more people at the general admission price which would decrease the cost per person. This includes $500. food and bevarage.

The cost of the 10 person suite is $1424./$142.40 ea and we can add an additional 5 persons at the general admission price. This includes $250. food and beverage.

A couple of corporations are holding some dates but have to comfirm by June 19. Julie at REA will call me with those dates and I'll let all know what those 'closed' dates are. I guess the suites are rented out fairly quickly.

This is a pricey endeavor. Let me know if you want me to pursue this or not.

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Siouxman will most likely be in. He will be paying for Southpaw and myself as well. ;) (Thanks Dad) As to whether Mrs. Siouxman will come, not sure, she kind of likes their seats :)

  morley said:
Siouxman will most likely be in. He will be paying for Southpaw and myself as well. ;) (Thanks Dad) As to whether Mrs. Siouxman will come, not sure, she kind of likes their seats :)


Many thanks for heading this up. You can count me and Mrs. Siouxman in. As for Morley and Southpaw, they are on their own for this one (if anyone is thinking mean old dad - Hey, I took them to Milwaukee on my tab). Please put us down for two (2) spots. If we have space available when the time comes, I may be able to round up some additional attendees. They aren't Siouxsports participants, but they are Sioux hockey fans.

Thanks again.

Mr. and Mrs. Siouxman (1+1 = 2)


I'm a definite maybe - depending on price. Would love to get together with everybody else! Sounds like a hoot!!!

Heidisioux=1 maybe (I could possibly round up some other's for the extra seats also). :)


Put me down as a maybe, depending on work conflicts. I will have a much better idea by mid June on potential conflicts for this fall.

For the math impaired, it will work out to a few dollars either side of $100 per person if all seats are filled. So the potential prices are somewhere between $100 and $143 per seat.


The ten person suites are on the corners, and there is a large pole in the middle of the suite. It's tough to talk in there, and gets very crowded when you get more than ten people in one......it's actually crowded with ten people in there.

Just FYI.


OK, we're looking at 10-12 so far. Thanks HockeyMom. Our goal is to get the big suite, so we can be more comfortable.

I think someone said last winter that we can't bring our own food or drinks. I'll double check on that but I think we'll be at the mercy of the REA for both.


You should request a suite behind the students so you can yell at them to sit down and how they are ruining your life by standing. Some of you old farts could even bring your canes with to bop students over the head with.

  Diggler said:
You should request a suite behind the students so you can yell at them to sit down and how they are ruining your life by standing. Some of you old farts could even bring your canes with to bop students over the head with.

Great idea, Dirty! I don't have a cane but I can deliver a great wallop with my walker!!! :)

  Sioux-cia said:
OK, we're looking at 10-12 so far. Thanks HockeyMom. Our goal is to get the big suite, so we can be more comfortable.

I think someone said last winter that we can't bring our own food or drinks. I'll double check on that but I think we'll be at the mercy of the REA for both.

The $500 food and beverage cart won't go very far with a big suite, but they do have alcohol for sale at the suite level. You can get a 12 oz. beer for $2.50 in a glass bottle in several locations.

Sioux-cia, I would also recommend getting at least a down payment from everyone that wants to go so that they are committed. We rented a suite with a large group last year and someone who had asked for four seats backed out at the last minute....it can be rather stressful when you are thinking $125-$150 a seat.


I agree on trying for a large suite. I've been in a corner suite and didn't like it. The downpayment is a good idea, too. You can really hurt someone if you swing your oxygen tank at someone! That will leave a mark!! ;) I think all the food is catered by GF Goodribs and Domino's, with no option of bringing anything of your own. :)

  Siouxman said:


Many thanks for heading this up. You can count me and Mrs. Siouxman in. As for Morley and Southpaw, they are on their own for this one (if anyone is thinking mean old dad - Hey, I took them to Milwaukee on my tab). Please put us down for two (2) spots. If we have space available when the time comes, I may be able to round up some additional attendees. They aren't Siouxsports participants, but they are Sioux hockey fans.

Thanks again.

Mr. and Mrs. Siouxman (1+1 = 2)

Hey now, we were told that was a family trip and didn't have to pay. Plus the Howard Johnson comped all three nights of our stay there. Not to mention if we had sold our tickets for the championship game we would have fairly close to breaking even (never expected the championship game to be that boring ;) )

  siouxnami said:
Figure Siouxnami + 1

Cool Idea :)

OK, 12-14 so far. Now if the Siouxman kids come on board that will be 14-16; halfway there and this is only the first day!!

Good idea on the down payment. I think we have to pay up front but I'm not sure. I'll check that out as well.

  Sioux-cia said:

OK, 12-14 so far. Now if the Siouxman kids come on board that will be 14-16; halfway there and this is only the first day!!

Good idea on the down payment. I think we have to pay up front but I'm not sure. I'll check that out as well.

In all reality, us kids can't afford it, and will gladly take mom and dad's seats for free. Then we can meet them at the front of the suite, get their suite tickets and get in ourselves. Just to look around of course :O


Keep in mind that a 28-person suite does not have 28 seats, it will have 18-20 regular seats and 8-10 bar stools. Because of that, it is tough to add extra people to the suite and give them a good view of the ice. I wouldn't add more than 5-7 people unless some of those people have no interest in watching the game.

While you can't bring your own food and drinks, you can bring food purchased from concession stands up to the suite level. To use your credit up I wouldn't bother with the standard fare that catering offers, it is pretty pricey; I would focus instead on the offerings from Subway and Dominos, which are a better value. Also, the suite level concourse has a couple of cash bars, where you can get all sorts of mixed drinks. Therefore, you can use your credit on beer.

For your $500, you can get (based on 2005-06 prices):

5 cases domestic beer or flavored beer

3 Subway sandwich platters (45 4" subs) or a 6' party sub

2 Dominos specialty pizzas

2 Dominos one topping pizzas

1 pound of potato chips

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